Fantasy: Start with a stick
Chapter 126
彼得·帕克和内德这两位“超级英雄”(两位头号隐形人铁粉自称)受到了特殊的邀请,他们将在首映礼后的派对上与各路好莱坞大咖亲密的眼神“接触”。两人穿着整洁的男孩西装,站在红毯入口,一脸好奇地望着到来的嘉宾 。
"哇,内德,这真的太不可思议了!" 彼得兴奋地说道。
内德也兴奋地点头,眼睛炯炯有神 。
正当两人兴奋地讨论时,红毯上开始出现一辆辆豪华轿车,从中走出一位位身穿时尚礼服的好莱坞巨星。名人名模们挥手微笑,摄影师的闪光灯如火如荼,捕捉着每一个明星的瞬间 。
"嘿,看!那不是托尼·斯塔克吗?" 彼得突然兴奋地指着远处的一位穿着一身炫酷西装的男人。
随着更多的嘉宾的到来,现场热闹非凡。好莱坞的一线明星纷纷亮相,让整个红毯一片璀璨 。
"嘿,看那边,是哈赛尔(隐形人)和伊丽莎白(女主)!" 内德再次惊呼,他的目光被两位主演吸引住了。
在好莱坞的灯火通明之下,托尼·斯塔克和佩珀·波茨一同走出了一辆豪华轿车,而托尼的表情显然有些疲惫。他的西装整洁而时尚,但他的眼神透露出疲倦和不耐烦 。
"托尼,你确定要来吗?" 佩珀温柔地询问道,她知道托尼并不是一个热衷于社交场合的人。
托尼耸了耸肩,露出一丝笑容 。
"当然,佩珀。既然我们已经确认了关系,这是一个绝佳的机会,我可不想错过。而且,听说这部《隐形人2》相当不错,我们可以在电影后欢度一个愉快的“夜晚 ”。"
两人走进影院大厅,立刻被奢华的布置和明星荟萃的氛围所包围。摄影师的闪光灯不断闪烁,记录下每一个明星和嘉宾的瞬间。托尼不由得皱了皱眉,但佩珀轻轻拍了拍他的背,示意他放松 。
"托尼,不要太担心,今晚只是一个愉快的活动,我们可以好好享受 。" 佩珀柔声说道。
当电影结束时,观众们爆发出热烈的掌声。托尼和佩珀也跟着鼓掌,表示对电影的赞赏 。
"真是一部出色的电影," 托尼对佩珀说道,他的表情也变得轻松愉快。
佩珀笑了笑,满意地点头 。
"是的,托尼,今晚过得真是愉快 。"
佩珀听了托尼的话,脸上泛起一抹红晕,她不禁拍打了一下托尼的手臂 。
"托尼,你总是这样 ……" 她有些生气地说道,但眼中却流露出一丝玩笑。
托尼则玩世不恭地耸了耸肩,露出一个调皮的笑容 。
"嘿,佩珀,你知道我是个怎样的人 。" 他故意做出一副无辜的样子,然后轻轻抚摸了一下佩珀的手。
佩珀无奈地摇了摇头,她已经习惯了托尼的幽默和调皮。她嘴角微微上扬,眼中充满了深情 。
"是的,我知道你是怎样的人,托尼。但我还是喜欢你这个怎样的人 。"
托尼的笑容变得温柔,他握紧了佩珀的手 。
"我也喜欢你,佩珀 。" 他轻声说道,然后倾身亲吻了她的额头。
隐形人原本打算悄悄出现,只是过来打个招呼,但却不小心碰到了托尼和佩珀甜蜜的一幕。他感到有些尴尬,但又不好意思立刻离开 。
"啊,嘿,托尼,佩珀," 哈赛尔有些为难地说道,试图打破这尴尬的局面。
托尼和佩珀同时回过头,惊讶地看着哈赛尔。托尼的表情有些尴尬,他没有想到哈赛尔会突然出现 。
"哈赛尔,你怎么在这里?" 佩珀问道,她也感到有些不好意思,毕竟他们被发现在电影首映礼上秘密亲热,这让她感到有些不自在。
哈赛尔挠了挠头,笑了笑,试图让气氛轻松一些 。
"呃,其实我是看你们来了,所以打算跟你打声招呼 。"
托尼也试图平复尴尬,他笑了笑 。
"嘿,哈赛尔,没事的。我们只是在享受电影之后的闲聊时间,你别想太多 。" 托尼说道,试图解除这个尴尬的瞬间。
哈赛尔点了点头,感到有些释然 。
"Yes, that's right, I just happened to pass by. Well, so, did you like watching the movie? "
Pepper nodded, her expression gentle.。
"Yes, the movie is wonderful. You did a great job, Hassell.。"
Hassell accepted Pepper's compliment with a smile, and then said to Tony to ease the embarrassment: "Tony, I heard that you have made some new inventions and technological breakthroughs recently, right?" Tony nodded
. , his eyes sparkled with excitement。
" Yes, Hassel, I have some new ideas in mecha recently and am conducting some experiments. When I get a chance, I can show it to you.。"
Hassell is very excited. He has always had a strong interest in technology and machinery (life-saving).。
"Awesome Tony, I look forward to seeing your new invention。" he said, his eyes full of curiosity。
“Can. "Tony Stark nodded with a smile, but did not bring the topic to the Hawke Group.
