Fantasy: Start with a stick
Chapter 84
"先生,收到一封匿名的邮件 。” 贾维斯的声音响起 。
“念 。”
“托尼·斯塔克,如果你想救回詹姆斯·罗德,就来XXXX……我等着你哦。”贾维斯有板有眼地念着 。
不用猜也知道,一定是曼达林的手笔 。
“先生,电光人前来访问,是否让他进来?”贾维斯还未说完 。
“让他进来 。” 托尼·斯塔克冷静下来,抬起头看向贾维斯。
电光人走进实验室,面无表情地看着托尼·斯塔克 。
“虽然不知道你为什么来,但一定是有重要的线索吧 。” 托尼·斯塔克冷静地说道 。
“是的,我抓到的曼达林只是一位落魄的演员 。”
“等等 。” 托尼·斯塔克连忙打断,皱着眉头问道:“那个在演讲的曼达林其实是一位演员? ”
“是的 。” 电光人点头 。
“天啊,真是让人恶心,居然让我像个傻瓜一样。对着一位演员发怒 。” 托尼·斯塔克感觉十分尴尬 。
“他们的其中一项计划是消灭总统,另一项计划,就是对付你 。” 电光人望着四周的钢铁战甲说道 。
“消灭我?” 托尼·斯塔克露出戏谑的笑容,“看来我得给这些冒烟的家伙浇浇水,才能平息他们的热情。”
电光人没有理会托尼·斯塔克戏谑的表情,而是接着说道:“根据演员特雷弗·斯莱特里提供的情报的真实性来看,有一位叫做阿尔德雷奇的人,你认识吗? ”
“认识,我查到了他的一些资料,比如他的公司,但我最近都没能发现他到底躲在哪里 。” 托尼·斯塔克点头,接着说:“你是想说,他就是我的对手? ”
“我在来的路上遇到了超能V,他说绝境战士似乎有了更加强大的能力。在高温之上,还获得了类似火焰、雷电等的超能力 。”
“超能力!” 托尼·斯塔克的瞳孔收缩了一下,随后制止住想要说话的电光人道:“你的说法,让我想到了一些灵感。”
托尼·斯塔克开始对着实验室的屏幕进行操作,电光人默默地看着他 。
“根据绝境病毒的特性,自愈、高温、断体重生,如果我的数据没有错误的话 。” 托尼·斯塔克自言自语道:“或许超能力真的可行,尤其是火焰的能力,绝对是与绝境病毒相配的 。”
托尼·斯塔克的眼神越发瞪大,甚至有些跃跃欲试 。
“如果是这样的话,或许 ......” 托尼·斯塔克的眼中闪烁着一丝兴奋的光芒 。
邮件中的地址位于一处废弃的工业区,此时已被绝境战士们占据。一大群绝境战士,散发着高温的热浪,准备迎战托尼·斯塔克 。
“绝境战士们,听令,对付托尼·斯塔克,让他尝尝我们的力量!” 一名绝境战士发出命令,其他战士纷纷展开攻势。
托尼·斯塔克稳稳站在原地,钢铁战甲的防御系统迅速展开,形成一道坚不可摧的防护罩。他深知绝境战士的能力,对付他们必须更加谨慎 。
“来吧,让我看看你们的火焰有多热!” 托尼·斯塔克不屑的说着,坚定地面对着绝境战士们的攻击。
托尼·斯塔克突然展开反击,从钢铁战甲中发射出一颗针剂,射向绝境战士中的一名。针剂准确地命中目标,释放出特殊药剂 。
“这是什么?” 被针剂击中的绝境战士疑惑地抬起手,然后发现他的绝境病毒能力似乎消失了 。
“看来我的猜想是对的!” 托尼·斯塔克喜色溢于言表,他继续发射针剂,将药剂传播给更多的绝境战士。
随着绝境病毒被抑制,绝境战士们的高温能力逐渐降低,自愈效果也不再那么迅速。他们开始感到虚弱,丧失了之前的威势 。
“不!我们不能输!” 一名绝境战士咆哮着,但他已经无法抵挡托尼·斯塔克的攻势。
托尼·斯塔克趁机发动了更加猛烈的攻击,利用钢铁战甲的武器系统,将剩余的绝境战士全部击败 。
“游戏结束 。” 托尼·斯塔克冷冷地望着倒地的绝境战士们。
托尼·斯塔克迅速避开那道凶猛的火焰,火焰带着灼热的气息,让周围的温度瞬间升高。他目光凝重地注视着对面的两位绝境战士,埃里克·萨文和埃伦·勃兰特 。
“看来你们不是普通的绝境战士 。” 托尼·斯塔克冷静地说道,同时调整着钢铁战甲的战斗模式 。
“我们是阿尔德雷奇的执行者,没有人能阻止我们执行任务 。” 埃里克·萨文嘴角勾起一抹狞笑,他们是经过实验后诞生的高级超能力绝境战士,掌握着强大的火焰能力,威胁不可小觑。
托尼·斯塔克并不想在这个地方引发更大的战斗,他知道这里的工业区有许多无辜的工人和市民,一旦战斗失控,后果将不堪设想。他必须尽快制服这两名绝境战士,找到罗德并离开这里 。
“我不想和你们为敌,但你们却选择了错误的道路 。” 托尼·斯塔克的声音坚定又平静,他并没有轻视对手,毕竟他们都是经过绝境病毒改造的强大敌人。
托尼·斯塔克灵活地躲避着火焰的袭击,同时从战甲中射出一系列激光束。激光和火焰在空中交织,形成壮观的景象,但两方都在竭尽全力 。
“先生,小心!” 贾维斯的声音在托尼的耳机中响起,提醒他周围的局势。
面对如此强大的火焰能力,托尼·斯塔克决定展示自己新研发对付绝境战士的武器系统。他按下战甲上的按钮,钢铁战甲的背部打开,从里面升起一台巨大的喷射装置 。
“Look at me! "Tony Stark shouted loudly, controlling the jet device to spray a powerful airflow towards Eric Savin.
The airflow instantly swallowed up the flame vortex and involved Eric Savin. The control of the flames was lost. The balance then dissipated, causing Eric to fall into a brief state of loss of control.
Taking advantage of this opportunity, Tony Stark quickly switched targets and rushed towards Ellen Brandt who was trying to get close to him. He controlled the fists of the suit, Released lasers and energy beams, and launched a fierce battle with Ellen Brandt.
