After the trip, the teacher said that he had to go to school.

On the day he returned from Tianhe Island, Lin Tian stayed at the Li Family Manor for another night.

Through this night,

he completed all 99 lessons of "Nine Thousand Universes".

[Congratulations on completing a "Nine Thousand Universes" course]

[Your "Nine Thousand Universes" has been improved to perfection]

[Additional reward: Internal Force +10,000]

[Unlocked stunt: Universe Rage (doubles total force in a short period of time)]

[Current internal force: 30,000 (normal internal force practitioners increase their internal force by an average of 10 points per year)]

After completing all the courses, Lin Tian already has three thousand years of internal force!

Compared to the level when he fought Qiu Xiaoren, his internal strength increased five times again!

If he used the unique skill "Qian Kun Fury",

he could even temporarily possess the internal strength of 6,000 years just from the scale!

Looking at the data displayed on the phone, Lin Tian nodded with a full sense of achievement.

All this was achieved through his own efforts, class by class!

"My Lin Tian is so hardworking and talented!"

After practicing, he was thirsty.

Lin Tian came to the side hall and wanted to drink some water.

As soon as he entered the side hall, he saw a beautiful figure in the dark, squatting beside the coffee table in the side hall, licking the mouth of a can of Oriental leaves with his tongue.

Looking closely, it was Li Yiren's sister Li Wuyun!

While licking, she giggled foolishly: "Hehehe, the drink my brother drank..."

Lin Tian turned on the light with a puzzled look and asked: "Wuyun? What are you doing?"

Li Wuyun was startled, and quickly stood up and raised the bottle, trembling: "I, I'm here to get a drink for my brother!"

Lin Tian scratched his head: "This is not your brother's drink!"

Li Wuyun's face turned pale: "Is this what you drank?"

Lin Tian explained a little embarrassedly:

"Your brother drank it before, but the toilet in the side hall was blocked, so I used it as a urinal."

Li Wuyun's eyes twitched.

After looking at the bottle in her hand expressionlessly, she rushed out of the house without looking back, looking for a place to vomit.

Lin Tian looked at Li Wuyun's back, then looked at the beverage bottle that fell on the ground, scratched his head: "Although I knew that this girl had a crush on me, but... my charm is too great, right? Or... her taste is too strong?"

I haven't slept for almost two days in a row.

After drinking the water, Lin Tian saw that there were still two hours before dawn, and he couldn't help but lie on the bed and dozed for a while.

After dawn,

Lin Tian and Li Yiren said goodbye to Li Haijun early and took the high-speed rail back to school.

Li Yiren's sister Li Wuyun skipped class to see him off at the high-speed rail station, hugged her brother with tears in her eyes, and refused to let go for a long time.

After a while,

Li Yiren finally coaxed Li Wuyun away.

Lin Tiancai held his head with a smug smile: "Your sister is so arrogant! She came to see me off, but she insisted on pointing fingers and crying while holding you."

Li Yiren smiled suddenly, took out a drink and took a sip: "Is that so... Tsk, why is this tea so bitter?"

Lin Tian:......

Lin Tian quickly grabbed the drink bottle and stuffed it into the trash can, saying: "It should be fermented by the high temperature, throw it away quickly!"

While talking,

The high-speed train arrived.

The two got on the train and set off on their way home.


On the way back to school,

Lin Tian has been studying how to use the remaining 15,000 martial arts points.

Considering the remaining experience time limit of the HEEP variant and the time required to study the course, he must choose two, the highest quality ancient magic-level martial arts to ensure that he can spend all the martial arts points and complete all the unlocked courses in the remaining time.

Originally, he planned to develop morally, intellectually, physically and aesthetically, and then unlock two ancient magic-level light skills and hidden weapons.

But after looking through the list of ancient magic-level martial arts for a long time, he found that there were too few optional courses in light skills and hidden weapons, and the prices were the lowest among the ancient magic-level martial arts, so the learning effect might be relatively poor.

After thinking about it.


Lin Tian unlocked another internal strength course and a body training course, and decided to continue to improve his internal strength and blood cultivation.

As long as the value is high enough, it can be killed in one punch!

What's the point of moves and skills?

The unlocked internal strength course is called "Supreme Taiyuan Mantra", and the body training course is "Pluto Secret".

The unlocking price of these two courses is higher than "

The Nine Thousand Universe Secrets is more expensive, and the number of courses that can be studied is also more, with a total of 120 sessions!

In order to ensure that the two courses can be completed in the remaining two days.

After returning to school,

Lin Tian immediately opened a room in the small hotel in front of the school, followed the "criminal suspect" black shadow, and began to study courses uninterruptedly.

He first learned the "Pluto Secrets".

"The first action, legs flat, sit-ups..."

"The second action, stick out the tongue, breathe out..."

"The third action, four limbs on the ground, lift the left hind leg..."

"The fourth action, raise the ghost money high and throw it above the head..."


At the same time,

After Li Yiren received Gandalf's inheritance, he also took time out every day to meditate and accept the powerful magic from Gandalf.

Two days passed.

Saturday, evening.

Lin Tian finally completed the study of the two courses "Supreme Taiyuan Curse" and "Pluto Secrets".

At this time, his total internal force has more than doubled compared to before, reaching the level of 7500 years of cultivation.

The improvement of Qi and blood level is even more remarkable, reaching 852 times the level of a normal person, more than 10 times higher than before!

He let out a long breath and glanced at the screen of his mobile phone.

[Current Qi and Blood Value: 8520 (average value for adult men is 10)]

[Current Mental Strength: 2100 (average value for adult men is 10)]

[Current Internal Strength Value: 75000 (average value for normal internal strength practitioners is 10 points per year)]

[Prison Lock Fist Proficiency: 5000 (Return to Basics)]

[Evil Dragon Sword Proficiency: 5000 (Return to Basics)]

[Unlocked Skills]

[Qian Kun Fury (doubles total strength in a short period of time)]

[Tai Yuan Hun Qi Method (fills cells with internal force in a short period of time, greatly improving physical strength)]

[Ming Sha (mixes Qi and blood internal force, and releases it to deliver a fatal blow!)]


From top to bottom, I just finished reading all my martial arts attributes.

My phone suddenly vibrated.

The HEEP application was forcibly closed.

Then, a window popped up.

[The trial period of the mutant application "HEEP" has expired]

[You will not be able to use the martial arts training function of "HEEP"]

[The new mutant application experience rights will be credited within 48 hours, please be ready to check at any time]

"Huh, it's finally over!"

Lin Tian let out a long breath and lay down on the bed.


During these seven days, the mutant HEEP brought him great benefits.

However, it was really tiring.

He was almost idle and didn't sleep much.

During this period, he always wanted to give up, want to sleep soundly or go to the Internet cafe next to him to play a few games.

But he felt a little bit of loss if he didn't finish the course that he had finally unlocked.

After all, he still persevered.

At this moment, the trial period of the mutant HEEP just ended, and he could be considered to have completed his merits.

Carrying a bag of ghost money,

Lin Tian opened the door and left the hotel under the stunned gaze of the cleaning lady.

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