Although the embarrassing moment just happened, the atmosphere now has begun to become relaxed and friendly.
Pepper Potts Looking at this scene, I found that since his body recovered, Tony seemed to pay more and more attention to "himself"? Or "an important person"? In love, Tony became less and less concerned about his superhero career, but Invest in yourself and the group“、”"Life".
The two said goodbye to the invisible man amicably.
Pepper continued to think about Tony's changes silently. She knew that Tony was a crazy workaholic in the past, always busy developing new technologies and responding to various threats. But now , he seemed to pay more attention to his family and personal life, and even became more gentle and caring about her。
"Tony," Pepper said suddenly, her voice gentle and slightly worried, "You have changed a lot recently. I'm touched that you seem to be focusing more on your family and our relationship, but I also want to make sure that you don't neglect your career and responsibilities.。"
Tony knew what "career and responsibility" Pepper was talking about.
Tony looked at Pepper, his eyes full of love and seriousness。
"Pepper," he said softly, "you know I used to be too obsessed with work, but now I understand something. Family and personal life are equally important and I don’t want to ignore them anymore. But at the same time, I also learned that I could better balance work and family. I won't let you worry, I will try my best。"
Pepper heard Tony's words and understood what Tony meant, to better balance work and family.
Syndicates and families, not superheroes!
The thoughts in my heart are unclear and I simply don’t think about it.
A warm smile appeared on Pepper's face and she squeezed Tony's hand。
"I believe you, Tony. Your changes have made our lives better and I feel very happy。"
Tony also smiled, and he kissed Pepper's hand gently.。
"I'm happy too, Pepper. We face the challenges of the future together, and no matter what happens, we will be together。"
On this bright night in Hollywood, Tony Stark and Pepper Potts' love became stronger, and they faced the possibilities of the future together with confidence and hope.
At the same time, the invisible man was watching silently. He saw the deep affection between Tony and Pepper and felt the special relationship between them. He couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth in his heart. Perhaps, in this world, there are not only the magnificence of superheroes, but also ordinary and sincere love, which together constitute the beauty of this world.。
“well......I am an out-and-out bad guy, when did I become so righteous? When did it start? "The invisible man laughed at himself, turned and left.
彼得·帕克和内德这两位“超级英雄”(两位头号隐形人铁粉自称)受到了特殊的邀请,他们将在首映礼后的派对上与各路好莱坞大咖亲密的眼神“接触”。两人穿着整洁的男孩西装,站在红毯入口,一脸好奇地望着到来的嘉宾 。
"哇,内德,这真的太不可思议了!" 彼得兴奋地说道。
内德也兴奋地点头,眼睛炯炯有神 。
正当两人兴奋地讨论时,红毯上开始出现一辆辆豪华轿车,从中走出一位位身穿时尚礼服的好莱坞巨星。名人名模们挥手微笑,摄影师的闪光灯如火如荼,捕捉着每一个明星的瞬间 。
"嘿,看!那不是托尼·斯塔克吗?" 彼得突然兴奋地指着远处的一位穿着一身炫酷西装的男人。
随着更多的嘉宾的到来,现场热闹非凡。好莱坞的一线明星纷纷亮相,让整个红毯一片璀璨 。
"嘿,看那边,是哈赛尔(隐形人)和伊丽莎白(女主)!" 内德再次惊呼,他的目光被两位主演吸引住了。
在好莱坞的灯火通明之下,托尼·斯塔克和佩珀·波茨一同走出了一辆豪华轿车,而托尼的表情显然有些疲惫。他的西装整洁而时尚,但他的眼神透露出疲倦和不耐烦 。
"托尼,你确定要来吗?" 佩珀温柔地询问道,她知道托尼并不是一个热衷于社交场合的人。
托尼耸了耸肩,露出一丝笑容 。
"当然,佩珀。既然我们已经确认了关系,这是一个绝佳的机会,我可不想错过。而且,听说这部《隐形人2》相当不错,我们可以在电影后欢度一个愉快的“夜晚 ”。"
两人走进影院大厅,立刻被奢华的布置和明星荟萃的氛围所包围。摄影师的闪光灯不断闪烁,记录下每一个明星和嘉宾的瞬间。托尼不由得皱了皱眉,但佩珀轻轻拍了拍他的背,示意他放松 。
"托尼,不要太担心,今晚只是一个愉快的活动,我们可以好好享受 。" 佩珀柔声说道。
当电影结束时,观众们爆发出热烈的掌声。托尼和佩珀也跟着鼓掌,表示对电影的赞赏 。
"真是一部出色的电影," 托尼对佩珀说道,他的表情也变得轻松愉快。
佩珀笑了笑,满意地点头 。
"是的,托尼,今晚过得真是愉快 。"
佩珀听了托尼的话,脸上泛起一抹红晕,她不禁拍打了一下托尼的手臂 。
"托尼,你总是这样 ……" 她有些生气地说道,但眼中却流露出一丝玩笑。
托尼则玩世不恭地耸了耸肩,露出一个调皮的笑容 。
"嘿,佩珀,你知道我是个怎样的人 。" 他故意做出一副无辜的样子,然后轻轻抚摸了一下佩珀的手。
佩珀无奈地摇了摇头,她已经习惯了托尼的幽默和调皮。她嘴角微微上扬,眼中充满了深情 。
"是的,我知道你是怎样的人,托尼。但我还是喜欢你这个怎样的人 。"
托尼的笑容变得温柔,他握紧了佩珀的手 。
"我也喜欢你,佩珀 。" 他轻声说道,然后倾身亲吻了她的额头。
隐形人原本打算悄悄出现,只是过来打个招呼,但却不小心碰到了托尼和佩珀甜蜜的一幕。他感到有些尴尬,但又不好意思立刻离开 。
"啊,嘿,托尼,佩珀," 哈赛尔有些为难地说道,试图打破这尴尬的局面。
