Fantasy System

Chapter 172: 慕式灌汁蛋包饭[三合一超级大

"That, is there any material that doesn't require money?"

Looking at the staff in front of him, Mu Fan hesitated, and asked a little embarrassed.

"I don't want money to cook?"

The staff frowned and silenced.

Seeing the staff revealing this expression, Mu Fan knew that this was a bit difficult.

It seems that I still have to go home to withdraw money?

At present, there are two choices. One is to wait for tomorrow and come to borrow money from Asuna. This is to say that the personality of Mufan is embarrassed.

Another option is to ride a bicycle back home for two hours.

This is very labor-intensive, and it takes more than four hours to go back and forth. I don't know if the registration will be closed.

"This friend, may you ask me this? What difficulties have you encountered?"

When he was thinking about it, a gentle voice rang behind him, and Mu Fan went back. A handsome man, wearing a gorgeous suit, dyed a regular short hair and dyed yellow.

The yellow hair is not the kind of cynicism of the little punk, but it looks like an idol on TV, giving a very gentle boy standing behind him and smiling at him.

"Sorry, have you delayed your time?"

Looking at the boy who smiled in front of him, Mu Fan asked apologetically.

Mu Fan also understands that after all, although there are three windows for registration, he is stuck in this window, and the people behind can't take the lead in signing up. Naturally, he will ask some things.

"You're welcome, I don't have anything anyway."

The yellow-haired boy smiled and waved his hand, then asked Mufan: "Friend, see if you haven't signed up here, should you have any difficulties?"

The boy in front of him feels good, and Mufan can only sigh and tell him about the things he forgot to bring money.

When I heard about Mufan, Huang Fa’s boy smiled and said: “This way, I forgot to bring money. I often happen. The registration fee is only 10,000 yen. I have some here, I will pay for it first. ""

"May I?"

Mufan was amazed.

In today's material cross-flow, only the quilt can have some warm times, a person who can help such a person who is not known, such a good person is really rare.

Mu Fan thinks that he can't do this.

"But isn't it all that can't be reported here? Is this 10,000 yen a big deal for you?"

Mu Fan asked in surprise.

Just now he understands that the direct registration fee is 50,000 yen. There is only 10,000 here, but it is a lot of trouble. You need to make your own cooking and get a B or above rating.

This also indirectly shows that the former can not afford to register, but after the registration, it is a bit too unbelievable to give him a 10,000.

"Oh? Who said that the ghosts are here?"

When I heard Mufan’s words, Huang Fa’s boy had a touch of accident on his face. He put the wallet he had just taken back and asked: “That said, this friend, my family is from Nagoya’s “Sato” restaurant group, I Foot Sato Tatsu, what about you?"

"so smart."

I didn't expect the Huangfa youth to be the salary of the Nagoya Restaurant Group. Mu Fan was really shocked and explained: "I am different from you, it is from the food department."

"Gourmet Department? Is there such a place in Japan?" Satohatsu frowned.

Mu Fan smiled lightly: "It is the food department of the school."

"Roll! I thought it was a noble son. Do you have such a miscellaneous fish to talk to this young master? Is it like you to go back and practice cooking?"

With almost a moment of effort, Sato Tatsu's face instantly became gloomy, and he slammed into Mufan.

Mufan couldn’t help but be surprised. The body quickly flashed to the side, because he flashed away, the wall below the window was exposed to Sato Tatsu, and under the powerful force he couldn’t take back the power. The left foot was so “嘭” At one click, I kicked directly on the wall at the front desk.

The toes slammed on the wall and made a "beep" sound, and Satohatsu suddenly became miserable.

This foot has used such a great force?

Sato, who looked at the painful bend down, Mufan frowned.

For the scene just now, he understood it. It turned out that Satoki thought he was from a famous door and wanted to lend him money.

When I learned his identity, I changed my face instantly.

I have to say that the children of such aristocrats really don't know how to respect people.

