Fantasy System

: Tomorrow's Naifan 3: Ziyanghua


The old-fashioned white-haired man was greeted by the face of Mu Fan’s voice, and he was angry with Mu Fan.

Although he is a little older, he has been a housekeeper for so many years in Japan. Because of the reputation of the Chinese family, most people are awed by him and even whispered to him.

Today, he was too lazy to care about a few children, but he was stunned by a child who looked like a young high school student. He felt that his face was too late, and he held his palm in anger. The face of Mu Fan hit the past.

In his opinion, with the fame of the prosperous family, Mu Fan is also very regrettable, let him play, this matter is even.

But his palm didn't wait to fall on Mufan's face. He felt that his wrist was stunned. He couldn't help but feel a little stunned. He looked down and saw that Mu Fan was holding his hand. The arm, no matter how hard he can, is like a hand soldered in the palm of Mufan, unable to move.

Although he was holding an arm in his hand, Mu Fan did not feel anything like an ordinary understatement. He smiled at him: "I have lived a lot of age, haven't heard of hitting people without face?"

As a result, Mu Fan’s eyes gradually cooled down, his hands slightly bowed down, and suddenly a burst of “咔嚓” bones rang, and the white-haired old man suddenly felt the pain in his arm, and his mouth opened with a tragic sigh. Knocking on the forehead, sweating and screaming at Mufan: "You, do you know that I am the steward of the Chinese family?"

"I don't know if I don't want to know."

Mu Fan’s hand was hardened again, and the pain was so severe that the old man could only bend down the body of Mufan’s strength, and the painful face was distorted.

Seeing the white-haired old man suffering from the pig-like misery, Mu Fan thought that the old man was old, and some of his heart could not bear it, he let go of his hand.

The old man stood up and screamed in pain and screamed, not afraid to see Mufan again.

Mu Fan did not pay attention to his cry. He had always been concerned that this person was a little older. He used his strength to know that he did not hurt much. It must have been because the old man had a good life all year round, which led to occasional The pain can't stand it.

"Now leave here, I won't be embarrassing you!"

Mu Fan’s body continued to lean on the door, saying indifferently.

The old man bit his lip and looked at Mu Fan with a taboo. He recalled that Mu Fan had just ignored him as a member of the Chinese family. He also knew that Mu Fan was not a good person, but he did not dare to look at the Chinese gift. Continue to urge her.

At this moment, the original Chinese portrait of standing outside the room was made in general, looked up and looked at Asuna and Mufan said: "Don't bother everyone, I will go home, Asuna and English pear Thank you for your care, but the scattered flower home is my home after all, I can't leave."

When I became aware of the pain that I had inadvertently flashed on the face of the sacred rites, I could not help but shouted anxiously: "But if you go back, you will not be happy!"

"That's better than not having a home."

The face of Sanhua Lili tried to squeeze a smile.

When she heard her say, Asuna was standing in the same place.

Yes, although she understands the pain of the sacred rituals, but if she leaves the sacred rites here, the sacred rites will not have a home, or even the family will not be there?

Although the sacred rites and her encounters are very similar, she can let the sacred rituals stay in this way, and what kind of help can she give to the sacred rites?

Seeing that the sacred rites are going to leave, the white-haired old man’s heart is happy, and when his arm is not there, he is calm, and walks away from Mufan’s body. When he leaves, he does not forget to glance with coldness. Mu Fan, this is satisfied to leave.

Seeing the butler leaving, the Chinese ritual also quickly followed.

Seeing the sacred rituals to go, Asuna couldn't help but walk out of the room and walked to the outside corridor. In her gaze, the back of the sacred rituals was gradually swallowed up by the darkness.....

In the footsteps of the far-reaching distance, Asuna understands that the housekeeper of the Sanhua Li and her house left the building.

In the perception, I realized that two people got into the car and left the building. Mufan raised his head and walked over. He said to the right-handed Minna, who still stood in the same place and looked at the darkness: "Since people are gone, we It doesn't make sense to stay here, let's leave."

Just now, Mu Fan was completely listening to Asuna’s words before he planned to retain the sacred rituals. Although the sacred rituals were beautiful, he had nothing to do with the sacred rituals. Since tomorrow, Nai’s did not continue to say that he had retained the rituals. Then, he does not need to continue to help others.

After all, there is a haze in his house that is enough for him to do his best. He doesn't have to go to trouble for a strange woman.

"Then let's go."

Yingli pear did not notice that Minnai kept changing his eyes. Hearing what Mufan said, he hurriedly lowered his head to put the dead gray cat into the bag, and then put the old book into the bag. The dead cat came to the door and smiled. "Tomorrow, what are you looking at? The exiled gift is the only child of the scattered flower family. The life she goes home must be very good. You don't have to worry."

"No, she won't be happy."