托尼和佩珀同时回过头,惊讶地看着哈赛尔。托尼的表情有些尴尬,他没有想到哈赛尔会突然出现 。
"哈赛尔,你怎么在这里?" 佩珀问道,她也感到有些不好意思,毕竟他们被发现在电影首映礼上秘密亲热,这让她感到有些不自在。
哈赛尔挠了挠头,笑了笑,试图让气氛轻松一些 。
"呃,其实我是看你们来了,所以打算跟你打声招呼 。"
托尼也试图平复尴尬,他笑了笑 。
"嘿,哈赛尔,没事的。我们只是在享受电影之后的闲聊时间,你别想太多 。" 托尼说道,试图解除这个尴尬的瞬间。
哈赛尔点了点头,感到有些释然 。
"Yes, that's right, I just happened to pass by. Well, so, did you like watching the movie? "
Pepper nodded, her expression gentle.。
"Yes, the movie is wonderful. You did a great job, Hassell.。"
Hassell accepted Pepper's compliment with a smile, and then said to Tony to ease the embarrassment: "Tony, I heard that you have made some new inventions and technological breakthroughs recently, right?" Tony nodded
. , his eyes sparkled with excitement。
" Yes, Hassel, I have some new ideas in mecha recently and am conducting some experiments. When I get a chance, I can show it to you.。"
Hassell is very excited. He has always had a strong interest in technology and machinery (life-saving).。
"Awesome Tony, I look forward to seeing your new invention。" he said, his eyes full of curiosity。
“Can. "Tony Stark nodded with a smile, but did not bring the topic to the Hawke Group.
Although the embarrassing moment just happened, the atmosphere now has begun to become relaxed and friendly.
Pepper Potts Looking at this scene, I found that since his body recovered, Tony seemed to pay more and more attention to "himself"? Or "an important person"? In love, Tony became less and less concerned about his superhero career, but Invest in yourself and the group“、”"Life".
The two said goodbye to the invisible man amicably.
Pepper continued to think about Tony's changes silently. She knew that Tony was a crazy workaholic in the past, always busy developing new technologies and responding to various threats. But now , he seemed to pay more attention to his family and personal life, and even became more gentle and caring about her。
"Tony," Pepper said suddenly, her voice gentle and slightly worried, "You have changed a lot recently. I'm touched that you seem to be focusing more on your family and our relationship, but I also want to make sure that you don't neglect your career and responsibilities.。"
Tony knew what "career and responsibility" Pepper was talking about.
Tony looked at Pepper, his eyes full of love and seriousness。
"Pepper," he said softly, "you know I used to be too obsessed with work, but now I understand something. Family and personal life are equally important and I don’t want to ignore them anymore. But at the same time, I also learned that I could better balance work and family. I won't let you worry, I will try my best。"
Pepper heard Tony's words and understood what Tony meant, to better balance work and family.
Syndicates and families, not superheroes!
The thoughts in my heart are unclear and I simply don’t think about it.
A warm smile appeared on Pepper's face and she squeezed Tony's hand。
"I believe you, Tony. Your changes have made our lives better and I feel very happy。"
Tony also smiled, and he kissed Pepper's hand gently.。
"I'm happy too, Pepper. We face the challenges of the future together, and no matter what happens, we will be together。"
On this bright night in Hollywood, Tony Stark and Pepper Potts' love became stronger, and they faced the possibilities of the future together with confidence and hope.
At the same time, the invisible man was watching silently. He saw the deep affection between Tony and Pepper and felt the special relationship between them. He couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth in his heart. Perhaps, in this world, there are not only the magnificence of superheroes, but also ordinary and sincere love, which together constitute the beauty of this world.。
“well......I am an out-and-out bad guy, when did I become so righteous? When did it start? "The invisible man laughed at himself, turned and left.
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