However, how could he sneak a slap in the face, and take this opportunity to step forward and step forward to grab the neck collar that he just screamed. After two times of strengthening the body, the power is amazing. Under his power, Sato Chen has no resistance at all.

Then Mufan directly lifted his foot and stepped on the injured position on the foot he had just kicked on the wall. He suddenly felt miserable again, looking at his face with fear, and said coldly: "Today is from you. Mu Fan, a small food department in the eyes, will teach you to be a man!"

At this moment, not long distances began to enter the door when several bodyguards around Zuo Tengchen saw this scene, all of them face cold and gathered toward Mufan.

Because Mu Fan and Sato Tatsu are at the forefront, the scene just now attracted the attention of the chefs waiting behind.

"Let our young masters."

A total of four bodyguards gathered around and greeted Mu Fan coldly.

"Back to you!"

Mu Fan sneered with a sigh of relief, and his foot was smashed on the chest of Sato, and he flew out.

Originally, I had a stomach fire today, and I was almost kicked by this Sato, and Mufan could no longer control the anger in my heart.


I saw that Mu Fan dared to be so arrogant in front of them. The face of the four bodyguards just became difficult to look at. One of them quickly lifted Sato Chen, who fell to the ground, and then told the rest of the three. Road: "All, give it to me, and beat him to sign up today."

Upon hearing the instructions, the three men immediately went up to Mufan.


At this time, a female voice came from the doorway. Mufan and the three black men stopped at the same time. Looking back, I saw a beautiful woman wearing a purple kimono, walking gracefully and looking mature, coming in from the door.

The woman just entered the registration office, and there was a voice of discussion among the surrounding chefs.

“This is not the president of the restaurant jury that runs the Japanese restaurant “Tibet Season”?

"It is said that she will also be a member of the jury of this food festival. How can it appear here?"

"You haven't heard of it yet? Our registration is also her rating. Her opinion can decide us to stay!"

Unexpectedly, the beautiful kimono woman who came along was actually the president of the Japanese restaurant and the reviewer of the registration. Mufan was somewhat surprised.

However, at this time, Zangmu Ziwei went to the face of Mufan and the three black people, and looked at them coldly and reprimanded: "As a chef, you are all playing here. You don't want to participate in this." Have you registered for the second food festival?"

After the Tibetan Miki was just finished, Sato's face immediately showed a hint of fear, waved his hand, and several bodyguards returned to his side.

After all, the president of the Tibetan season can be much stronger than his identity. It is possible to decide what he wants to stay. People have already got angry. Satoki naturally does not dare to clash with Mufan.

"Sorry, the president of the Tibetan wood, all this kid....."

After a moment of silence, Satoki immediately stepped forward, and the first to express his resentment pointed his finger at Mufan.

Although his restaurant is not weak, it is necessary to follow the rules here if he wants to promote his family's restaurant as a son at the food festival.

To be honest, Mu Fan doesn't like to fight, and doesn't want to fight here, but this man touched his anti-scale, small food department? He is the most annoying for others to look down on the food department he and Minnai operate.

And Sato Tatsu's bullying is hard and the wicked first complains, and Mu Fan understands what kind of person this is.

When you see the strong, you will be very gentle. If you see the weak, you will instantly open the swan animal of the mad dog mode.

Only Satan Chen just said that half of it was stopped by Zang Muzi.

"For what reason do you think I don't know?"

Zang Muzi looked at him coldly and coldly, and he quickly swallowed his words to his mouth. After all, I have offended people here, and it is very likely that I can't sign up for registration.

The food festival is not something that can be manipulated by power.

"Although I understand the reason for the matter, but you two, there are mistakes in fighting on this occasion. If the cooking rating is not level A, you can directly cancel the registration qualification!"

Upon hearing this sentence, Sato's face immediately suffered, and the faces of the people around him showed a gloating look.

Class A cooking ratings can be as simple as Class B.

