Chapter 116

Shake Sacred Land.

Above the sky.

The two imperial soldiers were facing each other, and after a few collisions, the power of terror completely sank several million li in a radius, forming a vast expanse of desert.

Crimson’s magma spread freely on the ground.

Looking around, my eyes were devastated.

After only a few fights, the two great sages hardly had the power to make another shot. After all, they were not the great emperors, forcibly urging the emperor’s soldiers, which was extremely costly.

The ancestor Chiyan was even more worried.

He noticed that there were several Divine Senses spying here in the void, and every Divine Sense owner was not weaker than him, and these people were obviously unkind.

If I run out of oil and the lamp dries, it is hard to guarantee that these people will be ill-intentioned.

the other side.

Shake the light The old woman of Sacred Land, although her complexion is pale, she is still in the light of the old wind.

Behind myself is Sacred Land.

With the support of the emperor formation, it doesn’t matter if you work hard for the last bit of surplus, anyway, there are other great sages behind you, and it’s not necessary to start the formation.

As long as the ancestor Zhundi returned, none of these people could fight.

“Old Ancestor Chiyan, won’t you go back?”

The old woman said coldly.

Beside her, the Canglong Ding rises and falls, the gods threaten the sky, and the nine Canglong dragons come alive, evolving into a star field, and the heavens and worlds are shaking together.

“The old man has already told you that Yaoguang Holy Lord is a member of the Heavenly Demon Palace. Do you really want to shelter him to the end?”

Old Ancestor Chi Yan drank coldly.


The red flame light above his head bounced, shook out an aura that collapsed the six realms of The Three Realms, strong and domineering, terrifying, and shocking all cultivators.

The few great sages who were investigating the news all regressed.

If the imperial soldiers confront each other again, if they get too close, I am afraid they will be hit by the fish.


The old woman trembled with anger. The Chiyan ancestor opened her mouth and closed her mouth. His Holy Lord is a spy. During this time, I am afraid it will spread to three thousand states!

If I don’t stop it, I’m afraid Shaking Sacred Land will really be a joke.

“This news came from the Tianji Tower, it is absolutely true!”

The ancestor Chi Yan said again.

As soon as this remark came out.

Many of the forces who originally watched the show all had their eyes bright.

Is it possible that the Holy Lord is really the Heavenly Demon spy? This is a breaking news. It was still transmitted from the Heavenly Secret Tower. The truthfulness is almost 100%.

after all.

Nowadays, the three characters Tianjilou are the golden signboards, a list of Tianjiao, which convinces countless forces without any moisture in it.

“It’s just a one-sided word, can there be evidence?”

The old woman sneered coldly, and said: “If there is no evidence, it is not you today, Chi Yan, Sacred Land refuses to give up, but shakes Sacred Land to fight you to the end!”

“Shoot the Holy Lord, call it out and ask!”

Old Ancestor Chi Yan said in a deep voice.


The old woman narrowed her eyes, and she secretly transmitted the voice to a disciple to head to the Head Teacher Great Hall, but after a while, the disciple quickly replied to the message.

Shake the Holy Lord Closed Door Training!

“Closed Door Training?”

The old woman’s heart sank, and she had a somewhat bad premonition, but now is not the time to deal with this matter, the most important thing is to force the Chiyan ancestor back.

“Why, don’t you dare to call out the Holy Lord Shaoguang and confront the old man?”

Old Ancestor Chi Yan took a step forward.

With a “buzz”, the void collapsed, the red flame lamp was indeterminate, flashing extremely shocking light, and a ray of blue flames burned down the Ninth Stage.

This is the fire of the great emperor, which can smelt three thousand worlds and shock the hearts of countless people.

“I shook the Holy Lord, is it a spy? Only the old man and others judge, why do you need outsiders to intervene?”

o 0 Seek flowers ooo ooo

The old woman said coldly.

“So to say…….”

The ancestor Chiyan moved all his beards, the sun and the moon flowed in his eyes, and the Ascension on his body reached the extreme. He said in a cold voice: “My Chiyan Holy Lord fell, you guys shake Sacred Land, don’t you plan to explain it?”

“Then fight!”

Words fall.

Two imperial soldiers rushed into the night at the same time.


As they reopened the war.

Two Daoist shadows, moving from far to near, quietly came to the vicinity of Sacred Land.

….. …… 0

“Is this the emperor soldier?”

Yang Qiu raised his head and looked at the void, his eyes were full of horror, and his heart was throbbing. If it were not for the protection of the ancestor, he would be a Sage, let alone come to the battle center.

I’m afraid it has turned into fly ash just as it approached.

“Don’t be envious, it will be ours soon.”

Meng Qingzhi said enviously.

After losing the quasi-imperial soldier, he was still very greedy for a real imperial soldier, not only for the imperial soldier of Sacred Land, but also for the imperial soldier of Chiyan Sacred Land.

The two Sacred Lands, their ancient emperors, have all been confirmed to have fallen. It can be said that whoever grabs the emperor is the one who owns them.

at the moment.

There is only one he can grab. If he grabs this one, the other one will be stunned in an instant, and then run away. Compare the two.

Still shaking Sacred Land is a good deal.


Their lair, right in front of them, can not only snatch imperial soldiers, but also their millions of years of heritage!

Meng Qingzhi took a deep breath, and before coming to the big formation, a Jade Slip appeared in his hand, which clearly recorded a route that could go straight to the depths of Sacred Land.

“Go in!”

Meng Qingzhi said something and took Yang Qiu into it with strides. Big.

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