Bạn đang xem văn bản gốc chưa dịch, có thể kéo xuống cuối trang để chọn bản dịch.

Lin Tian waved his hand: "Don't worry about those details. You are going to be the king. Let's talk about business!"

Prince Nao Tan sighed and said: "I don't have much money on hand now. I only have 50,000 destiny coins. budget."

"So the most important point of this party is the high cost performance! You have to use all your wisdom and very limited money to ensure the scale and style of this banquet... What do you have? Good idea?"

Lin Tian thought for a moment and said, "Take me to the banquet hall first."

Prince Nao Tan was stunned when he heard this: "What banquet hall?"

Lin Tian was also stunned: "You let me Shouldn't we set up the banquet in the banquet hall of the palace?"

Prince Naotan shook his head: "You have to find the venue for the banquet yourself. The rent of the banquet hall in my palace is too expensive. I can't afford it at all!"

Lin Tian: ......

Lin Tian: "You are such a miserable prince."

Seeing that he had to find a banquet venue by himself, he felt a little headache.

"You want value for money, right..."

After thinking for a moment,

he suddenly remembered that he had encountered a mountain on the way here, so he suddenly had an idea and disappeared from the spot.

Ten minutes later.

He appeared again In the palace, he pulled Prince Naotan to the mountain and pointed ahead and asked, "Do you think this will work?"

Prince Naotan looked up blankly.

On the mountain in front of him, a black hole was carved out. A big, dark hole.

In the hole was a broken table and a few broken chairs with broken arms and legs, all of which Lin Tian had found from a nearby garbage station.

On the table was a large leaf with There are some wild fruits picked nearby.

Prince Scratching's mouth twitched: "Isn't this too bad?"

Lin Tian shook his head and smiled: "This is just to show you my idea. The cave banquet is absolutely cost-effective!"

Prince Scratching frowned and asked: "So , how much did you spend on this place? "

Lin Tian replied: "10 Tianming coins, these 10 yuan are basically the labor costs for digging the cave."

Hearing that this cave only cost ten yuan,

the stingy Prince Scratching Stall suddenly had a look in his eyes Liang, then he relaxed his brows: "Only 10 life coins? That seems to be quite good! The price-performance ratio is really high!"

"This cave banquet is also quite new The site is natural and the site rental fee is saved..."

"Your idea is really interesting!"

Lin Tian asked tentatively: "Then what should we do here? "Let's start the construction?"

Prince Naotan thought for a while, and finally gritted his teeth and handed a stack of 50,000 Tianming coins to Lin Tian:

"Let's start the construction! Follow your idea, use these 50,000 yuan, and do a drastic job. !”

“10 Tianming coins can make it take shape. With a budget of 50,000 Tianming coins, you can definitely make a luxurious cave house…”

Before he finished speaking.

Boom boom boom boom!!

Lin Lightning continued to blast out from Tian's fingertips, and 4999 holes were blasted on the mountain!

Clapping his hands,

Lin Tian wiped his nose and smiled confidently: "Finished!"

Scratching Prince:......

Cerebral palsy prince: "No, buddy, there is something wrong with your thinking! I want a cave house worth 50,000 yuan , not five thousand ten-yuan caves!"

Lin Tian scratched his head: "Ah? Didn't you ask me to follow my ideas? This is my idea!"

The scratching prince was anxious: "What are you saying! I asked you to dig a big cave for me and then decorate it as a banquet venue! "

Lin Tian then widened his eyes and showed a look of surprise: "Oh! So that's it, you didn't explain it clearly just now!"

Scratch Prince Tan was speechless: "Is it clear now?"

Lin Tian nodded: "I understand, but... the 50,000 budget has been spent now, how much more do you plan to invest in me?"

Scratching Prince Tan's face Twitching: "No, you used up the 50,000 budget by digging these holes?"

Lin Tian nodded: "Didn't I just say that a cave costs 10 Tianming coins, and these 10 yuan are basically the labor cost of digging the cave. ”

“I have chiseled 5,000 pieces so far, and the total labor cost is 50,000, which has just used up the 50,000 budget!”

Prince Scratching Stalls:......

After a moment of silence.

Prince Scratching Stalls’ eyes were red He rushed over and grabbed Lin Tian's neck: "Asshole! Are you kidding me? Give me back my money!"

Lin Tian stretched out his hand and

Pulling him away, he said helplessly: "The project is already completed, how can I return the project fee? Otherwise, I will suffer a loss and return the 50,000 project budget to you. You can click on the Shansong APP to say that the order has been delivered, and pay me the 18,000 commission. By the way, how about giving me a five-star review?"

Prince Naotan stared at Lin Tian with hatred.

But he had no choice.

Before digging the hole, Lin Tian had indeed made everything clear.

And he did not make it clear what the cave he wanted looked like.

The most important thing is... he couldn't beat Lin Tian.

In desperation,

Prince Naotan could only sacrifice the small to protect the big, and paid Lin Tian's Shansong commission.

Lin Tian also kept his promise and handed over Prince Naotan's project budget.


After completing this order,

Lin Tian successfully harvested 18,000 Tianming coins again!

The next stop,

Lin Tian came to a wild world that looked very ancient.

After coming to this world,

The silver horse that Jia Xiaoyi rode suddenly changed into a silver-white dinosaur.

Riding on this dinosaur,

He continued to deliver express parcels.

Lin Tian also opened the Shansong app again and accepted the order with the highest commission as usual.

After accepting the order,

Detailed information about the order popped up immediately.

[You have received a 50-day life coin deposit transferred to you by the client "Halowa, the chief of the Hash tribe", which can be used to purchase delivery items]

[Please deliver the entrusted items to the designated target location within one hour]

[The entrusted delivery items are: a rhino horn with a rounded top and... a hard top! ]

Lin Tian:...

Lin Tian: "Very good, I don't understand it at all this time."

Although he was very confused about the items entrusted for delivery.

But after the tempering of the first two orders, he is now somewhat accustomed to it and did not make a fuss.

After receiving the order,

he followed the usual practice and first bought a rhino horn in a nearby tribe with 50 Tianming coins.

The one who sold him the rhino horn was a half-human, half-rhino monster.

Although they were of different races and the other party looked scary, the rhino man was quite kind during the communication, and the two successfully completed the transaction.

After this transaction,

Lin Tian also realized the difference between this world and other worlds.

Here, it is not dominated by humans.

It is a world where various humanoids coexist.

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