Fantasy: The First Zombie of The Ages

Chapter 1553: Get the Nine Desolation Monument

Thousands of mouthfuls of blood spurted out, lying on the ground, physically damaged. If it weren't for Jiuhuang Evil Armor, Wan Daotong would have lost his physical body at this time.

"Zuo Thirteen, the one who died is still you."

When it exploded just now, Wan Daotong had already seen that Zuo Shisan had been bombed full of holes.

Wan Daotong wanted to summon Jiuhuang Dao back, so he sat up with difficulty, and when he raised his head, he was shocked.

On the opposite side, Zuo Shisan was also sitting, and he had already grabbed the Jiuhuang Dao and smiled strangely at Wan Daotong.

"what's wrong with you?"


Wan Daotong sat on the ground, the evil spirits gathered around, and the evil fire floated again in the Free Wind Post, slamming down towards Zuo Shisan.

Wan Daotong wanted to suppress Zuo Thirteen, but Zuo Thirteen ignored the surrounding evil fire, and his body was recovering rapidly.

"Comparing recovery with zombies, what do you think?"

Zuo Shisan had already stood up and got the Nine Desolation Saber, Tu Long was excited. As long as he integrates into the barren iron, in the lower realm, Tulong has the ability to continue to improve.

The sword spirit condensed by Tu Long shouted, and even transformed into Shenlong rubbing his head against his left thirteen arm, seeing Wan Daotong on the opposite side rushing into anger.

The evil fire fell, and Zuo Thirteen did not respond at all.

"With my blood, sacrifice!"

Wan Daotong calmed down and felt that Zuo Shisan was different, and Wan Daotong summoned back Jiuhuang Tombstone.

Zuo Shisan also summoned the wishful stick, and the tombstone hovered above Wandaotong. Wan Daotong slowly floated out, and the sacrifice was blood.

Drops of blood melted into the tombstone.

Jiuhuang evil power is entangled again, and a wave of evil energy annihilates everything in an instant.

Even the stiff air was swallowed. This evil force turned the surrounding into ice, and the rigid armor on Zuo Shisan was covered with frost.

"Such terrifying evil power? Isn't this thing from the Heaven Realm?"

The left thirteen's legs began to tremble, and the physical body could not bear this force. The Jiuhuang Monument vibrated again, and slowly condensed on Wan Daotong's body, condensing a new evil armor.

"my power!"

Wan Daotong grinned, and the Nine Desolation Monument gave Wan Daotong power. The stiffness around him was swallowed up, Wan Daotong's armor completely enveloped Wan Daotong, and Wan Daotong's face was extremely pale.

"Sacrifice with blood, your fairy soul will be pulled into it, you can't control it at all."

"Zuo Thirteen, this is the Nine Desolation Monument!"

"Dead on the Nine Desolation Monument, there are hundreds of millions of souls and blood, and the most creatures are the human race."

"Do you feel it? After so many people died, they are still on this inscription."

"This evil force will never let them escape, and they will be within the Nine Desolation Monument for all their lives."

"What exactly do you want to do?"

"I will seal you in the Nine Desolation Monument, even if you are a zombie, it is useless."


Just when Wan Daotong finished speaking, Zuo Shisan had already started. The evil power is too strong, Zuo Shisan can't wait any longer. The wish-fulfilling stick has been raised and smashed towards Wan Dao Tong.

Zuo Shisan has disappeared, and Wan Dao is screaming in the sky, wanting to fight Zuo Shisan.

"Nine songs!"

Unfortunately, an even more terrifying suction appeared above Wan Daotong. Whoever asked Wan Daotong to sacrifice with blood, his body was covered with wounds, and the power of Jiuqu also absorbed Wan Daotong's blood.

This is good, Jiuhuang Monument absorbs blood, and Jiuqu is also absorbing.

Wan Daotong became a bone in an instant, even if he had armor, he was continuously smashed by the wishful stick. Wan Daotong is now a little aggrieved. He is obviously strong, but he is suppressed by Zuo Shisan.


