Chapter 103: Three Kilometers in the Deep Sea

Lan Xiaoli didn’t know what fate she was about to face, she was just doing her best to make her mother cry again.

Xiao Lin remained silent for a long time, and made up his mind slightly, with a touch of firmness in his eyes.

“Old Aunt Lan, don’t worry, you and Lier will be fine.”

Xiao Lin abruptly stood up and said in a deep voice, “I will go to the deep water area now to see how tightly guarded their energy station is.”

“What did you say?”

Lan Xiufen was taken aback, and shook her head hurriedly: “Xiao Xiao, this is absolutely impossible, you must not be impulsive!”

“The energy station is located three kilometers in the deep sea, and it is not the same world as the shallow water.”

“With your skills, perhaps no one is your opponent in shallow water. But if you go to deep water, it will be extremely difficult to move and breathe normally even if you want to move normally.”

“Not to mention that there are countless marine residents in the deep water area. All of them are monsters that eat blood and kill people like hemp. If you go there, you will definitely not be able to come back alive…”

Before Lan Xiufen finished speaking, a faint white light flashed in front of Xiao Lin’s body.

“Old Aunt Lan, don’t worry, I’m different from everyone else.”

In the next second, the white light turned into dust and merged into the air, and Xiao Lin disappeared instantly, as if the world had evaporated, and no trace of it was visible.

Lan Xiaoli couldn’t help rubbing her eyes, her small mouth grew into an “O” shape in surprise: “Mother, how did Xiao Lin Dage disappear?”

“I’m afraid he has already left the shallow water area and headed towards the deep water area.”

Lan Xiufen sighed heavily, with a bitter smile on her face: “Lier, I don’t think Xiao Lin Dage may be back again.”


Lan Xiaoli’s eyes widened in an instant, and she almost shed tears: “Xiao Lin Dage…will he die?”

“I guess so.”

Lan Xiufen rubbed Lan Xiaoli’s hair lightly, a faint light appeared in her gloomy eyes.

“But if he can come back, he will not only be our benefactor from now on.”

“But the savior of the entire shallow water area.”

Xiao Lin used Spiritual Qi to teleport out of the house, leaving the residential area all the way to the end of the shallow water area.

The residential area in the shallow water area is built on a boulder in the sea, and at the end is an endless cliff, underneath is the pitch-black deep sea, and you can’t see your five fingers when you reach out.

After swallowing the Medicine Pill earlier, Xiao Lin not only mastered the language of the merman tribe, but also got part of the memory of the old merman tribe man Hou Qing met.

It is very easy for the residents of the deep water area to get to the shallow water area, but it is extremely difficult for the shallow water area to get into the deep water area.

If residents in shallow waters are forced to look for treasures in deep waters, the only way is through the surrounding steep cliffs.

You can enter the dangerous deep water by jumping off the cliff, but there is a great risk.

Before the desperate residents entered the deep water area, they were fully armed and prepared in advance.

But this is the case, and more than half of the people were torn to pieces by the strong pressure of the deep water before entering the deep water area.

Of course, for Xiao Lin, there is no need to prepare, as long as he jumps directly.

Immediately, Xiao Lin didn’t delay much time, and jumped down the cliff, heading straight for the dark abyss below.

He poured Spirit Power into his back, condensed two wings, and swooped down all the way against the pressure and buoyancy of the deep sea.

As Xiao Lin’s place got deeper and deeper, the surrounding environment also changed drastically every second.

The seawater in the shallow water area is light blue, except for being surrounded by seawater, it is basically the same as on land.

At this time, entering the deep water area, the surrounding environment gradually darkened, and even dimly, he couldn’t see his fingers. As if in the eternal night, it will never be dark forever.

After diving for about 3,000 meters in the deep sea, Xiao Lin saw the dim light drifting in the distance.

Looking closely, the dim light was an island.

Immediately, Xiao Lin stopped continuing to dive and swam dexterously in the direction of the island.

The shallow water area is built on a huge boulder, and the deep water area is composed of relatively small rocks.

In comparison, the deep water area is like an archipelago composed of more than a dozen small islands, while the shallow water area is a large island like Yanyan Island.

Xiao Lin shuttled dexterously like a fish, and easily landed on the island.

After boarding the island, Xiao Lin was shocked to discover that this was not a small island, but a very vast coral reef.

This coral reef covers an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters, and the scale is comparable to that of a small island.

At this time, Xiao Lin was stepping on the coral reef, and there was no one person around, a building, only pitch black with no fingers.

“Strange, is this an island?”

Xiao Lin was suspicious, and a trace of Spiritual Qi lingered around his fingertips, condensed into white light, using this white light as a flashlight to dispel the surrounding darkness.

With the illumination of Spiritual Qi, Xiao Lin could see clearly.

This coral reef is covered with a thin dark blue hard shell, making the surface above it smooth and smooth.

And on the coral reef under the hard shell, there are countless holes.

Each hole is about three meters deep, and the width is only enough for one person to pass up and down, just like a well.

Countless holes are densely arranged together, which makes people feel creepy when they look at it.

But what made Xiao Lin even more chilled was that in every hole, there was actually a human man.

These men were sealed in the various holes in the coral reef, holding an iron pickaxe in their hands, each with a crystal stone emitting a weird purple light in front of them, and the pickaxes in their hands kept cutting and digging on the stone.

But every time they chisel such a small piece, the gap in the amethyst will be restored instantly, even if it is chiseled here for a lifetime, it will not be possible to complete it.

It was Xiao Lin who had seen so many big winds and waves, watching this weird scene at this time, couldn’t help but be stunned, and couldn’t be relieved for a long time.

There are hundreds of thousands of holes in the vast coral reef here.

Each hole holds one person, that is to say, there are hundreds of thousands of human men who are trapped here day after day using iron pickaxes to chisel stones.

Could it be that these people are the men Lan Xiufen said were arrested by Haihuangji to be coolie?

But why did Sea Emperor Ji let these chisel stones that would automatically recover?

When Xiao Lin was puzzled, a loud roar came from a distance: “There is a human race there!”

“Who dares to approach the Demon Sea Coral Reef!”

Xiao Lin turned his head and looked intently, only to see a large group of…fish swimming from a distance in the darkness.

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