If the B grade is the ground, then the A grade is the day, the B grade cook is not difficult to complete, but the A grade really tests its own strength.

With a look that cannot be refuted, I took a cold look at Mu Fan and Sato Tatsu, who was directly returned to his jury.

As for Sato, the face is fierce and sullen, and if it is not this guy, things will not become like this.

"Oh, it seems that I still need to go back and collect the money."

Mu Fan did not care about Sato Tatsu, he thought he had met a good person, but he did not expect it to be a scum.

But what should I do next, is to go home to withdraw money, or wait here for tomorrow?

"I will wait for another registration and forget to bring the money."

Silenced a moment, Mu Fan said to the front desk.

"This gentleman, I heard you just now."

Instead, the staff raised their heads and explained to Mufan: "Our registration is still closed in three hours. I don't know if you can come back and come."

"What, I heard that I signed up for the afternoon."

Mu Fan’s eyes widened and he recalled that Mingnai’s registration date for his official website was said.

"It is true that the time is up to the afternoon, but after the good name is given, the chef is given time to prepare the dishes. As for the registration, it will be closed after three hours."

The staff said: "This is also a lesson for the chef who does not follow the registration time. After all, the food festival is also a kind of entertaining guests, a chef can not make guests wait."

"This way."

Mufan slightly sighed with a loss.

In this case, you can only blame him for his poor memory, then go back to the sea view room in Asuna.

"It's not that there is no chance...." Looking at the lost look of Mufan, the staff sighed.

When I heard the voice of the staff member’s words and words, Mu Fan’s heart moved and asked: “What else is there?”

"I don't know if this method is OK."

The staff took a deep breath and pointed to the rest of the food on the table not far away. "It doesn't matter if you forget to bring money. The rest of the ingredients on the cooking table are the ingredients left by the chefs." Many people do not have a hateback because of their culinary rating, but they have not returned with the food under the anger. Mr. can use those, there is no charge, just... the rest of the ingredients Can you really pass the review?"

"If I say that I can pass the review 100%, you will laugh at me."

The staff’s words allowed Mu Fan to rekindle his self-confidence and smile: "I can only say, I am sure."

"thank you!"

After that, Mufan did not forget to thank the staff, and then he was surprised to ask: "Why do rich people register here?"

In fact, Mu Fan asked Sato Tatsu, he has been a bit strange, so Sato Tatsu's family should not be unable to pay Wu Wan yen, how come here to sign up.

If he didn't come, there was not so much conflict.

And just after his eyes swept, in addition to Sato Tatsu, there are still a lot of young people wearing gorgeous clothes in the house. What is going on?

"Mr. I don't know, as long as I have the honor to get the S-level evaluation here, I can exempt the sea election and directly enter the top 126 of the food festival from thousands of registered chefs. These rich people generally have their own ingredients for cooking. Confidence, anyway, if you can get the S level here, then even if 126 Jin 64 fails, there will be face to go back."

"This way."

Mufan only explained why this group of nobles will come here, and it can be directly promoted to 126.

Thinking of this, Mu Fan once again thanked the staff, and then filled out the form and went to the cooking table.

In fact, in the eyes of Mu Fan, the staff and the person did not know each other, can remind that this is already very good, as for borrowing money, Mu Fan did not dare to think.

The world and friends borrowing money are hard, not to mention people who don’t know.

"With the rest of the ingredients? You can really have yours, kid, the ingredients are affecting the rating of the dishes, do not bring money and want to cook? 苟 残 。."

Sato Taken naturally heard the conversation between Mu Fan and the staff. He looked at Mu Fan, who was walking towards the cooking table, and snorted with disdain. Then he told the bodyguards next to him, and several bodyguards ordered. Nod, turned and left.

Not long after, several people came to the dining table with a few bags of ingredients.

