Fantasy System

Chapter 297: Dog abuse

"The second battle has begun!"

At this time, no one in the crowd said that the new battle began.

The onlookers all turned their attention to the live broadcast screen of the game, holding their breath, this is a jungle game, the same 3D game as the opening game.

"3, 2, 1!"

The onlookers’ eyes fixed on the opening. After the end of the countdown, they found that the roles of Mu Fan and Yuki Natsuna were standing together and there was no movement.


In this scene, the crowds around the crowd turned their eyes, and did not expect to wait for a long time, the second game of these two characters did not even dare to move.

"Is the melee not rushing past, do you have to wait for the mage to be controlled?"

"Newcomers, fast!"

"You two players, if you can't do it, don't sit up!"

A few seconds later, a few people in the middle of the crowd couldn’t help but burst into a curse.


"But is it? Then I will take the initiative to attack!"

Han Mo looked at Mu Fan and Yu Cheng, and he was not moved. The curved Liu Mei wrinkled and tried to take the lead in throwing a ball to Mu Fan.

At the moment she was throwing the ball, Mufan’s character moved, and she took the sub-arms bow and arrow and pointed at the succubus’s head.


But at this time, the magic ball shot by the succubus hit him.

The arrow that Mufan had just saved was not waiting to be shot. The body fell like a back, and the arrow was exhausted. The three arrows that were preparing to hit the succubus were all shot into the sky.

"This guy's skills are actually biased! This special will not wait for the attack to be stiff and then fight again? Not as good as me, this garbage operation."

There was a curse in the surrounding voice: "You deliberately sent people a hundred wins? This garbage operation, your face is not red?"

The ball hit the body, and Mu Fan immediately dropped one-fifth of the blood. This is only a sniper's blow, and it can't be fatal.

"Oh, my brother and sister are newcomers!"

Han Mo showed a sweet smile to Mu Fan.

Mu Fan did not say a word, switching the auxiliary weapons and rushed forward.

"Brother, my sister's role hasn't moved yet, are you too reckless?"

Hanmo’s silver bell-like laughter came and threw a heart toward Mufan. The speed of this method was very fast, and the role of Mufan was unrecognizable when it was impossible to predict. Charm, carrying the sword toward the rear of the city of Tomorrow rushed.

Just as Mu Fan rushed to Jiecheng Mingnai, the catwoman controlled by Yuki Asuna was also moved, and she greeted Mufan.

"Give me a killer!"

The cold immediately controlled the [Magician Lihua] open cloak, revealing a naked body of the witch, followed by a burst of sound, from the cloak of the densely touched tentacles towards the formation of Asuna’s body go with.

"Tomina, it is now!"

But at this moment, Mufan’s role was made to slash to Asuna’s instructions. At the moment of the sword, the center of the body’s inertia moved down and stabbed her neck. Asuna’s role was directly attacked by Mufan’s role. When I came, I took instructions and stepped on Mufan’s high leaping. Because the tentacle’s attack belonged to a parallel line attack, I could have been exposed to Asuna, but because of the presence of Akina’s feet. Wherever, the height of one person is increased, so the judgment is defeated, but the fascinating state of Mufan is bound.

Two control overlaps!

I escaped a tentacle attack, and with the help of the springboard, Fan, the city of Yukiyuki jumped into the front of the two masters, and formed the instructions of the big move directly.

The green-green goblin sword tip is like a sudden drop of rain. It is standing in front of two people and violently attacking. With the quick attack of the agile swordsman, the bloodlines of the two people are reduced by four-fifths.

The two hurriedly pressed out the flashing instructions, which was out of the battle, and then each of them gave their own instructions. Under the attack of the two mages, Asuna was directly killed.

"Haha, let me see you how you can!"

Looking away from the control that was just freed from the control, Mu Fanhaha smiled and threw a ball into the **** Mu Fan.

However, at this time, Mu Fan's body has a greenish light, and the blood strip has risen a bit, which offsets the damage of this method.

"Well, it belongs to the treatment given by the catwoman!"

Cold and cold in the cold, a cry of horror, at this moment, the top of the head flashed an arrow, and quickly fell down, the range is just the location where he and Mo Han flash.

