Chapter 173: Subordinates instigate rebellion

Xiao Lin’s words directly tore his face.

The atmosphere on both sides instantly became tense, and the air was filled with the smell of gunpowder.

Tang Lin’s face was a little gloomy, and a grim smile came up at the corner of his mouth: “Xiao Elder, don’t speak so young.”

“As the saying goes, you must not have the heart to harm others, and you must have the heart to guard against others. For a talent like you, who is rare in a century, the rudder master must have some precautions if he wants to entrust you with a heavy responsibility.”

Tang Lin stood with his arms folded and said with a sneer: “As long as you are loyal to the rudder master and the Rogue Cultivators Alliance, then this soul contract is equivalent to a decoration, isn’t it?”

“Lord Tang Ruo, I can’t see that you are really an excellent sophist.” Xiao Lin Ninjun couldn’t help but sneered, “Unfortunately, the meager overweight you offered is not worth it.”

“If I really sign this contract, from then on you let me go east and I can’t go west. I will be a running dog that you call and go, helping you to abuse and kill people. set fire.”

“Lord Tang Ruo, why don’t you sign a soul contract yourself first and show me a demonstration?”

Tang Lin’s face sank, and his whole body was murderous suddenly, “Xiao Lin, this rudder cherishes talents, so if you are deliberate in promoting you, you must not give your face not wanting face. Today is my place, if you don’t sign this soul contract , Don’t even think about leaving alive!”

“Your territory?” Xiao Lin raised his eyebrows, “Master Tang, this is not your Dongzhou. If you divide the rudder in this Nanzhou, I am afraid it is not your turn to be a dictator, right?”

Tang Lin showed murderous intent and suddenly slapped the table.

Xiao Lin confronted him with a smile on his face, without the slightest fear.

Feeling the murderous intent hidden in the air, the two people may fight together in the next second. Han Shengnan on the side held his breath nervously, his heart raised his throat.

Han Shengnan couldn’t be more clear about Xiao Lin’s strength.

But today, the two powerful women next to him are not present, it can be said that there is a missing right arm.

In contrast, Tang Lin not only brought hundreds of elite disciples of Dongzhou Sub-rudder, but also Xizhou Sub-rudder and Beizhou Sub-rudder.

If there is a fight, Xiao Lin will definitely suffer…

“Since you don’t know what is good or bad, the rudder master has no choice but to kill him.”

Tang Lin shouted coldly: “Get this kid up for me, and hold him to sign the soul contract!”

Han Shengnan gritted his teeth and drew a short knife from his waist. The blade was covered with a cold blue light, and he suddenly got up and walked forward.

But her blade was not aimed at Xiao Lin, but at Tang Lin without hesitation.

Before meeting with Xiao Lin for the first time, Xiao Lin spared her life, and had a gratitude for her not to kill. In addition, Xiao Lin has high hopes for Han Shengnan and has a very high evaluation.

Han Shengnan didn’t know if she was doing this right, but her bottom line as a person would never allow her to help Tang Lin and other sub-rudder owners to deal with Xiao Lin with more deception!

However, when Han Shengnan rushed in front of Tang Lin, he found that two people had already stepped forward by themselves, and they were standing next to her at this moment.

Xizhou sub-rudder master Yun Miao held a Judge’s Brush in his hand, and stared at Tang Lin with a murderous look.

Fan Datong, the leader of the Beizhou sub-rudder, held two golden hammers and stood in front of Xiao Lin, and did not give in for half a step.

Tang Lin’s expression suddenly stiffened, and his face became extremely ugly.

“What do you mean?!”

“Do you all want to rebel?!”

“I’m sorry, Tang Lin.”

Fan Datong curled his lips and said loudly, “Although Daddy really admires you, but the Xiao Lin brothers saved Daddy’s life!”

“Furthermore, Xiao Lin came out alive from the tomb of the living dead. Together with Daddy, he is the most powerful man in the continent. Daddy can’t just watch him make trouble by you and just sit back and watch!”

Yun Miao stands with the pen without speaking, but he is more determined than anyone else.

He is ostensibly named as the master of Xizhou Fenruo, but Yun Miaobi has never forgotten his identity as the Sixteenth Underworld Throne.

The sixteen thrones swear allegiance to the Emperor Underworld. If Tang Lin wants to hurt Xiao Lin today, he must first step over his corpse!

Seeing the two standing in front of Xiao Lin without fear, Han Shengnan suddenly felt a little complicated.

Unexpectedly, he was the last person determined to help Xiao Lin fight Tang Lin. Dare to love that she had just made up her mind for a long time, but she just followed the trend.

Tang Lin’s face was blue and purple, and his expression had already become as ugly as if he had eaten a fly.

“Okay, okay, you shameless traitors, dare to help outsiders fight against the rudder master!”

“Don’t you know? The iron law of the Rogue Cultivators Alliance, the betrayer, die!”

Xiao Lin stepped forward unhurriedly, and said lightly: “Master Tang Ruo, have you misunderstood something?”

“As long as I am there, no one here will die today, but if you go your own way, you will die alone.”

The disciples of Dongzhou Sub-rudder drew their swords one after another, standing behind Tang Lin.

But standing behind Xiao Lin were the disciples of the three sub-rudders of Xizhou, Nanzhou, and Beizhou. Especially the host Nanzhou sub-rudder had the most people, almost ten times more than them.

Tang Lin was full of murderous aura, squinting his eyes slightly, as if he was hesitating in his heart.

After a long time, his clenched fist finally slowly loosened, and he clapped his slap again.

“Good, good! Xiao Lin, you really surprised me!”

Tang Lin said with a sneer: “Without my awareness, you will instigate all my subordinates and bewitch them to stand on your side. Your wrists are really more vicious than mine.”

“Today I, Tang Lin, admit it, but sooner or later, I will let you understand what overwhelming strength is, and let you betrayers pay the price!”

Having said that, Tang Lin waved his hand, leading the disciples of his subordinate Dongzhou Sub-rudder and turned and left without looking back.


Xiao Lin slowly sat down on Tang Lin’s seat, looked at him condescendingly, and said unhurriedly: “Today both of us have reached this point, and you are leaving so swaggeringly, I’m afraid it’s impossible.”

Tang Lin was startled slightly, his eyes almost burst into flames, “Then what do you want? Do you really want to share the rudder in this Nanzhou and fight forever with my bayonet?”

“That’s not enough. Apart from being insidious, cunning and self-serving, you haven’t committed any unforgivable crimes.”

“It’s just that your intimidation just now made me feel a little worried.” Xiao Lin smiled and said, “It’s a coincidence. Just now, I also wrote a soul contract for you.”

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