Fantasy System

: Tomorrow's Nai Fan outside 8 [children are not allowed to see! 】

Why are you scared like this?

Yuki Asahi and the pear pear look at each other, recalling the scene of the horror in the building just now, the flash of fear in the pupil, the constant lingering still echoing in their ears.

Yingli pear hesitated a moment of love, and then said with Mingri Nai what happened in the building just one hundred and ten.

After listening to the words of two women in Asuna, Mu Fan looked incredulously: "Ghost? You two people are not kidding, how can there be ghosts in the abandoned building?"

To be honest, Mufan’s unbelievable expression, rather than a light smile, is because he does not believe what Yingli pear said.

As a traverser, he is still very strange to the world where Akina is located. He can't be sure that there is really no ghost here. After all, his soul crossing has happened. What else is impossible? [Note: When the timeline of Fanwai Mufan was determined to be related to Asuna, there was no final strength of the seal demon during that period. 】

Yingli pear immediately stood up and said seriously: "It is true. I and Mingnai have heard that stern sly."

As soon as I thought of the horrible voice, the two women’s legs trembled a little, and they dared not go on.

Mu Fan turned his head and noticed the pale face of the city next to him. The heart also understood that the two women did not lie. It seems that something horrible in the building would scare the two of them.

But after thinking about it, the two women were scared by unknown species. Mufan could not help but raise a anger. He looked gloomy and walked over to the two women and said, "Since you just heard the cry, and If you don’t see what it is, then let’s go back and see it this time.”

As soon as I heard that Mufan was going back, Asuna’s pupils shrank slightly, and the voice trembled a little. “I feel that I still don’t want to go. I feel that there seems to be something horrible in the building, like the kind of scorpion. ..... I suggest that we should find more people to see?"

"If there are really ghosts, even if you find more than one, there is no way to do it. It will only increase casualties, and we will go back. Are you sure that the thing will be let go of you so easily?"

Mufan’s voice is low, and the heart feels more and more weird. Looking at the major horror novels, if human beings are stared at by ghosts and other things, they must not go back so easily.

Can the ghosts in the building deliberately put the Sunna and the British pear back, do you want it to be like a galactic coconut, and completely look at your personal wishes, and plan to wait for the cats to hunt before the Mingnai and the pears go back to start playing like prey. Torture their spirit, wait until they try all kinds of methods can not get rid of death, kill them when they are desperate?

The most terrible thing is not death, but death is waiting for death, and there is a glimmer of life, and then the time to fall to the bottom of the valley is the most terrible.

Thinking of this, Mufan heart shudders.

In this way, the spooky building, in any case, he will go back to the building with Asuna and Pear Pear to explore the sneaky inside. If you can talk about it and let it pass through Asuna and English pear, then solve it. .

Upon hearing the words of Mufan, the two women suddenly became scared and bloodless, as if their legs were unconscious, and they stood still.

Mu Fan said yes, being stared at by ghosts, can they really survive in the future?

"Let's go back!" In order to survive, the two women made up their minds. On the one hand, they also wondered what was in the building. On the one hand, they wanted to take the cat back and tried to get rid of this curse.

Listening to this, Mu Fan's face became serious, and the sense of alertness perceives the movements around him. As always, Mu Fan tries to block in front of the two women, thereby reducing the inner fear of the two women.

Fortunately, there is no danger on this road. The innocent night sky is like a deep sea. There is no star on it. Only the lonely moon hangs in the center. For a long time, the moon seems to be **** at this moment. Covering the bright red blood, the light from the surrounding area turned the earth into a **** color.

It seems to be warning people, don't go out during this time...

Because it is midnight, standing at the door of the building, the extremely light moonlight can not be illuminated into the interior of the building, resulting in a dark lacquered piece from the door of the building, a horrible black hole that devours human life, and a deep abyss, horrible.

According to the story, from midnight to 3 am, when the gates of the underworld are opened, countless ghosts of the underworld will come to the sun at this moment, and the use of human spirits will cause humans to languish the next day, and more Some ghosts can't return to the underworld because of the great resentment. They all appear at midnight, killing human life and killing the cruel corpse of every dead person.

But ghosts also have a shortcoming. Although they are invisible, they only have one field of activity. For example, when humans set foot in this strange place, they will incur disaster.

Mu Fan put down his mobile phone, and the light of his mobile phone hit his face. His face was constantly changing. He looked at the two women: "I just used the Internet to check this place. It used to be a hospital."

"Hospital? Why didn't the hospital open?"

The two women's hands were filled with cold sweat, and their hands were tightly gripped together, and they smashed their clothes, but because the skirts were just knee-length, their thighs were exposed, even though the clothes were very tightly worn, they could not block the surroundings. The chill of the coming.

After saying this, it’s not just two women, even Mu Fan can feel the chill of the abandoned building. It seems that there is a door that passes through the underworld. At this time, it is open. .

Mu Fan recalled the incident just queried, and explained in a deep tone: "This hospital used to be a famous hospital in the mainland. It seems that the underground of this hospital is rumored to be doing some unspeakable activities, and it will be half dead. The patient is killed during the operation, and the surgery is used as an excuse to cut off the kidneys that they have not died, and sell them to earn these black hearts."


The pears of Yingli pears were big, and although they were terrified, they still bravely said: "They are too much. Finally, was this hospital sealed up?"

Mufan shook his head: "No, it is said that one night in the hospital, suddenly the doctor's scream came from the basement. The nurse on duty said that the body that had been killed by the limbs was actually stitched together by the silk thread. You can imagine The flesh and blood that had been decomposed into the original were sewed together, and it was uneven. But it stood up when the doctor approached, and it made a stern groan. This sudden change made the doctor scared to the coma on the spot. When everyone heard the doctor’s screams, they ran into the basement, but only saw the doctor’s dismembered body, and the sutured body disappeared. Then in the next week, from participating in this The doctor who earned the black money and the vice president’s death were extremely miserable. As for the official president, he could not stand the spirit and was hanged in the office in his building.

“That is to say, from this day, the hospital was permanently sealed, and he was sealed 50 years ago!”

Mu Fan turned off the phone and stood in the faceless expression.

After listening to Mu Fan’s words, the two women stood in the same place, then took Mu Fan’s arms from both sides, could not suppress the inner fear, and breathed a little flustered whispered: “Mu Fan, that we just listened The call to the place?"

Mufan said with a blank expression: "It is probably the one that was sewed by the sutured body. The reason why the body was not found at the time was probably because of the mortal body..... Hiding in the well you said....."

Said, Mu Fan looked up and slowly shifted his gaze to the door of the building. At this moment, his eyes seemed to see the black-painted doorway, and the body of the blood-sewed corpse appeared. .....

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