Because the two people's rankings are in the name of the front and the back, the cooking table is squatting. When Mu Fan just came to the cooking table, Sato Chen came over and looked at the remaining few on the Mufan cooking table. The ingredients of the melon cracked jujube sneered at the **** against Mufan.

"I can't afford to report the waste. I can see how the rest of the ingredients can be evaluated by B or above. If I have you, I will have already rolled."

Just gave Sato Chen a sigh of relief, Mu Fan did not pay attention to him, looked at several vegetables on the table, as well as two eggs and a little flour, and rice.

Having said that, these ingredients are really shabby.

Can I still have time to go now?

Of course, this sentence is just the idea that Mufan started.

I closed my eyes and thought back to my father’s shop for the first two days. I found my father’s stay in the store and belonged to the recipe of the former Huaxia Guomu.

After getting this recipe and seeing the cuisine inside, I was surprised that Mu Yun’s voice sounded in my mind, and even after identification, many of the recipes actually had A-level evaluation.

Sure enough, the former father was also a famous chef.

This made Mufan feel a little surprised.

Even if you don't redeem the recipes of the system, you can also use the recipes of the Mujia to celebrate the food festival.

At this moment, Mu Fan’s mind flashed the name of a dish, and his heart could not help but be happy.

"You are the one!"

Mu Fan took a look at Sato Tatsu, and was surprised to find that he had taken out a piece of finely colored beef with a lot of snowflakes on the table.

After the last time I got A5 grade beef given by Asuna, Mufan understood that Sato Taken also had A5 grade beef.

Having said that, Sato's financial strength may not be as good as that of Tomorrow, but when people open restaurants, the search for ingredients is naturally more convenient than that of Tona.

Because I have used A5 grade beef, Mufan understands that with this kind of ingredients, as long as it is a bit of a culinary skill, it is not difficult to get a B grade.

As for the A level, it needs some strength.

But with Sato as the son of a restaurant, A should not be difficult.....

But S grade, can he do it?

Mu Fan smiled, then took a deep breath, recalled the information in the recipe, and calmed down.

When a real chef cooks, he must first adjust his mentality.

This is something that Mu Fan has never noticed.

Opening his eyes again, Mufan picked up the kitchen utensils on the cooking table. Although the ingredients were so bitter, the tools on the cooking table were never lacking, and it seems that these tools were newly purchased because of the food festival.

In the hands of the kitchen knife flying fast, like a phantom to chop the dishes on the table, not far from the Tibetan wood Zi inadvertently picked up Mu Fan, remembered his conflict with Sato Tatsu, could not help but reveal a surprised expression.

"This kind of knife worker is no longer weaker than the students of Yuanyue Academy. It seems that this kid seems to be a bit strong."

The heart of the water, Mu Fan, did not pay attention to the surrounding gaze, first steamed rice, steamed, quickly added a little butter in the hot pot melted, covered with the bottom of the pot. Eggs and creamy salt are poured into the pot and chopsticks are used in the pot to continue to play a few laps. Then shake the pot to spread the egg liquid to the bottom of the pot.

When the eggs are half-cooked, the rice is added, and the skilled pile is oval. Then wrap the rice with eggs without meals on both sides, move it to the edge of the pot, and pour it onto the plate.

Is this to be an egg?

Zang Muzi was surprised. She thought that Mufan would do something good. As a president of a Japanese restaurant, she had eaten countless famous dishes, and she could not raise interest in many foods.

When I saw that Mufan used the rest of the ingredients to make the rice, I lost my interest and turned my eyes to other people.

After waiting for about an hour, the first one was Sato Tatsu, who had already put the A5 beef boiled beef soup on the table.

Taking a look at Sato Tatsu, Tibetan Mizuki is very notarized as a judge. He will not change his mind because of his identity. He will be silent, pick up the spoon and taste a spoonful of beef soup.

The mouth of the delicious soup is filled with the entire throat through the tip of the tongue. It belongs to the A5 grade beef. The delicate taste is heard. The inside of the pork is melted into the mouth, and the delicious food flows through the esophagus.

