Fantasy System

Chapter 251: Sunken world

Riding a motorcycle all the way, an hour, Mu Fan finally returned home.

I took off the safety helmet, pushed the motorcycle into the warehouse, opened the door and put on the shoes, and entered the living room from the entrance. Lily, sitting on the sofa, heard the voice and raised her head. When she saw that she was coming back to Mufan. Suddenly, he smiled excitedly and said: "Master, you are back."

"Well, I am back."

Lily is such a lovely girl, no matter how heavy his mood is, returning home will make him happy.

He smiled and nodded. In fact, after several persuasion, the gauze allowed Lily and she to sleep in a room at night.

However, the reason why she let Lily enter her room to sleep together was to let Lily stay in the reason of preventing Lily from seduce her brother.

As for the daytime, the yarn fog is not very much talking to Lily. Lily is not willing to hinder the painting of the fog, so she stays in the living room.

"Lily, have you handed Sao's gaming equipment to the fog?"

Mu Fan put the snacks and ingredients he bought back on the sofa and sat next to Lily.

Lily stood upright and smiled sweetly. "Well, Master is relieved. When you have just left, I will give it to the fog, and tell her that the other Master will come back and explain to her."

"Thank you."

Mu Fan seriously thanked a sentence, although Lily is still small, but it is also a bit of a blue-haired style. When things are done, Mu Fan has always been reassured.

Although Lily has not said her true wish so far, as long as she can get a free eye-catching beauty girl bodyguard every day, it is definitely a very good deal.

However, the food consumption of this bodyguard is really a bit too big.

Looking at the ingredients in the bag, the original rice noodles in the family were enough to eat for more than ten days. As a result, Lily had no food at home for only three days, so that he could only buy some more.

Sure enough, Wang’s appetite is not enough for anyone!

However, Mu Fan also made a decision. When the summer vacation, it is necessary to take her to the beach. Lily is a singer. Although he can't get a swimwear with Fgo, he can see the real version of the swimsuit. No loss.

Then, Mu Fan divided the snacks into Lily, and the rest was placed on the sofa, waiting for the yarn to come out and take it.

As for why Mu Fan is not all handed over to Lily, Mu Fan thinks that if he gives all the snacks to Lily, Lily's appetite can be completely eliminated in less than ten minutes.

I came to the kitchen with the ingredients and started to make dinner for Lily and Yarn.

Washed the dishes, Mu Fan felt, waiting for the day to put the cooked meals to the autumn court.

She has been in the hospital and has not eaten anything delicious. Bringing something that I have done to Lixiang, she should like it very much. After all, for her own craftsmanship at the food festival, Mufan is still very confident.

For an hour or so, dinner is ready.

Mu Fan put it on the table and let Lily inform the fog.

It didn't take long for the two girls to walk downstairs together.

The square table, originally Mufan sat on his own side, but the gauze just washed his hand and took the lead sitting next to him. As for Lily, he could only sit opposite the two.

See you, Mu Fan can not help but speechless.

Once the pears of Yingli, including the 珈百璃, came to their homes, and the gauze never cared about the seats of others.

But why can't Lily sit with her?

These days, the yarn fog has been repelling Lily. When I think about it, my family suddenly has another sister of my favorite brother. She is probably worried that her sister's position will be contested.

But fortunately, the opposite Lily has been completely immersed in the dinner, and did not care about the yarn fog.

Really, nowadays life is everywhere Shura field?

Mufan’s heart sighed and sighed, then picked up the chopsticks and began to eat.

After eating for a while, the gauze put down the chopsticks and looked at Mufan curiously and asked: "Brother, what did you give me the "SAo" game equipment?"

Mu Fan could not help but be amazed and asked: "Do you know?"


The gauze bowed his head and bit his lip and said, "Well, this time the computer's webpage always pops up the advertisement of SAo, and I accidentally saw it when I opened it. Is the brother wanting to let the game play with you? ?"


