Fantasy System

Chapter 174: Hello, my mother-in-law!

"Well, I was lucky enough to enter the first 128 people, so I don't have to participate in the sea election. Just wait a few days to start the promotion."

Mu Fan smiled with the gold card issued by the food festival jury, and then put it away. Looking up, his eyes inadvertently glimpsed a well-dressed professional skirt next to Akina, with a pair of black high heels, a short, short hair, looking young and capable woman.

Look carefully, this woman's face is similar to that of Asuna.

It’s just that this woman’s body has a cold meaning that refuses to be thousands of miles away, and there is a big gap between the gentleness of Asuna and Nai.

"Is this difficult to be the sister of Asuna?" hesitated, Mufan asked.

It is somewhat similar to Asuka’s long, and together with Asuna, the food festival is bound to be the relatives of Asuna.

I was standing next to this woman, and my face was so nervous that Yuki Natsumi couldn’t help but laugh at the question of Mu Fan. I stepped forward and said to Mu Fan: "Mu Fan, this is me. Mom, Yuki Kyoko."


Mu Fan opened his mouth and did not expect that the woman who looked much bigger than Asuna was actually the mother of Yuki Asuna.

That said, Yuki Asahi seems to have inherited her mother's genes.

But then again, the appearance of her father, Yuki Asuna, looks a bit horrible.

However, Mu Fan did not feel that there was any harm in his own mistakes. He mistakenly thought that she was the sister of Asuna, and that the mother of Yuki Asuna’s mother got such an evaluation from the perspective of appearance, should she be very happy?

After all, which woman likes to be praised as young and beautiful.

But the result was not as Mufan expected, and I saw that Asuna had gathered around Mufan, and the brows of Kyoko were wrinkled, and then coughed and asked: "Tomorna, you are not going to sign up for the food festival, Don't delay time here."

Yuki Asahi was not shocked by the voice of Kyoko Kyoko, and then blinked at Mufan, with a small voice in his eyes: "Mu Fan, please, don't offend me today. Mom."


I don't understand why Yuki Asuna is so nervous, Mu Fan didn't talk, just nodded to Asuna.

After Mingnai returned to the side of Kyoko, he went forward and thought about the wording.

This is the mother of Yuki Asuna, naturally can not be slowed down.

After pondering for a moment, Mu Fan came up with such a sentence: "Auntie is good, my name is Mufan, and I am a classmate of Asuna."


The name of Mufan made the face of Jiecheng Jingzi sink, glanced at some of the flustered Yuki Nichi, and looked at the face of a nervous Mu Fan, a flash of cold in his eyes, then cold face to Mu Fan Nodded.

Seeing that Jingcheng Jingzi did not see himself, Mu Fan’s forehead could not help but have a cold sweat.

No wonder that Asuna has been asking for herself, her mother seems to be a bit uncomfortable to talk about.

Looking at the posture of Jiecheng Jingzi's high on the top, Mu Fan's heart is dark and cold.

Don't look at the height of the mother of the city of Asuka and Asuna, but the well-known university professors, the momentum and performance of the top-ranking players are very different from his salted fish.

To describe it, that is, although the height of Jiecheng Jingzi is 1.6, the gas field is full two meters.

Of course, for this kind of gesture, I have always liked to be unfettered.

But to be honest, this is the mother of Yuki Akira, and it is also my own elders, not to mention that Asuna has said so, then you should be patient.

Moreover, it is very likely that from the elders to loved ones in the future.....

Emmm -

“Is this the registration office?”

Ignoring the thoughts of Mufan’s heart, Kyoko took a look at the chef who was preparing to sign up, and then said faintly: “Let’s go in.”


As early as tomorrow, Minnai nodded a little, and followed the Jingcheng Jingzi into the registration office.

Upon seeing it, Mu Fan also followed in the back.

Until this moment, Mu Fan discovered that the involvement of Kyoko in the food festival was terrible. I was quite looking forward to tomorrow, but Kyoko Kyoko was present, standing in the middle, like a dividing line or a light bulb. It is separated from Asuna.

He has almost no chance to talk to Asuna.

It was good at the time of the C station. When I wanted to hold hands in Akihabara and Akina, I wanted to hold it, and finally I kissed someone.

If this was the end of the city, it was even more tragic than the Shura field.

Lined up for a team, when it was the turn of Yuki Nichi, Kyoko Kyoko looked at her, faintly said: "Tomorna, remember our agreement? If you do not get the S-level evaluation... ..."

"Don't tell me, I understand, Mom!"

I haven't waited for the completion of the Jingcheng Jingzi, and Yuki Natsumi has interrupted the words of Kyoko Kyoko.

"Well, let's go."

Mu Fan, who stood behind, did not hear the conversation between the two, but when he looked at Asuna’s look, his heart felt a little bad. For the first time, he saw that the formation of this tension was revealed by Asuna. Can not help but speed up the steps to bypass the city of Jingzi went forward and stopped the tomorrow to prepare for registration.

"Mu Fan?"

Seeing the coming of Murfan, Asuna, who was about to sign up, could not help but look back and looked at Mufan with horror.

"what happened?"

Hesitated a moment, Mufan asked, he thought it was time to understand these things, if there is any difficulty in tomorrow, he can help.

"Mu Fan..."

Looking at Mu Fan, who was concerned about the look, Yuki’s body trembled, and then the eyes gradually became red. There was a tear in his face, and the tone was sobbing: “Mom said, if I am at the registration office this time. I can't get the S-level evaluation here, I have to leave the food festival registration, and let me leave the food department to concentrate on reading... Because my mother doesn't have the S grade, it proves that she has no food. Talent, you must concentrate on reading, and you can go abroad to go to a university with a good family schedule. You can't spend time here."

“Leaving the food department? And going abroad?”

Mu Fan stunned.

I did not expect that the Jingcheng Jingzi would arrange the future of Asuna.

In fact, he had long understood the family room of Yuki Asahi, and he knew that the future of the city as a city of Tonai was planned by the family. Can you not enjoy the leisurely high school life now?

All the time, the Department of Food Management is He and Asuna.

Although he now has the help of 珈百璃, he has millions of yen in his hand. Even if he leaves, he can still run the food department.

But Mufan understands that the origin of his salty fish dream and the origin of Asuna has become the star of the food industry.

The two of them are missing one, and the food department is an incomplete gourmet department.

If there is only oneself and 珈百璃, then Mo Fan is asked to run the food department.

Looking back, I looked at their Yuki Kyoko indifferently.

Mu Fan probably understood that Asuna left the food department, one point is to concentrate on learning, another point, I am afraid that the mother of Asuna has noticed his relationship with Asuna.

Otherwise, when he calls out the name of Asuna, the city of Kyoko may not show that disgusting look.

Mmp, is it true that the future marriage of Akina is stipulated?

Looking at Asuna and Asuna, Mufan knows that Yuki Asahi is facing the pressure of withdrawing from the food department, and he is worried that he will not be able to get an S-level evaluation. His heart must be very nervous.

After a moment of silence, Mufan gradually digitized in front of him, and the system warehouse of the fantasy system emerged.

There are two potions of the last lottery, which can make people's ability instantly upgrade to level 5.

The last time I took advantage of this medicine, I was able to successfully shoot MV.

So, as long as he thinks, he can take it out of his pocket and find a way to let her eat it.

Next, Mu Fan’s hand was taken out of his pocket, but his hands were open, but his hand was empty.

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