The battle was extremely fierce, with both sides going back and forth, regardless of the outcome. Ellen Brandt's fire ability was extremely powerful, but Tony ·The defense of Stark's steel armor is also extremely powerful, allowing him to always maintain an advantage.。
“I won't let you hurt anyone again! "Tony Stark did not flinch. He knew that there were responsibilities and obligations behind him. He must stop the conspiracy of these desperate warriors.
The battle between Tony Stark and Ellen Brandt was extremely fierce, with lasers and flames intertwined. , forming a spectacular sight. The defense of the steel armor allowed Tony to withstand Ellen's fire attacks, and at the same time, he constantly launched counterattacks, trying to defeat Ellen。
“You'd better just surrender! "Ellen Brandt laughed wildly, and his fire power continued to burst out, trying to push Tony into a desperate situation.
Tony Stark's eyes were firm, and he knew that the battle at this time was very critical, and victory meant that Rhodes was expected to be rescued. He Adjusting his battle strategy, he tried to find a breakthrough.
Suddenly, he had an idea and observed that Ellen Brandt's fire ability did not seem to be infinitely durable. He noticed that Ellen would pause briefly after each release of flames, This is a sign of her physical exhaustion。
“This is your flaw! " Tony Stark's heart moved, and he decided to seize this opportunity.
When Ellen released the flames again, Tony used the speed and flexibility of the steel armor to quickly shuttle between the flames and found a suitable moment for attack. He launched a series of precise laser attacks, targeting Ellen Brandt's most physically demanding areas.。
“You can't escape it! "Tony Stark shouted loudly, and at the same time controlled the fist of the suit, and quickly struck a fatal blow towards Ellen Brandt. Ellen tried to dodge tiredly, but her fire attack became not accurate and powerful enough. Tony's offensive pushed her into a desperate situation.
Ellen Brandt's fire attack gradually weakened, and she was unable to resist Tony Stark's attack. After being hit by him, her whole body was punched away and she fell to the ground. Land. At the same time, Eric Savin saw that his companion was in a bad situation and also launched a fire attack in an attempt to provide cover for Ellen.。
“You have already failed and there is no point in continuing.。” Tony Stark looked at Eric Savin with determined eyes, and then turned to Ellen Brandt who fell to the ground. He didn't want to drag out this fight because he knew time was very important to him.
