Fantasy: The First Zombie of The Ages

Chapter 1074: Chaos Dynasty

The darkness continued to shroud, Xia Ling walked step by step, and Fang Zun behind him also landed.

In the depths of the palace, the ground has been cracked, and a portal has appeared in the depths of the ground.

"found it!"

Xia Ling finally found it, Emperor Yu's line, the teleportation formation here.

This is what Xia Ling wanted to find. When he returned this time, Xia Ling wanted to enter the Yu Emperor clan.

"Tai Shitian, not here?"

Xia Ling glanced back, and that was the direction of Heavenly Prison. Some of the criminals detained in it were shaken to death, and some were using this opportunity to escape.

On the other side of the palace, some people wanted to rush over. But the air of darkness flooded the palace, preventing everyone from entering.

"get out!"

Xia Ling walked towards the portal. At this time, a figure finally walked out of the portal.

"You killed Zhou Tonggu?"

This was a middle-aged man with an extremely gloomy face in a white robe. A member of Emperor Yu's clan, hidden within the Great Zhou, finally appeared.

"Yu Qing?"

Xia Ling's pupils shrank, and this person looked like Yu Qing.

"Yu Qing" is extremely cold, he is the real Yu Qing, who was killed by the win at the beginning, and even died of the soul of a dark king.

"Xiahuang clan? So you still exist?"

"In this life, you will eventually be destroyed!"

"Where is Emperor Yu?"

Xia Ling stared at this Yu Qing. At this moment, behind Yu Qing, in the dark portal, there was still terrifying energy gathering.

"My emperor? Eternal life!"

Yu Qing sneered, but the news made Xia Ling angry on the spot.

"Betrayal is not eternal life, but sin!"

"Your clan, you want to sacrifice this world. What you are waiting for is this life."

"The road to the emperor is opened, and you have been suppressing it."

"Every time the road to the emperor wants to be opened, it is broken by you using the heavens!"

"Nine Jiu Guiyi, you are waiting for Guiyi Dizun Road!"

"He wants to live forever, dream!"

Xia Ling saw it through, and Xia Ling knew some secret things with Xia Huang Fangzun's information.

"You actually know? So what? Are you alone, fighting against our clan?"

Yu Qing was disdainful. He had already become a half emperor. During these long years, many of their clan had become half emperors. They are all waiting, waiting for this life.

They want to use the blood of Xuanhuang Continent to open up a new world. In this world, there is only one emperor, the eternal emperor, belonging to the great emperor.


Xia Ling stopped speaking and came towards Yu Qing. Fang Zun stood up against the sky, and Coffin Mountain landed again.

"Hehe, the road to the emperor, lack is blood!"

"Do you think, what are we waiting for?"

Yu Qing said disdainfully, in the midst of the roar, the world was shattering, Yu Qing was beaten back by Xia Ling, but Yu Qing was smiling sinisterly.

At the same time, behind Xia Ling, in the darkness, the Dark King appeared again.

This huge dark king opened his arms and walked towards Xia Ling.

"You enslaved the dark race?"

Xia Ling roared again, Emperor Yu, the clan, killed the dark race, and then controlled the soul with secret techniques. Emperor Yu's clan is too hidden.

Xia Ling frantically used magical powers, bloodshot turned into blood-colored armor. At this time, Xia Ling, fearless of any attack, blasted Yu Qing away again. At the same time facing the Dark King, Xia Ling tore the dark tentacles as soon as he raised his hand.

"Get out of here!"

Xia Ling lifted Fang Zun and blasted Fang Zun into the dark portal.


In the depths of the imperial city, the sky fell and the earth cracked.

Dark energy swept across China. In this aftermath of energy, the towering Great Zhou Imperial City was completely shattered. The creatures were burnt, and the strong fell innumerable.

The luck of the Great Zhou has been broken, and the army of the Great Zhou has been slaughtered by hundreds of millions.

People of Confucianism and Taoism, who have lost the blessing of Qi Luck, want to recover, unless the real emperor is born.

Deep in the darkness, Yu Qing half-kneeled on the ground, looking at Fang Zun in shock. Inside Fang Zun, he actually suppressed a small dark world. This small world is burning.

"Asshole, are you going to ruin our clan?"

"Damn you guys!"

Xia Ling already knew something about the Dark Age from Fang Zun's information. In the face of Emperor Yu's clan and the true betrayer, Xia Ling had already thrown Fang Zun into the black portal.


Yu Qing wanted to stop, **** wings appeared behind Xia Ling.

You corpse, Xia Ling, this corpse, has also been promoted again. At this time, Xia Ling, on the blood-colored armor, also appeared the pattern of 犼, among the wings, bone spurs were against the sky.

Xia Ling is beautiful, but also fierce.

Xia Ling floated in it, grabbed Fang Zun, and slammed it down again.

Fang Zun came towards the portal, and at this moment, the small world within Fang Zun suddenly heard a voice.

"Sure enough, he left behind!"

"He thought, I don't know?"

A faint voice came out of the small world, and then a finger appeared in the depths of the small world, and it touched Xia Ling's eyebrows.


Xia Ling didn't expect a mysterious sound from Fang Zun. Moreover, a finger directly sealed the body of the wandering corpse.

"The immortal family, did he do it? But he can't come back!"

"You are all dead, the Thirteen Evil Emperor, what are you doing with this inheritance?"

"And Emperor Xia, who is betraying?"

At the same time, a famous expert suddenly walked out of this portal. With a fierce wave of his hand, these experts would completely punish Xia Ling.

"With her blood, completely open the way to the emperor!"

"The blood of Emperor Xia's family is so delicious!"

"It's all fate!"

"In this life, I am eternal."

In the small world, the sound gradually dissipated, but behind the door, a faint long sigh came.

"My emperor!"

The people like Emperor Yu were shocked, and they turned their heads one after another, looking into the depths of the world. The statue finally spoke. Is it true that Emperor Yu is not dead?

Xia Ling looked angrily, unable to move her body, she looked desperately.

That voice has always been in Fang Zun, and everything was arranged by Emperor Yu.

Unwilling, she can't die.

The wings of Xia Ling's back were burning, bone spurs falling, and drops of blood swayed across the sky.

But these blood don't gather together with Emperor Yu's clan.

Only one drop, accompanied by a bone spur, disappeared into the darkness.

"Ancestor, Da Zhou?"

Yu Qing got up and walked to an old man with difficulty. This old man, also a half emperor, looked coldly at the ruins.

"If you mess up, let them continue to mess up the rest!"

"The messier, the better!"

"Let my clan Tianjiao enter the mainland, experience it, and look for what Xia Ling hides at the same time!"


A young man walked out, and these young people were all of the supreme level.

These people quickly disappeared into the darkness, and the air of darkness can give a person a very strong lifespan. Emperor Yu's clan finally showed its sharp edge.

Zhou Tonggu has fallen, the great Zhou period has ended, and a new era has arrived.

The Great Zhou was no longer able to suppress Ten Thousand Sects. When the Qi Luck dissipated, more powerful men came out of the secret place. Because they felt that new Qi Luck appeared again, if they could take in Heaven and Earth Qi Luck before the power of the emperor was completely activated.

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