Fantasy System

Chapter 293: A tidal wave

The chapter is also known as [the tide of the sunset -]


When I heard the voice of Tojo, all of u’s eyes turned to Curious with curiosity.

Yuki Asahi, holding a mobile phone, pointed at the song above and smiled and nodded. "The last time the piano music played by Mufan in our home, a total of thirteen songs, each piano is full of special The charm, like a piano master playing the piano, and the self-singing "Flying Feather" makes me forget now."

"Wow, even my sister, Akina, is so appreciative to Ms. Mufan. It must be nice."

Nanqin Pear was surprised and rounded his eyes, and then his hands were folded together. A pair of beautiful nephews looked at Mufan and cried his eyes curiously: "What is the brother of Mufan who is going to play this time?"


Mu Fan pointed to himself, some laughed and laughed, did not expect the performance that originally belonged to u\'s, and finally pointed the finger at himself.

However, watching a total of ten girls and one afternoon of training is a little tired, and they have really put a lot of effort into the idols.

And he watched the training of others for one afternoon, and saw a lot of things that should not be seen. From a psychological point of view, I really couldn't bear to reject them.

After thinking about it, Mu Fan went to the piano and reached out and gently plucked the piano.

From the last time I recorded the music needed for "The Edge of the Sky" at my home in Asuna, I didn't touch the piano anymore. Just touched the keys, and the level of music talent made his heart rush. Familiar mood.

His talent is different from that of others. His talent will never be forgotten as long as he learns. The skill of playing the piano has long been remembered in the depths of his heart.

One of the first ones was exchanged for anime, and the familiar piano music fluctuated in my mind. Mufan smirked his mouth, smiled, sat in a chair and smiled: "Well, then, I will be everyone. Playing a song, the tide is -"

"Chao Ming?"

Mu Fan said this sentence, u\'s full members and Yuki Asahi revealed a weird look.

Yuan Tianhai asked inexplicably: "Mu Fan, what kind of song is this? We have not heard of such a piano piece."

never heard of that?

Mu Fan laughed. Chao Ming was a piano piece created by a Japanese composer, and he was the original music collection and BgM in the third love adventure game CLANNAD released by the Japanese game brand Key.

In essence, it is a sad song, with the touching story of "CLANNAD". Whenever Okazaki is sad, or the story reaches the sad tears, the episode plays the sentimental atmosphere in the drama, and people hear it. At the same time, I can't help but shed tears.

Therefore, clannad is not in this world, and the tides naturally do not exist.

Yuki Asahi came forward with a smile and said: "I know that the music played by Mu Fan is his own, just like the feathers of the wing. Every capital is very nice and reminiscent. Infinity, the name is not important, we just have to listen."

"Ah, will my brother create piano music to the level of the master?"

Listening to Asuna’s explanation, Gao Qisui’s daughters all looked at Mu Fan with a shocked look.

Even the president of the student, Yu Huali, was full of surprises. She always thought that Mu Fan was just a little punk. He did not expect that he was not only a famous light novel writer, but he would also create piano music alone.

Such a man is really a genius in the art world!


Looking at the piano in front of him, Mu Fan closed his eyes and took a deep breath, dispelling the thoughts in his mind, and when he opened his eyes again, there was a very elegant and confident look in his eyes.

The slender body sat in the chair, and the golden light of the sunset outside the window projected and fell on him. With the precious suits worn today, it radiated a faint golden light. For a time, there was a style of piano master. .

u\'s a few women and Yuki Asuna are unspeakable.

So handsome -

Really handsome -

Mu Fan’s appearance was very beautiful, although it was not as good as the school’s transcript. At this time, sitting in a chair, hands on the piano, full of literary and artistic literary fan, but added a lot of points for him.


At this time, with Mufan gently pressing his finger, the crystal clear sound of the piano, gently flowing out, like the clear spring water on the mountain, washed the entire music room, the exhaustion of several women's hearts Dispelling the dry and clean.

There were not many girls in the entire music room, and all of them stood at the door, closed their mouths, stopped talking, and quietly listened to the sound of the piano played by Mufan.

The song of Chaoming is not difficult in itself. It is only divided into two chapters. At this time, Mufan played the first chapter.

The first chapter is repeated with a few short syllables, and the melodic and sad melody is like a tidal wave, giving people a feeling of tears.