“念 。”
“托尼·斯塔克,如果你想救回詹姆斯·罗德,就来XXXX……我等着你哦。”贾维斯有板有眼地念着 。
不用猜也知道,一定是曼达林的手笔 。
“先生,电光人前来访问,是否让他进来?”贾维斯还未说完 。
“让他进来 。” 托尼·斯塔克冷静下来,抬起头看向贾维斯。
电光人走进实验室,面无表情地看着托尼·斯塔克 。
“虽然不知道你为什么来,但一定是有重要的线索吧 。” 托尼·斯塔克冷静地说道 。
“是的,我抓到的曼达林只是一位落魄的演员 。”
“等等 。” 托尼·斯塔克连忙打断,皱着眉头问道:“那个在演讲的曼达林其实是一位演员? ”
“是的 。” 电光人点头 。
“天啊,真是让人恶心,居然让我像个傻瓜一样。对着一位演员发怒 。” 托尼·斯塔克感觉十分尴尬 。
“他们的其中一项计划是消灭总统,另一项计划,就是对付你 。” 电光人望着四周的钢铁战甲说道 。
“消灭我?” 托尼·斯塔克露出戏谑的笑容,“看来我得给这些冒烟的家伙浇浇水,才能平息他们的热情。”
电光人没有理会托尼·斯塔克戏谑的表情,而是接着说道:“根据演员特雷弗·斯莱特里提供的情报的真实性来看,有一位叫做阿尔德雷奇的人,你认识吗? ”
“认识,我查到了他的一些资料,比如他的公司,但我最近都没能发现他到底躲在哪里 。” 托尼·斯塔克点头,接着说:“你是想说,他就是我的对手? ”
“我在来的路上遇到了超能V,他说绝境战士似乎有了更加强大的能力。在高温之上,还获得了类似火焰、雷电等的超能力 。”
“超能力!” 托尼·斯塔克的瞳孔收缩了一下,随后制止住想要说话的电光人道:“你的说法,让我想到了一些灵感。”
托尼·斯塔克开始对着实验室的屏幕进行操作,电光人默默地看着他 。
“根据绝境病毒的特性,自愈、高温、断体重生,如果我的数据没有错误的话 。” 托尼·斯塔克自言自语道:“或许超能力真的可行,尤其是火焰的能力,绝对是与绝境病毒相配的 。”
托尼·斯塔克的眼神越发瞪大,甚至有些跃跃欲试 。
“如果是这样的话,或许 ......” 托尼·斯塔克的眼中闪烁着一丝兴奋的光芒 。
邮件中的地址位于一处废弃的工业区,此时已被绝境战士们占据。一大群绝境战士,散发着高温的热浪,准备迎战托尼·斯塔克 。
“绝境战士们,听令,对付托尼·斯塔克,让他尝尝我们的力量!” 一名绝境战士发出命令,其他战士纷纷展开攻势。
托尼·斯塔克稳稳站在原地,钢铁战甲的防御系统迅速展开,形成一道坚不可摧的防护罩。他深知绝境战士的能力,对付他们必须更加谨慎 。
“来吧,让我看看你们的火焰有多热!” 托尼·斯塔克不屑的说着,坚定地面对着绝境战士们的攻击。
托尼·斯塔克突然展开反击,从钢铁战甲中发射出一颗针剂,射向绝境战士中的一名。针剂准确地命中目标,释放出特殊药剂 。
“这是什么?” 被针剂击中的绝境战士疑惑地抬起手,然后发现他的绝境病毒能力似乎消失了 。
“看来我的猜想是对的!” 托尼·斯塔克喜色溢于言表,他继续发射针剂,将药剂传播给更多的绝境战士。
随着绝境病毒被抑制,绝境战士们的高温能力逐渐降低,自愈效果也不再那么迅速。他们开始感到虚弱,丧失了之前的威势 。
“不!我们不能输!” 一名绝境战士咆哮着,但他已经无法抵挡托尼·斯塔克的攻势。
托尼·斯塔克趁机发动了更加猛烈的攻击,利用钢铁战甲的武器系统,将剩余的绝境战士全部击败 。
“游戏结束 。” 托尼·斯塔克冷冷地望着倒地的绝境战士们。
托尼·斯塔克迅速避开那道凶猛的火焰,火焰带着灼热的气息,让周围的温度瞬间升高。他目光凝重地注视着对面的两位绝境战士,埃里克·萨文和埃伦·勃兰特 。
“看来你们不是普通的绝境战士 。” 托尼·斯塔克冷静地说道,同时调整着钢铁战甲的战斗模式 。
“我们是阿尔德雷奇的执行者,没有人能阻止我们执行任务 。” 埃里克·萨文嘴角勾起一抹狞笑,他们是经过实验后诞生的高级超能力绝境战士,掌握着强大的火焰能力,威胁不可小觑。
托尼·斯塔克并不想在这个地方引发更大的战斗,他知道这里的工业区有许多无辜的工人和市民,一旦战斗失控,后果将不堪设想。他必须尽快制服这两名绝境战士,找到罗德并离开这里 。
“我不想和你们为敌,但你们却选择了错误的道路 。” 托尼·斯塔克的声音坚定又平静,他并没有轻视对手,毕竟他们都是经过绝境病毒改造的强大敌人。
托尼·斯塔克灵活地躲避着火焰的袭击,同时从战甲中射出一系列激光束。激光和火焰在空中交织,形成壮观的景象,但两方都在竭尽全力 。
“先生,小心!” 贾维斯的声音在托尼的耳机中响起,提醒他周围的局势。
面对如此强大的火焰能力,托尼·斯塔克决定展示自己新研发对付绝境战士的武器系统。他按下战甲上的按钮,钢铁战甲的背部打开,从里面升起一台巨大的喷射装置 。
“Look at me! "Tony Stark shouted loudly, controlling the jet device to spray a powerful airflow towards Eric Savin.
The airflow instantly swallowed up the flame vortex and involved Eric Savin. The control of the flames was lost. The balance then dissipated, causing Eric to fall into a brief state of loss of control.
Taking advantage of this opportunity, Tony Stark quickly switched targets and rushed towards Ellen Brandt who was trying to get close to him. He controlled the fists of the suit, Released lasers and energy beams, and launched a fierce battle with Ellen Brandt.