Mu Fan touched the head of the yarn fog, and smiled politely: "To tell the truth, you have never been to school at home and do not communicate with others. I am not particularly relieved, so I want you to experience it temporarily in the game. Life, you can go out of your house bravely after exercise, and you can go to the beach together during my summer vacation!"

When I heard this, the yarn was suddenly red, and the tone was a little choked. "My brother always wanted me to leave home. Don't you want me to be here?"


Mu Fan quickly shook his head. He did not expect that the fog would give him the understanding that he hoped the yarn to leave, and waved his hand and said: "I will be with you even if the yarn stays at home for a lifetime, but I am. ...hope that the fog can be a little more happy every day."

Two cute big eyes stared at Mufan's serious face. After a long while, the yarn was only lowered, and the red face was full of delicate voice: "Actually, my brother is accompanying me every day, I am very happy.. ..."

Speaking of this, the yarn fog raised his head again, and the snowy face with a soft smile, said: "But since the game is a brand new world, then I will try to survive with my brother, and I will travel outside with my brother later."

"Yarn fog..."

Seeing the gauze promised, Mu Fan's heart was warm.

SAo's internal world allows gamers to survive in it. For those who have property, this beautiful and imaginative world is simply paradise.

The yarn mist can also practice the way of communicating with people.

Looking at the heart of the fog, growing up day by day, Mu Fan smiled comfortably: "Dine, and Lily, we will go to play at 7 o'clock in the evening."


Yarn fog and Lily readily agreed to start eating the dishes that Mufan made.

Since Mu Fan began to carefully prepare dinner for the gauze, in addition to the existence of the big stomach Wang Lili, the yarn can eat two bowls of food every day, which makes Mufan happy.

Now the yarn fog is a long-term growth. If you eat less, like the pear pear, it is no different from the body when you were a child.

When the two women finished eating, Lily immediately proposed to wash the dishes for Mufan, and the yarn mist was not shown to stand out.

However, all were rejected by Mu Fan. He naturally would not let two lovely sisters wash the dishes, let them both return to the upper floor to rest, and cleaned up the stairs.

Back home, Mu Fan made a phone call to Li Xiang, which confirmed the game iD of Xi Lixiang, [listen to the water fragrance]

After knowing the iD, returning to the first floor, I can find Li Xiang to upgrade and see the new world scene.

Looking at the time is only 6., Mufan simply sat in front of the computer, coded for a while CLANNAD story, although CLANNAD, he has been dragging, but still will write some when nothing.

Up to now, the text has probably completed 50%, and it will take a long time to complete the game to Yingli Pear.

Seeing that time is coming to seven o'clock, Mu Fan immediately connected the game equipment to the Internet and lay on the bed. When he was ready to put on the game helmet, a mobile phone suddenly placed on the bedside table.

Mu Fan could only sit up from the bed again, pick up the phone, look at the familiar number, and can't help but groan.

"An Yi Lun also?"

To be honest, ordinary Mu Fan and An Yilun also chat in the software, and An Yilun also calls very few.

Unless there is something anxious, such as the last time they worked for the boss with a small scorpion, An Yilun also called him.

Sure enough, just after pressing the answer button, there was an anxious voice in An Yilun: "Mu Fan, not good!"

"Oh no?"

An Yilun’s anxious voice is not like joking. Mu Fan’s heart sinks and hurriedly asks: “Don’t worry, let’s say slowly, what happened?”

"It is a big event in SAo."

An Yilun also explained.

"Don't be surprised, my heart can't stand the toss."

Mu Fan, he thought that Lun also encountered danger in reality. He heard that it was SAo's business. He couldn't help but look up and ask: "What big thing can a game have?"

"Mu Fan, don't forget that SAo's worldview is driving our players!"

Although it was a thing in SAo, An Yilun’s voice was extremely heavy. He said straight to the door: “So I ask you, in the floating city where we are, is Ain Grande sinking a big deal?”


Mu Fan was shocked:

"You mean? The world we exist, Ian Grant, it..... sinking?"

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