Although the rhythm is relatively flat, the sound of the piano is full of a unique charm.

Listening to this tidal sound, people seem to see the tumbling waves, the morning's dim calm, turn to the blue, and turn blue, the tide hits the coast without stopping, making a crisp sound.

This is precisely the mood of the tide, which is a heartbeat, agitation, what is there, constantly striking the fragile heart, after the release of the past, so can not calm down,

They are too strong and cover up all the sorrow with a smile, so in the end they will be so sad and collapsed.

Those days spent, just constantly tiring up those dominoes, and in the last blow, they are in a state of turmoil.

The days passed, but even at dusk, the sound of the tide was still engraved with a sad story on the coast.

Such a simple story makes it impossible for everyone present to be immersed in this mood.

Listening to such a melody, all the members of u\'s and Asunai recalled everything that they had experienced in the past and their efforts, and there was a layer of water mist in their eyes.

They bite their silver teeth and try to restrain their emotions. The piano sounds of Mufan seem to have magical power. Under this melody, they can't stop the tears, and the tears can't help but slide down the corners of their eyes.

Yuki Asahi’s eyes looked at Mufan intricately.

Mu Fan really gave her too many surprises. She would like to draw a novel, to draw, to cook, to play at the top of the game, to sing, to play the piano, and to have nothing to admire.

At this moment, she really wants to seize this mysterious Mufan torture to ask what he will still have.

Mom said that such a man is not worthy of her?

What a joke, she is not worthy of him!

However, thinking about these things, the beautiful face of Asuna’s face reveals a smile, and looks at Mufan with a slap in the face. It is a versatile satisfaction and love for the man he likes.

"Brother is amazing!"

Nanqin pear and Sui Naiguo also opened their mouths and looked at Muffin with amazement.

At this moment, Mufan sat quietly in the sunset, maintaining an elegant and calm sitting posture, gently tapping his fingers, immersed in the beautiful syllables, enjoying such a melody, because the rhythm of the tide is completely in his control. In the middle, he slowly led the melody to the second chapter.

The second chapter is similar to the syllable of the first chapter, but it is only a little faster, and it is very difficult to change. It is necessary to make people transition to the next chapter in this melody.

In general, the excess in the transition is very difficult.

Listening to the change of the melody, the hearts of several women on the scene could not help but accelerate, for fear that Mufan suddenly failed to turn, making them fall from this wonderful melody.

However, they completely considered it. Although it was a lot faster, it was not difficult for Mu Fan, who had a deep understanding of Clannad to understand the artistic conception. It gave people a shocking feeling and more than all the previous rhythms.

The meaning of life is to experience these pains with a smile, to cry after the eyes, to do what you want, to think about what you think, to make new friends,

But don't forget those pains, those memories are the ultimate prizes, prove your strong prizes, don't be afraid to choose and don't regret your choice, but be responsible for them.

The time passed by, the sunset caught the last radiance, the golden sea was dark blue, but the calm night could not heal the painful wounds.

The tide is still moving gently, we can't see the sea below the night, but the undercurrent will not stop.

I understand everything in the past, but I can't change it. I can only watch the passage of time, but my heart is not calm.

Life is like a tide, calm down and listen to your own ebb and flow, I believe you must have heard strong and brave.

In the second chapter, the mood of the whole piano music changed. As the melody gradually accelerated, several women had all become clear and bright because of their sadness.

Even if they don't know the piano, they can all hear that this song just explained the whole life, the tides and the ups and downs.

However, although there are many sad stories in the ebb and flow, I can still feel some different feelings and gain strength and courage.

This is the so-called life.

This Chaoming is the most understandable for Mufan, who has survived the two worlds and understands the business environment. He has entered this strange realm and played the perfect mood of Chaoming.

Mufan’s piano piece also made some women in the room understand. In fact, Mu Fan did not deliberately use this sad piano music to blow their confidence, provoke their tears and sadness in their hearts, but instead motivate them from the opposite direction. The future is stronger and more brave than now!


With the last note of Mufan, the whole piano piece was stopped in summer. At this moment, the artistic conception of the whole song reached an unprecedented perfection.

The juvenile angular face in the setting sun is attached to the golden brilliance at this moment. The slender body is in the sunset, and it is as dazzling as the gods come to the world.

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