The battle was extremely fierce, with both sides going back and forth, regardless of the outcome. Ellen Brandt's fire ability was extremely powerful, but Tony ·The defense of Stark's steel armor is also extremely powerful, allowing him to always maintain an advantage.。
“I won't let you hurt anyone again! "Tony Stark did not flinch. He knew that there were responsibilities and obligations behind him. He must stop the conspiracy of these desperate warriors.
The battle between Tony Stark and Ellen Brandt was extremely fierce, with lasers and flames intertwined. , forming a spectacular sight. The defense of the steel armor allowed Tony to withstand Ellen's fire attacks, and at the same time, he constantly launched counterattacks, trying to defeat Ellen。
“You'd better just surrender! "Ellen Brandt laughed wildly, and his fire power continued to burst out, trying to push Tony into a desperate situation.
Tony Stark's eyes were firm, and he knew that the battle at this time was very critical, and victory meant that Rhodes was expected to be rescued. He Adjusting his battle strategy, he tried to find a breakthrough.
Suddenly, he had an idea and observed that Ellen Brandt's fire ability did not seem to be infinitely durable. He noticed that Ellen would pause briefly after each release of flames, This is a sign of her physical exhaustion。
“This is your flaw! " Tony Stark's heart moved, and he decided to seize this opportunity.
When Ellen released the flames again, Tony used the speed and flexibility of the steel armor to quickly shuttle between the flames and found a suitable moment for attack. He launched a series of precise laser attacks, targeting Ellen Brandt's most physically demanding areas.。
“You can't escape it! "Tony Stark shouted loudly, and at the same time controlled the fist of the suit, and quickly struck a fatal blow towards Ellen Brandt. Ellen tried to dodge tiredly, but her fire attack became not accurate and powerful enough. Tony's offensive pushed her into a desperate situation.
Ellen Brandt's fire attack gradually weakened, and she was unable to resist Tony Stark's attack. After being hit by him, her whole body was punched away and she fell to the ground. Land. At the same time, Eric Savin saw that his companion was in a bad situation and also launched a fire attack in an attempt to provide cover for Ellen.。
“You have already failed and there is no point in continuing.。” Tony Stark looked at Eric Savin with determined eyes, and then turned to Ellen Brandt who fell to the ground. He didn't want to drag out this fight because he knew time was very important to him.
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