Chapter 281: Demon Phoenix Guard

Han Yan shook his head and said cautiously: “Or…Shall we fly up and try it?”

“Have you kicked the donkey in your head?”

Xiao Lin didn’t get angry and said, “Or do you want to fall again and chat with that old woman?”

Obviously you were helpless to ask me, and you scolded me for being kicked by a donkey?

Droughty’s teeth creaked, but he didn’t dare to refute Xiao Lin at all.

In Han Yan’s eyes now, Xiao Lin looked like a heinous bully.

Relying on Calabash, the golden fairy of pardon, can bully her, a weak woman, unscrupulously.

Looking at the devilish floating island above, Xiao Lin couldn’t help sighing heavily.

The furthest distance in the world is not Life and Death.

It’s that the hard-for-searching target is right in front of him, but he can’t hold it anyway.

Just as he was frustrated and ready to give up, there was a sound of neat and heavy footsteps in the distance.

Xiao Lin was startled slightly, and hurriedly went out for several tens of meters, hiding behind a huge boulder.

“This is not the sound of their footsteps.”

Han Yan said in astonishment: “Could it be that besides us, there are other people who have also come to Ten Thousand Demon Mountain and want to seize this Night Shadow Demon Flower?”

“Shhh, don’t say anything.”

Xiao Lin narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at the devilish energy that was approaching in the distance.

This sound of footsteps belonged to a team of magic soldiers.

There are about a hundred demon soldiers, wearing exactly the same black and purple armor, holding a sharp spear, and the tip of the spear is lingering with a strong devilish energy.

But as the demon soldier approached, Xiao Lin couldn’t help showing a look of horror.

The footsteps of this team of magic soldiers are very neat, and the movements of raising and falling are almost exactly the same, as if they are well-trained by one person.

But none of them had heads, and there was a faint devilish energy floating above their necks, and mottled blood permeated from the fractures, as if they had just been beheaded!

“The creatures on Ten Thousand Demon Mountain are really weird.”

Xiao Lin couldn’t help muttering to himself: “These headless demon soldiers, what kind of monsters are these monsters…”

The headless demon soldiers came to the bottom of Nianmoya and stood in a huge circle.

Immediately, the magic soldiers all knelt on one knee, with their palms placed on their chests and nodding slightly, presenting a posture of worshipping.

“I remember!”

Han Yan suddenly widened his eyes and said in shock: “I didn’t expect that the legend of Nian Moya turned out to be true!”

“Can you keep your voice down.”

Xiao Lin frowned and said, “If these magic soldiers are alarmed, we will be in trouble.”

“Xiao Lin, don’t worry.”

Han Yan smiled faintly, gently stepped off Xiao Lin’s back, walked out of the huge stone shelter generously, and walked in front of the headless demon soldiers without anyone else.

But these headless demon soldiers seemed to ignore her existence at all, and did not react at all.

Xiao Lin couldn’t help being suspicious, “What is going on?”

“Before I became the zombie king, I had heard the legend about the demons.”

Han Yan explained with a smile: “These headless men are not ordinary Demon soldiers, but are an elite force under the orders of the Demon Emperor to personally protect the Queen of Demon, named Demon Phoenix Guards.”

“At the beginning of the final battle between the gods and demons, all the elites of the demons were thrown into the battlefield, preparing for a desperate battle with the gods.”

“The Protoss apparently agreed to the battle, but the king of trickery, Loki, secretly led a team of elites to attack Heavenly Demon Island, intending to directly capture the demon alive and use it as a hostage to threaten the demon emperor.”

“Faced with the powerful God King Loki, none of the Demon Phoenix Guards flinched. All of them died in a fierce battle, and their heads were beheaded by the God King Loki.”

“The Queen, because she was worried that she would be dragging the Demon Sovereign, resolutely drew her sword and killed herself, causing the entire Heavenly Demon Island to sink to the bottom of the sea.”

Xiao Lin listened carefully to Han Yan’s explanation and frowned, “What do you mean… these headless demon soldiers are the demon phoenix guards who were responsible for protecting the queen?”


Hanyan nodded, “Devil Phoenix guards all regarded death as home, and died in bloody battles, causing the Protoss to pay a very heavy price, and even Loki was seriously injured and nearly killed.”

“In addition, the suicide of the queen disrupted Loki’s plan. The god King Loki decapitated all their bodies in a rage, and imprisoned their five senses and souls, punishing them for not being able to reincarnate, and being trapped in chaos and immortality forever. In the dark.”

Xiao Lin nodded slightly, causing an uproar in his heart.

After coming to this Ten Thousand Demon Mountain, he had learned more and more about the demon world that had dominated the party at the time.

From this demon phoenix guard alone, it can be seen that the battle between the gods and demons was no less tragic than the battle in which the gods led the tens of thousands and invaded the Cangwu Continent.

Immediately, Xiao Lin stopped hiding. He walked out of the huge stone used to hide, and said with emotion: “It seems that it is not only our human race-you are also heroes who fearlessly resist the invasion of the gods.”

However, when Xiao Lin walked closer, the demon phoenix guards who had been kneeling and bowing their heads suddenly stood up and raised the devilish spears in their hands.

Xiao Lin was slightly startled, but before he could react, the Demon Phoenix Guards simultaneously waved the spears in their hands and launched a fierce attack on Xiao Lin.

“Drought, what’s the situation?”

Xiao Lin stepped back and dodged, and said in amazement, “Didn’t you say that they are trapped in the chaos and can’t see anything?”

“But…that’s what the rumors really say?”

Han Yan just stood on the spot, but Mo Fengwei didn’t even look at her. He just passed her blindly and launched a siege on Xiao Lin.

I don’t know if Drought Yan is worried about Xiao Lin’s safety, or he is afraid that he will be collected by Xiao Lin directly with a pardon, Calabash, and he is about to shed tears.

“I really don’t know what’s going on, maybe they don’t like you?”

Seeing Han Yan standing aside at this time, he explained in a hurry that he wanted to prove his innocence. Xiao Lin was under siege by hundreds of demons and phoenix guards. It was kind and funny.

You have the skill to quibble, don’t you know how to come and help me?

That is to say, these magic soldiers turn a blind eye to you, so that you have time to stand and talk!

“I treat you as brothers, and you want to kill me.”

As Xiao Lin dodged the attack of the Demon Phoenix Guard, two pure white balls of light appeared in his palm, which rapidly expanded like a balloon that was pumping up.

“Spiritual skill, Bailong body guard!”

When the ball of light skyrocketed to its extreme, Xiao Lin let out a loud shout, his hands suddenly folded in his palms.

The ball of light instantly transformed into dozens of white dragons, spinning rapidly around Xiao Lin, and the movement was so fast that there were almost afterimages.

The soldiers of the Headless Demon Phoenix Guard had an extremely fast offensive, but when they were touched by the white dragon’s fangs and claws, they were instantly hit more than ten meters away and collapsed to the ground without any movement.

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