Fantasy System

Chapter 186: Extremely rigorous review

"Stone pot?"

Hearing the sound of the thousands of summer buds, the other four judges also looked at Mufan. When I saw the stone pot heated by Mufan on the stove, they all showed a shocked expression.

At this time, the chef Oran James from the American Academy of Fine Arts sitting on the jury even took off the sunglasses, and the eyes were full of appreciation to the Murfan in the field: "I have heard that there is a distant East. The practice of Chinese cuisine, if the stone pot is cooked on the stove, the advantage of the stone pot is that it is naturally engraved with organic ore that is beneficial to the human body. After cooking, it will produce calcium, zinc and other minerals beneficial to the human body. Substance, so that using this pot to make dishes can make the soup absorb the ingredients inside. It can be said that this is both a delicious dish and a healthy food."

Hearing this, Tangdao Silver and Sigong Kojiro and others also showed a coveted expression, after all, their realm, tasted. Gourmet food can even be compared with the taste of the taste of the goddess of the goddess.

So much so that they are basically just trying out a lot of food, there is not much interest at all, but the only thing that can stimulate their interest is the food that is both delicious and healthy.

The work of Mu Fan has just begun. In their eyes, Mu Fan took a few pieces of bovine bone from the bag and put it into the water, and then slowly simmered it with a simmer.

"Use ox bone to make soup?"

A few people were even more shocked. In this case, the main material in this stone pot became this bowl of soup.

The two chefs from the American Academy of Fine Arts, the pupils tightened slightly, then frowned, and the eyes flashed a dignified color.

It can be said that the cooking strength of Mufan in the arena has far exceeded their expectations. Originally, it was thought that Jeno’s opponent had only the top ten, but now it seems that Mufan seems to block Jeno’s first. The chef.

The Millennium buds look at Mufan’s eyes but they are full of appreciation. As the queen of the Japanese curry world, her goal is not only to develop curry. If this talented teenager is pulled into the restaurant, then maybe This point enters the other interface of the food industry.

As for Dojima Silver and Shimiya Kojiro, they have now graduated from the distant moon, but they naturally have another plan to come to this food festival, that is, invite the fancy chef to join his restaurant.

If this time, Mu Fan can successfully reach the top ten, he has already reached the standard they invited.

Just when they were thinking about each other, when they tried to make soup, Mufan’s mood was once again, the sharp knife flashed, the fish was killed and the internal organs were removed, and then carefully cut, the pieces were long and thick. The fish fillet appeared on the table.

Washing the grass carp on the table, he said that it was the first time to make fish dishes. However, with the help of the five-level cooking level, he understood the natural understanding of the knife and quickly learned the treatment of grass carp.

This method of cutting is extremely challenging for the knife, the master of the knife is good, the cut fish fillet looks long and thick, and the weight is particularly large. The fish fillet with poor knife work is very scattered, and even the fish fillet cannot be formed at all.

"30 points!"

"4 points!"

"23 points!"

Because the stone pot fish just started to take some time, an hour later, the well-prepared chefs appeared on the stage.

However, the results of these people are not optimistic. Listening to the cold ratings on the judging panel, the top chefs can only withdraw.

"God, the current highest score is only 45 points, not even fifty, how strict is this review?"

Looking at the score on the big screen of the venue, Qiandao Li holding the microphone could not help but shouted out.

Listening to her voice, even if everyone in the auditorium seems to be in the middle of the place, I heard a moment that I liked the scores of the contestants, and I couldn’t help but feel tight.

After all, the five people in this review are really too strict.

Especially the thousands of summer buds, even gave a person a zero.

It’s awkward!

Because there is nothing to cook the soup, Mu Fan can only count the time, and secretly sympathize with the thousands of chefs who are too lazy to get a four-point chef.

It can also be seen that how difficult it is to score the second game.

When Mu Fan looked at the field, Yuki Asahi had already carried the salmon on the stage.

"Come on, Akina, what I can do this time is to give you medicine and silent blessing."

Mu Fan’s heart secretly prayed, this is his first heartfelt feeling.

As a friend's point of view, he naturally does not want to make such efforts, but the kind and gentle Asuna is brushed off in the second game.

Moreover, his feelings for Asuna now are not limited to friends.

“Please ask the teacher to taste the dishes I made, pan-fried salmon.”

Yuki Asahi came to the stage and placed five plates of salmon in front of each review, nervously.

To be honest, as a big lady who has married, she shouldn't have been nervous. After all, she has faced various things and family members to meet the presidents of various companies.

However, at this moment, she felt that her heart was jumping out, because she liked cooking too much, and she did not want to be defeated at this moment by her small efforts, stopping at the top ten of the food festival.

How can she not be nervous in this situation?

Shigeki Kojiro took the lead in raising his head and was shocked when he saw the face of Asuna.

He is running a famous restaurant in France, and he can see countless noble women every day, but even if he sees Ming Nai for the first time, he can't help but feel a little amazing.

Of course, I just feel amazing. He doesn't have any selfishness. He just feels pleasing to the eye from tomorrow's appearance.

To put it bluntly, the chef’s own dressing also greatly affects the operation of a restaurant. After all, the guest sees a person who is not formal, unspoken, or even lazy, and the restaurant’s guests will not appetite.

Just like in the food department, if there is no outstanding appearance of Asuna, Mufan can not attract a large number of students from the Fengsaki Academy in a short period of time.

Now standing on the stage, Asuna is dressed in a spotless white dress, and can't help but form an elegant and generous temperament.

Not to mention the taste of the food, just seeing such a beautiful woman, the mood of eating and drinking has become different.

At least for the first impression of Asuna, the five judges present were very satisfied.

Because this time of tasting takes time, I will stand on the sidelines and look back. It happens that the viewers in the audience have seen the amazing appearance of Asuna. sound.

"God, who is the girl, the appearance and body can be compared with the 薙切绘里奈."

"Comparatively, are you insulting people? Both are obviously peerless beauty at the same level, but the style is different. If Miss Erina is a glamorous person, then this is a gentle representative."

"Hey, this isn't the release of "The Feather of the Wings" ReCT's Missy, Yuki Asuna?"

Suddenly, the crowd did not know who made an exclamation, and everyone suddenly remembered.

"It turned out that it was really taking the mobile phone to take this scene down. The city of Nassau was not a talented woman in the news. It was better to see it. I did not expect that she would not only be a singer, but even make dishes. The property of the wife is bursting!"

Not long after, there was a loud noise in the audience. Mu Fan went back and found the horror. The field actually supported a flag with a portrait of Asuna.

"Make a big lady, come on, get the first place in this food festival, we are your fans, always support you! Please open a restaurant in the future, let us taste the dishes of Missy."

Seeing this, tomorrow, I was a little bit dumbfounded.

God, is it too exaggerated? I just got a group of loyal fans just standing on the stage for a little while?

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