Wan Daotong wanted to break free, but unfortunately the blood on his body was gone, which made Jiuhuang Monument dissatisfied. This evil force attacked Wan Daotong's body, Wan Daotong screamed and his body shrank directly.


The Nine Desolation Monument, out of control, fell.

The armor was held down, and the evil spirit of Wan Daotong floated up from the inside, looking at Zuo Shisan with anger and suffocation.

"Huh? Is the body broken?"

"It's all you, what have you done to me?"

"This is the beginning!"

Zuo Shisan smiled, and the Huangquan Netherfire erupted directly. This time, Wan Daotong was frightened and wanted to escape, but it was too late.

The Jiuhuang Monument is also eroding, and Wan Daotong has fallen.

The evil soul was swallowed by the Huangquan Netherworld Fire, and disappeared, and it was impossible to enter the reincarnation.

The Nine Desolation Monument fell to the ground, completely out of control.

The armor was blurred, and it quickly turned into evil power and returned to the Nine Desolation Monument.

Everything around is weakening, this small space can no longer bear it, and it is also disintegrating.

Zuo Thirteen looked at the Nine Desolation Monument, and after thinking about it, he still threw the Nine Desolation Monument into the altar of the earth.

"If you have a chance, find Huang Quan and let you reincarnate."

In the dark, the Nine Desolation Monument became even more dim, but in the dimness, one after another figure emerged from the barren monument, as if kneeling towards Zuo Shisan.

Inside the altar of earth, countless souls condensed, densely packed.

Zuo Shisan didn't even know that there were some stars on his body. These stars were so blurry that people couldn't see them clearly.

If the winning hook wakes up, he will be shocked.


Zuo Shisan actually condensed merits and virtues, and the power of these merits was integrated into the ghost fire of Huangquan. The flame at this time has completely turned into a ghost, and the black flame, the breath it exudes, is more simple and mysterious, as if it came from the creation of heaven and earth.

Zuo Shisan had already walked out of the small space, and at a glance, he saw Xie Daojiu on the opposite side, as if he was about to leave.

"Want to go?"

"You, are you alive?"

Xie Daojiu absorbed the evil soul and looked at Zuo Shisan dully. Zuo Shisan really survived, so what about Wan Daotong? Wan Daotong was a fairyland, and was beheaded by Zuo Shisandu.

In Xie Daojiu's heart, Zuo Shisan was already extremely dangerous.

"Don't come here, I've almost absorbed it. Only with me can you rescue those people."

Xie Daojiu also knew that he could not compete with Zuo Shisan at all. Xie Daojiu was also guilty, and even used the technique of heavenly evil to guide Zuo Shisan's thinking secretly.

It's a pity that the breath emanating from Zuo Shisan made Xie Daojiu's eyes bleed.

"You seem guilty?"

Zuo Shisan of course saw it clearly, Xie Daojiu must be hiding something.

"What's wrong with me?"

Xie Daojiu really didn't understand why this happened, and what kind of breath was there in Zuo Shisan.

"Come with me, if you can't save it, you can try."

"I see!"

Thanks for being honest for a long time, these flower bones withered one after another. Xie Daojiu didn't dare to look at Zuo Shisan for a long time, and the two walked towards the top.

At the top, many Earth Immortals were trapped. Especially Xuan Yuan and others, have been entangled in flower bones, and the immortal energy in these people has been swallowed up.

These people have fallen into some kind of conscious attack.

Huge head space, quiet.

Xie Jiuxiao didn't exist either, only the huge dark green branches fell to the ground, where a new soul baby fruit grew again. This time, the soul baby fruit was the same as Xie Jiuxiao.

And the flower bones hanging down around it began to emit an evil aura.

"What about people?"

"Xie Jiuxiao entered the root of the tree, where he also hid the evil corpse. His evil soul has used sorcery to transform them all deep in his consciousness."

"What nonsense, you hurry up!"

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