Asuka’s mind flashed through the gloom of the sorrowful grief, the kind of eyes, the familiar painful expression, as far as it seems, it’s like she used to be.

Although Yingli pear does not understand the sacred rituals, Asuna knows that she will understand the pain of the sacred rituals, and the sacred rituals have been reluctant to herself.

As soon as I thought that I had not stopped the butler from taking away the sacred rituals, Asuna’s heart was a bit embarrassing and secretly made a decision.

That is tomorrow she will come here again, waiting for the sacred gift!

She did not tell Mufan and Yingli Pear about this, because she knew that Mu Fan and Ying Li Pear could not understand the pain of Sanhua Li, only one of her talents could listen to her difficulties and help her.


In this thought, Asuna followed the pears and Mufan to leave the building of the abandoned hospital. As usual, Asuna continued to bow his head and did not speak.

As for Yingli Pear, I am very happy to share today's harvest with Mu Fan. Tonight is also an expedition in an abandoned hospital. This exciting thing is her first experience from small to big.....

At this time, Yingli pear looked down at the dead cat in his bag and hesitated: "Mu Fan, Asuna, let's go and bury this cat?"

Mufan nodded. Just now he heard that Nina and English pears are the remedies for resurrecting cats and turning cats into zombies that are not dead. This kind of thing is a flickering child. I also came to this abandoned building with Asuna.

In order for Yingli pear to cut off the resurrection cat early, and with the thoughts of the waves around Asuna, he thought back to the road when he came. He said: "When I came, I saw a cemetery nearby, where the cat should be buried. It is."

The spirit of Yingli pear was shocked and said excitedly: "Let's go."

Mufan’s face shook his head in an ugly manner and persuaded him: “It’s the early morning, when the ghost door is wide open, I just passed the graveyard and I heard the mournful screams and screams. There is a white figure flashing, I am afraid to go there again, we will be eaten by these things."

"Ah? Really a ghost?"

The pears of Yingli have their eyes wide open and their legs are not slightly clamped.


In the next second, Yingli pear felt that Murfan had lowered her head and her body kept shaking. She subconsciously squatted down and looked up and noticed that Mufan couldn’t hold her smile. She couldn’t help but walked over and stood out. The little hand screamed and took a look at Mufan’s shoulder and said: "You are enough, the big night actually scared me and Asuna!"

After taking a shot of Mu Fan, Ying Li pear was relieved. Thanks to her, she just noticed that Mu Fan was fooling her, otherwise she had just dried the skirt and it was wet.....

"It's not that you are too courageous."

Mu Fan whiteed the pear pear, and reached out and grabbed the golden ponytail of the pear. The silky and supple feeling spread throughout the palm of his hand, which made his heart unable to move. It was really a beautiful girl's hair. It felt good to feel.

The legendary steering wheel.....

Mufan lamented a sentence, took Yingli pear and Asuna and turned a corner, fell down the foot of the mountain, came to the graveyard where he was.

There are undulating graves with a bunch of flowers on them, and the red blood characters on the tombstones standing on the graves, the strange luster radiates in the night, the bleak breeze blows, so that Mu Fan feels A touch of coldness.

Although I know that there is no ghost or god, I can come to the cemetery in the early morning, but it feels really exciting.

Looking for an open space at the edge of the cemetery, Mufan was just about to ask about the place where Mingnai and Yingli pear were, but he accidentally looked up and saw that Yingli pear and Asuna were gone.

At this moment, Mu Fan’s heart couldn’t help but recall the horror legends of the night cemetery, such as “the hand in the coffin” or the “graveyard that cannot be left”.

His face was slightly pale, looking around, turning around and seeing the two women standing in the distance behind him, he was relieved and could not help but walked over because he was taller and just walked over. I saw what the two women were watching.

A cluster of globular flowers, with a faint purple glow in the cold moonlight, is like a violet, looks strange and full of elegant mystery, giving a feeling of intoxication.


Mu Fan’s brain flashed the word. This flower is like the hydrangea of ​​ancient China. It is very beautiful in clusters and clusters, so it is called hydrangea in China.

"Is this hydrangea?"

Yingli pear couldn't help but squat down, her body was covered with purple light. She took off a leaf and smelled it. Asuna also took a slice of the pear-like pear. I saw that Yingli pear was smelling and rushing. Remind: "It is said that the leaves of hydrangea are poisons, and they cannot be eaten indiscriminately."

"Of course I am not planning to eat."

Yingli pear took the leaves and put them in the bag and looked at Asuna. I was excited and said: "We have not integrated the poison with the original formula. We have not tried the formula of hydrangea as a poison. I I want to try again."

Said, she turned to look at Mu Fan, said: "Mu Fan, don't dig again, I will try the hydrangea to resurrect "Bab" [Note: Babu, the name of the cat]....."

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