The sky was full of stars, and the sky was full of stars.

"The meteor is shining!"

The thought moved,

The mental power was exerted.

The meteor treasure in front of Lin Tian suddenly split into hundreds of phantoms.

Facing the purple musical notes shot by Johnny, hundreds of meteors rushed up.

Puff puff puff!

The moment the purple musical notes came into contact with the silver meteor, the purple musical notes were dispersed.

On the other hand, the silver meteor did not slow down at all and rushed straight towards Johnny!

"What kind of trick is this?"

Johnny was shocked when he saw this, and hurriedly condensed a large amount of sound waves in front of him, trying to resist the flying meteor.


The meteor in front of him has not arrived yet.

Behind Johnny,

Lin Tian used the meteor transformation to shrink dozens of meteors into rice grains, but arrived first!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Dozens of shrunken meteors immediately returned to their original size after approaching Johnny.

Johnny heard the noise and turned his head in surprise.

Dozens of meteors had already pierced his body one after another!

Puff puff puff!

Blood was flying!

Johnny's face turned pale and his figure fell slightly.

Seeing the sharp weapon that pierced his body turned around and was about to attack.

He quickly stretched out his hand to form a sonic shield and aimed it at these meteors.

But just as he focused on these meteors, Lin Tian's figure had already disappeared from a distance!


When he reacted.

Lin Tian's punch had already pierced his chest fiercely.

His eyes met Johnny's dull eyes,

Lin Tian smiled and said, "I learned this trick of making a feint to the east and attacking in the west from you."

Feeling the severe pain in his chest and his limbs that were quickly losing strength and temperature,

Johnny's only remaining left eye flashed a look of despair.

But a moment later, this despair was covered by a sense of determination.

"Sorry, Your Majesty..."

"This mission may... not be completed..."

"But at least..."

"Let me, as your knight, give a perfect curtain call for this last battle."

"Glory to the Queen, Her Majesty Elizabeth!!!!"

At the moment of life approaching the end.

Johnny roared at the top of his lungs!

The huge sound wave even made Lin Tian's body unstable and retreated dozens of meters!

Just as he urged his internal strength to stabilize his body.

Johnny had already raised his hands to his chest, gathering all the power of his life.

Purple sound waves gathered in front of him, so thick that they almost became pure black!

The next moment!

A huge black sonic cannon sprayed!

Feeling that he could not escape the range covered by the sonic cannon, Lin Tian hurriedly merged all the meteors into one, and at the same time used Meteor Transformation to expand the volume of the only meteor in front of him by a hundred times, forming a huge battle shield in front of him.

After that,

he gathered all his internal strength on the huge meteor.

After a moment of completing this series of operations.

Boom boom boom!

The black sonic cannon suddenly covered Lin Tian's position!

"Lin Zi!!"

On the helicopter,

everyone felt the terrifying power of this move, and couldn't help but stare at the battlefield in fear.

Zhou Huaijin couldn't help but shout out, clenching his fists to the extreme, and his nails pierced into the flesh.

After a few seconds.

The black sonic cannon finally dissipated.

Seeing that Lin Tian reappeared without any damage,

everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

But Lin Tian did not relax at all, still staring at Johnny's direction.

In this battle, Johnny brought him too many surprises and shocks.

If this black sonic cannon did not have the meteor as a protective gear to resist most of the power.

It would be difficult for Lin Tian to remain intact under this attack.

Although he would not die.

However, mild to moderate injuries are inevitable.

Under Lin Tian's extremely cautious watch.


Johnny's figure could no longer support himself, and he fell like a kite with a broken string.

When Lin Tian rushed up and grabbed Johnny's throat.

Johnny had stopped breathing, the light in his left eye quietly dissipated, and the breathing in his chest stopped.

Seeing this,

Lin Tian breathed a sigh of relief.

Realizing that he had killed someone, Lin Tian felt mixed emotions, but he also knew that he had no other choice, so he gently put Johnny's body down and let him fall into the sea.

Lin Tian urged his inner strength to float his body and returned to the helicopter formation.

"We can continue to set off."

Under the dull gaze of the soldiers on the many armed helicopters, he waved his hand to signal.

Back to the team

In the helicopter in the center of the formation,

Zhou Huaijin and others looked at Lin Tian with shock.

Chu Keer stared at Lin Tian and swallowed her saliva: "Although I know you are strong, you are obviously too strong! The opponent is Johnny Dead Sound! You killed him so easily!"

Lin Tian touched the wound on his neck and grinned: "Easy? Easy, can't you see that I am injured! Help me check the wound on my neck. Is it serious?"

Chu Keer hurried over to help Lin Tian check the wound, wipe off the blood, and carefully check the size and depth of the wound. She couldn't help but take a breath: "You have to go to the hospital quickly! If you don't treat this wound in time..."

Lin Tian was shocked and asked with a trembling voice: "What will happen?"

Chu Keer looked up expressionlessly and said: "If you don't treat it, it will heal... You call this a wound?"

Lin Tian:......


Finally solved all the troubles.

There were no more problems in the subsequent trip.

The group arrived at the nearby military base smoothly,

and then took a plane back to the country smoothly.

Not long after they left the northern ocean of England,

a figure in a black suit appeared on the sea.

The stern-looking man in a suit moved his fingers slightly, and invisible long lines pierced into the sea.

Not long after,

these long lines fished out Johnny's body.

Just as he carried the body and was about to return.


Johnny, who was originally dead, suddenly spit out two mouthfuls of sea water and came back to life.

The black suit man's expression changed, a little surprised: "Not dead yet? Are you a cockroach?"

Johnny forced himself to open one eye, looked at the black suit man, and smiled bitterly:

"No. 1... I'm sorry, I failed to complete Her Majesty's mission."

The black suit man, Agent No. 1, touched Johnny's cheek and said lightly: "You should indeed be sorry for causing such a big mess in Japan, killing thousands of Japanese people, and openly attacking Chinese helicopters at sea..."

"Forget the former, but you have to know that the latter will give Her Majesty "Johnny frowned and retorted: "But this is the order of Her Majesty the Queen..." Agent No. 1 looked at him coldly: "Her Majesty the Queen has never given this order. Before you set out here, she had already announced to the world that Agent No. 3 had betrayed Britain." "The massacre caused in Japan is also your personal crime. You killed Agents No. 2 and No. 7 for no reason in that massacre, which is evidence of your betrayal." Johnny was stunned when he heard this, and seemed to realize something. His body trembled a little bit at a loss. Agent No. 1 moved the hand that was stroking Johnny's cheek down, grabbed Johnny's throat and said: "In addition, the order sent by Her Majesty the Queen is to recover the body of Agent No. 3." "Unfortunately, you are more valuable dead than alive now." "Say good night to Her Majesty the Queen, Johnny."

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