Chapter 255 You are so amazing

Xiao Lin pointed to Yan Ruyu and Yan Xiaoqing on the side, smiled and said, “I want you to help me and take them away from the ghost town of Jihai where you live.”

As soon as he said this, General Tiger Shark was not surprised, but Yan Ruyu opened his eyes wide in confusion.

“Xiao Shaoxia, why do you want us to leave Fengdu Ghost Town?”

“The ghost king of Fengdu City has been eyeing me now. If I am alone, of course I am not afraid of them, but if you two of your sisters are caught by him, things will be a little troublesome.”

Xiao Lin said solemnly: “With that ghost king’s sinister, cunning, and unscrupulous character for achieving goals, it is very possible to do such a despicable act.”


Yan Ruyu shook his head without hesitation: “This incident started because of us. It was because of me and Xiaoqing that you killed the black tiger and were wanted by the ghost king.”

“Now that the king of ghosts has been eyeing you, how can we escape and let you face such a dangerous and terrifying enemy by yourself?”

“Miss Yan, you are misunderstood. I had a grudge with that ghost king a long time ago, and it was not caused by a little black tiger.”

Xiao Lin smiled lightly and said, “Besides, with my skills, even if I just throw myself into the trap, how can that ghost king take advantage of me?”

Yan Ruyu is still full of anxiety: “But…”

“Girl doll, nothing good but!”

General Tiger Shark interrupted Yan Ruyu’s words directly and grinned and said: “Please believe us Lord Ming, we Lord Ming is invincible in the world, and the ghost king can’t even match his toe!”

“Only without us holding back, Master Underworld wants to kill that ghost king, it’s easier than squeezing an ant!”

Seeing the proud face of General Tiger Shark, Xiao Lin couldn’t help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

You are so arrogant, if it breaks, wouldn’t it be embarrassing to throw it at your grandma’s house?

General Tiger Shark tried to persuade him for a long time, but Yan Ruyu finally compromised and shook his head helplessly: “Okay, then Xiaoqing and I will hide in Jihai Ghost Town first…”

“But Xiao Shaoxia, if you dare to ask, please be cautious no matter what, and don’t rush into danger.”

“If you have three strengths and two shortcomings, Ruyu has no intention of living in the world, and will follow you…”

The corner of Xiao Lin’s eyes jumped wildly, and his own battle was about to come, but it was really unlucky for you to say such things.

Immediately, Yan Ruyu hugged Yan Xiaoqing and sat on the hard and broad back of the snapping turtle.

General Tiger Shark’s face was full of conviction, and his eyes were full of admiration when he looked at Xiao Lin: “Master Ming, you are really amazing.”

“What am I doing?” Xiao Lin asked in a daze.

“You are suave in the sun, making countless women crazy for you. When you arrive in this ghost city of Fengdu, there are even female ghosts who live and die for you.”

General Tiger Shark said admiringly: “Your personality charm has simply subdued all races. If you are interested, our marine clan also has some pretty beauties…”

“piss off!”

Xiao Lin directly kicked General Tiger Shark’s head and kicked him into the Styx.

This guy was so solemn and unsmiling when he was alive. Why did he become so poor-mouthed, hippy smiley after death?

“Protect me the two of them, otherwise, be careful that I just chop you up and make shark fins.”

General Tiger Shark nodded angrily, and said loudly: “The Haisheng clan listened to the order, and escorted with this general, and send the two wives of Ming Emperor back to Jihai Ghost Town!”

Cancer crabs and sperm whales declared, “Yes!”

Yan Ruyuqiao on the back of the snapping turtle was flushed and shy.

Xiao Lin had been standing on the edge of the river, watching General Tiger Shark go all the way, then slowly turned around.

The moment he turned around, he took off the Ksitigarbha King mask on his face, showing a touch of determination in his eyes.

It’s time to do some business.

Immediately, Xiao Lin returned to the ghost town of Fengdu, without putting the Ksitigarbha King mask on his face along the way.

Therefore, walking on the streets of the ghost town, the situation is like the last time he came. The pedestrians and beasts passing by directly pass by him, and he can’t feel his existence at all.

Along the way, Xiao Lin came across a lot of Yin soldiers coming and going, holding a wad of wanted warrants in his hand and pasting them on the walls of every street along the way.

Standing in the crowd, Xiao Lin couldn’t help but laugh as he looked at the portrait of own on the wanted order.

“Which talent is this who painted this emperor like this ghost?”

His image is painted on the wanted order, which was made lightly with rough black ink.

With a long face, small eyes, and a face full of pits and spots, it looks like a sesame seed.

Could it be that in the eyes of the ghost king, his supreme underworld emperor has grown into this look?

Not to mention that I deliberately did not wear the Ksitigarbha’s mask to hide my tracks. Even if I wandered down the street wearing a mask, no one might recognize him.

Xiao Lin turned and left with a dry laugh, and the trace of vigilance that had originally arisen in his heart was also dispelled.

Anyway, in this Fengdu ghost city, as long as they don’t wear the mask of the Ksitigarbha, no one except the ghost king can feel the existence of him as a positive person.

It seems that I can feel relieved and boldly rescue the Sky Shield first, and then find the Ghost King to settle the account.

Xiao Lin was walking thoughtfully on the street when he was suddenly blocked by a figure.

He raised his head and looked intently, and standing in front of him was a middle-aged man in his 40s or 50s.

This person is wearing a blue python robe, with a thick beard, and his face is as sharp as a knife and an axe, and he is full of aura and not angry or presumptuous.

“Unexpectedly, this Fengdu ghost town also has such a master of aura.”

Xiao Lin sighed, and then walked around the middle-aged man, intending to walk directly by his side.

However, as soon as he took his steps, the man stepped back obliquely at the same time, still blocking his front, his eyes full of majesty, staring at him firmly.

“Lady, the old man is here, where do you want to go?”

Xiao Lin was stunned for a moment, and his face was shocked: “You can see me?”


The man snorted and said coldly: “Do you think you can do whatever you want in this Fengdu ghost city by relying on your identity as a Yangren?”

Xiao Lin frowned slightly, with a vigilance in his eyes, and stepped back subconsciously.

In this Fengdu ghost city, apart from the ghost king, it was the first time anyone could see him without the mask of the Ksitigarbha.

Coupled with the murderous aura emanating from this man, Xiao Lin couldn’t help but feel a dangerous aura.

“Who are you?”

A touch of Spirit Power condensed in Xiao Lin’s palm, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

“Old man Xuanyuan Wuji!”

The man stood with his back in a cold voice and shouted in a cold voice, “Lady, you just injured my son Xinjin in front of the public, and crippled the face of my Xuanyuan family. If this revenge is not reported, the old man swears not to be a man!”

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