Fantasy System

Chapter 254: Let you run forty-nine meters first

"Are you all right?"

Seeing Lily and Yarn again, Mufan was very happy, and ran quickly, holding the fog, and asked her softly.

Familiar with the words of concern, let the gauze look up in confusion, see the handsome face in front of her, her eyes flashed a glimpse of the look, open the lips and doubts: "Brother?"

"Well, it's me, the fog."

Mufan nodded and comforted the head of the gauze.

Now in SAo, the yarn fog belongs to the initial form, which is the so-called novice village state in the game.

Only a piece of coarse cloth and pants were worn on the petite and thin body, and the rags were rotten.

Although the dress looks shabby, the gauze itself is beautiful and refined, the white skin is tender and the skin is beautiful and beautiful, even if it is not equipped, it is still outstanding in the novice crowd.

"Brother, really a brother!"

When I heard this, the gauze suddenly hugged Mu Fan, excitedly said: "Great, I can see my brother in the game!"

I didn’t expect it to be so lively in the yarn fog game, and it was directly swayed by the yarn.

The soft body clings to the body, the two small peaks are shaped, and the coarse cloth has no obstruction. Mufan can see the corner of the girl's chest being pressed and deformed perfectly. It seems that the chest of the fog has developed faintly. .

If it is not urgent, Mu Fan really wants to take off his armor and wear a thin dress to feel it carefully.

Not to mention Li Xiang and Lily.

The two women are not worse than the yarn, and naturally they were discovered by Mufan in the first time.

"Mu Fan?"

Staring in front of the figure wearing a black light armor, Qiu Ting Li Xiang confirmed that the man in front of him was just in the hospital and chatting with himself, immediately stepped forward and looked at Mu Fan:

"Mu Fan, why the world will become like this, I have only seen in the opening Cg is not such a scene, but a peaceful world. Why did this change suddenly happen?"

"Brother, I don't see the cg picture that I saw with Yarn. Is this world changed?"

Lily also stood up and asked Mufan to ask.

"Well. Today's game version has changed and it has become the end of the world."

Mufan nodded and said to the three women apologetically: "It is my fault. I thought I could take you to enjoy the atmosphere of the game world life. I didn't expect this game to become like this today."

However, Mu Fan just said this sentence, the yarn fog came to him, the yarn fog came forward, smiled comfortably: "It doesn't matter my brother, as long as my brother is in what kind of world, I will not be afraid. ""

"Well, I am the same, whether it is the end of the world or the world before, it is a world, I am free to play in the game, so I am very satisfied."

Li Xiang freely moved to the body, determined that the world will not be affected by her condition, and suddenly smiled with joy.

"Do not worry, I will protect you."

Mu Fan was warm in his heart and patted his chest and smiled.

Although the world has changed, since the three women can accept SAo's present world, then there is no problem, otherwise his previous efforts will be done.

At this time, the task of the system in my mind is turned on again:

[叮 系统 - System task is open, recovery of collapsed Ain Grande can get 20 fantasy value. 】

When I heard the newly released task, Mu Fan’s heart was happy.

In fact, just looking at the way the gauze and Lixiang like the world, Mu Fan decided to find the core of Shizhongjian and the world tree to recreate the wish of Ain Grande.

But now that the task has been released, the effect of the twenty fantasy values ​​on him is very large, not taking it.

"Hatsuo, can you find the core of the world tree and the place where the sword is sealed?"

Thinking of this, Mu Fan immediately asked the Hatsune.

The first voice sank a bit and said: "Brother, if there is no accident, the core of the world tree and the sword in the stone should be hidden in the territory of the seven lords. But now our power cannot break into it. Let's develop first. When the level rises, form a team of 100 people and see if you can get the two items back."

Mufan is so stunned. Simply put, the current SAo pattern has changed from a hundred layers of monsters that had to be played to seven lords of hell.

There are many new ways to play. These seven lords are basically equivalent to the final boss, and their current strength can not cope, can only be awkward, a little upgrade to develop and then deal with them.

"Yarn fog, you three advanced teams."

Thinking of this, Mu Fan quickly pulled the three into the team.

At present, the three women are just one level. This way, they will be killed by the undead who wandered outside.

But now, just outside the team of soldiers dragged a few undead assassins, perhaps this opportunity to mix some experience.

Under the leadership of Mufan, the three women were resurrected in the urban church.

Far away, the team of soldiers just in the battle with the seven undead assassins, the scene is more chaotic, and three people have died under the assassination of the undead assassin.

However, the human side is more vulnerable to the undead. Among them, there are two higher-level undead assassins who shuttled in the crowd with agile body, avoiding the soldiers' blade, and then agilely wandering behind the soldiers. Conduct a sneak attack.

The speed is awkward!

Looking at the human soldier who could not hit the dead, causing fatal injuries, Mufan sighed and looked back. The three women behind him, only Lily’s body shivered slightly.

However, she was trembling because of her excited body. Looking at the few undead assassins in the distance, she clenched her fists, but her face was full of unspeakable excitement: "Brother, we are going now and Are these assassins killed?"

"I am going to kill, not you."

Mu Fan said with some laughter.

Now Lily is only one level, although Mu Fan feels that her nerve reaction speed is not slow, but the level of unequipped agility and speed are greatly reduced, even if the reaction is fast and predict, can not escape higher than her Attack of a level 20 monster.

While Mufan and Lily were talking, suddenly, the undead in black robes circled behind a soldier in the center of a silver armor, holding a dagger and stabbing his back.

The sound of the sharp wind behind him came, and the soldier’s face changed. He quickly swung his sword and swept it.

The "When" sound provoked the dagger of the undead assassin.

But at this moment, an undead assassin in front holds the staff in his hand, and a magical breath is drawn on it. A fireball is magnified in front of the staff, and the position of the staff is just The location of the soldier.

"Is this the magic of the version update?"

Mufan was shocked and remembered the first one to advance to the hidden profession.

It seems that 珈 璃 就是 is a sacred priest, and the power applied is also a magical side.

Although the undead assassin is attacking magic, Mufan understands that it cannot be released.

Otherwise, a powerful magical attack caused the soldiers of this team to die too much. The monster was stuck in the door of the church and was too reluctant to leave. He was too thin to leave the church and leave the church.

Thinking of this, Mufan pulled out his long sword and took a deep breath. He held the hilt with both hands, and then a powerful force was used to input the blade from his arms.

Seeing this, Mu Fan sang low and the sword body lit up with a sky blue light.

Then a giant blue sword rushed from the tip of the sword to the sky, and with the low voice of Mufan falling from the sky, even if Murfan stood at the door of the church, in his calculations. However, the blade is already in the position of the undead assassin who just released the magic.

"Look at my forty meters of sword, I can let you run forty-nine meters!"

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