"Puff puff--"

Just flashed to the position, the sound of a blade collision came, the last bloodline of the two characters' characters was directly hit by the blow of Mufan.

In the second game, Mu Fan and Yu Cheng will win tomorrow!

This scene, suddenly shocked the crowd around the mouth of the boss, incredible:

"Impossible, this is their luck, it must be? The arrow that started to shoot off just happened to fall in the position where the cold Mo and the cold away from the Master flashed, and harvested with arrows."

Of course, there are other people with sharp eyes who have seen the clues. They are full of horror in the eyes of Yukihiko: "However, this girl who operates this girl really 666, even with the man’s body, avoids the tentacles, giving Two people deadly attack!"

"Yeah, can a beauty get a mobile phone number or a chat software number? We can play together [Sister Sister SiSCALYPSe] in the future!"

There are also a lot of young boys who used this opportunity to initiate an invitation to Asuna, but all of them were rejected by Yuki Natsuki and smiled.

"This man actually blocked his enchanting attack with his own body, and with his control rushed to his girlfriend, let his girlfriend rush into our crowd with his body as a springboard, and before deliberately missed After confusing them, and then being forced out by his girlfriend, the arrow will be harvested from the sky!"

Only the cold Mo and the cold are two people staring at Mu Fan, heart.

Full of shock, if all this is really like what they think, then Mufan and Yuki Asuna are able to be so clear in the short time that they have just come into contact with the game, and their strength is really It’s too horrible.

"Come back!"

In the third game, the look of Han Mo and the coldness was a lot dignified, and the breathing of the masses in the field was also dignified, for fear of disturbing this wonderful battle.

The two sides decided to win or lose!

This time, the cold Mo and the cold left the field to each distance, the two people's skills can take care of each other's way, separated by a distance, so that will not be defeated by Mufan's tactics.

"Since it is separated, it is even simpler!"

This time, just started to see the two people separated, Mu Fan and Yuki Asahi’s face showed a triumphant look, and they controlled their respective roles and rushed to each other.

The nature that Mufan rushed to was the cold-minded [Magician Lihua], and the city of Naruto rushed to the succubus.

Because they are separated, the game mode becomes a one-to-one command mode game again.

Mu Fan and Yucheng Mingnai are all Min Jianshi characters. In the eyes of the masses, I saw that both Murfan and Yuki Asuna have become phantoms, and they quickly slap the buttons on the arcade game console.

The characters they control are flying through the jungle at a rapid speed. This time, the two people do not need to cooperate at all. Just control their own characters and kill their respective enemies.

Looking at the extremely fast Mo Fan and Asuna, Han Mo and Han Li did not panic, just slammed the arcade button and entered the command to give Mu Fan and Yuki Asuna's attack skills.

But this time, they played dozens of skills, and there wasn’t any one hitting Murfan and Yuki Asahi, each time they were one by one and they passed by.

"It's your defeat!"

At this time, two unvoiced voices came, and Han Mo and the cold heart were shocked. I saw that when Mu Fan and Yuki Asahi said this sentence at the same time, their characters actually fell from the tree. In front of them, they showed their sword skills.

The two of them were in a chaotic mood and hurriedly flashed to the sides. Mu Fan and Yuki Asahi had already expected their thoughts. When they flashed, their two swordsmen slammed together, two people. The swords belonged to the soft sword, and they collided at the tip of the sword. The two swords suddenly bent down, like the strings of bows and arrows.

"Hey!" The two swords bent to the limit were like the bowstrings of the limit. The characters of the two men were pushed to the sides by this force, which happened to fall in the position of the cold and the cold.


The cold Mo and the cold are horrified, and the result of the closeness of the sword by the wizard in the gap that has just been commanded is naturally self-evident.

It didn't take long for the two men to kill after the big move in Mufan and Yukihiko.

Cold Mo, cold from the 99th battle - fiasco!

All the people watching the battle were surprised and rounded their eyes, and opened their mouths to look at the final battle information on the screen.

They just thought it was a coincidence, but this one-on-one, the speed and responsiveness of the horrible people hit their faces deeply.

Let them understand the strength of this man and woman.

This time, they are really using the operation to completely crush the cold and cold!

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