How could this have such a delicious taste? At this time, Zangmu Zi was found some shrimp and kelp in the soup.

It turns out that this is not a simple beef soup.

“Teacher, I used the soup made from the seafood shark fin that was just salvaged from the beach at home, with the secret shrimp sauce, and then put a layer of garlic on the A5 grade beef to make it full of flavor.”

Seeing that Zang Muzi was surprised, Sato Chen smiled slightly.

"It turned out to be the case.... This beef and seafood soup is really not normal."

Numerous high-grade materials are mixed together, and the delicate taste spreads throughout the body. Tibetan wood only feels that the whole person is melting into this bowl of soup.

"S grade, you passed."

Tibetan wood is a faint saying.

“Thank you teacher!” Sato Tatsu excitedly laughed. He chose the best ingredients this time. It is also reasonable to get the S-level evaluation from the cooking techniques he learned from the youngest chef in the restaurant.

"Miscellaneous fish!"

Looking back at Mu Fan, who was carrying a bowl of golden soup and egg-baked rice, Sato-Chun sneered.

"Miscellaneous fish, do you want to fool people with a bowl of egg?"

"Oh, then look at it."

A faint smile, and did not pay attention to Sato, Chen Fan placed the egg on the table.


Looking at the egg-packed rice in front of him, Zang Muzi frowned. "Isn't this the ordinary egg-filled rice?"

"No, teacher, look again."

Mufan smiled, and then directly poured the soup in the plate on the egg-filled rice, and immediately with the golden light of the soup flowing down the egg into the rice wrapped in it.

After the fusion of the soup, the egg that had just wrapped the rice, this moment is truly integrated with the rice inside. The golden light is reflected in the light in the room.

"Mut-style rice bowl is good, guests, please use it slowly!"

Upon seeing it, Mufan sprinkled some ground seaweed and chopped green onion, and smiled slightly, pushing the rice bag to the front of Zangmu Zi.

“Pour the rice with rice?”

Zang Muzi reveals a surprised expression and looks at the golden broth under the egg omelet, and the omelet that fits tightly on the rice rind because of the broth, the two look the same, even if they eat She was used to delicious food and she couldn’t help but swallow.

It seems that eating a bite will have an unexpected taste.

"Hey, but what is made of junk materials, what can be good?"

Sato-cho sneered.

At this time, Zangmu Ziwei had cut a piece of egg-filled rice into the mouth with a spoon, and then the whole person took the spoon directly to the place.

After I came back to God, I started to hold the spoon and sent the omelette to my mouth.

“The rice and the eggs are tightly fitted together, and the two, together with the soup, have completely melted together, and they are extremely soft and smooth. This is naturally not necessary.”

"And in the soup, you add the onion, let the outside of the egg have a light sweet taste. There is still a little broth left in the soup, add salt to taste, add water starch, cook until thick, only Let the rice and the eggs be tightly blended together, which realizes the combination of the three materials and one of them.

"But why can this stop eating?"

Tibetan Miki was surprised to ask while eating rice with a spoon.

After a moment of silence, she resisted the hungry in her heart and glanced at the rice on the spoon. She was shocked to find that the golden light of the rice in the rice was full of red.

"Sorry, teacher. The material you said is still the same."

Having said that, Mufan smiled and found a red fruit from his pocket, and then took a bite. The sweet and sour taste made him unable to help frown.

Then, holding the sea otter against Zangmu Ziwei, he smiled and said: "I didn't know who put a few jellyfish on the cooking table. I saw that it took the juice from the water and added steam to the rice. Cooked, accidentally realized the sweet and sour rice, which attracted your appetite..."

"So, what kind of cooking do I use with discarded materials? Teacher?"

[It is said that one day, today, I actually got 6600 words, the amount of three chapters, no control, so uncomfortable, cough. 】

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