Fantasy: The First Zombie of The Ages

Chapter 1577: Climbing the Ice God Mountain

"I'm going to break this ice cube!"

"The ice layer of Jue Glacier is very hard, you will destroy this person's body like this." Ying hook reminded.

Zuo Shisan looked at the ice sculpture again and retracted his fist.

Zuo Shisan wants to get a lens, and wants to know who this person is? Zuo Shisan also understood that if he really wanted to break the ice, everything on this person would be turned into pieces.

Even the ossicles do the same.

Zuo Shisan's face became more and more solemn, and he slowly raised his head to look at the Ice God Mountain.

"What's on it?"

"Is there really an immortal soul?"

Zuo Shisan raised his foot again, and this time, the winning hook was frightened.

"There is a layer of ice in front of you, don't touch it!"

Zuo Thirteen's foot has been stepped down, and one light and shadow on the back appears again, three light and shadow, combined together, seems to be the shape of a petal.

The ice layer did not freeze Zuo Thirteen, but Zuo Thirteen had already stepped into it.

"Am I okay?"

"Sure enough, there is energy to protect me!"

Zuo Shisan took a deep breath, and Ying Hook also reacted. Until now, neither of them have noticed anything unusual about their backs. The golden light and shadow did not seem to exist together.

But the scorching heat from Zuo Shisan was able to withstand the severe cold.

"Maybe, I can climb up!"

"Then give it a try, what's going on here?"


Zuo Shisan is also quite happy. What is the purpose of a person with a lens in order to climb the sacred mountain?

Zuo Shisan looked back and looked at these ice sculptures. These people are all in fairyland, they are all cultivated to the sky, and they are all frozen here. They want to enter the Ice God Mountain, they want to step into the dead place, they all have a purpose.

"Let's go!" Yinggou sighed.

This is the way of immortality. If you want to obtain the peerless treasure, you have to take risks. What is hidden here, the winning hook is also interested. Judging by the winning hook, this is definitely not a godhead.

The Ice God has fallen, and what remains here may only be fragments of divine power.

But even if it is a fragment, how can you make an Ice God Mountain? This mountain is too tall. The more you walk into the mountain, the colder it becomes, and it even pierces the depths of your soul.

Zuo Shisan stopped moving again, and his body was covered in ice. Even if there was a mysterious power in his body, Zuo Shisan couldn't bear it.

"it's too cold!"

"I feel it too!" Yinggou trembled as he spoke.

Zuo Shisan breathed a sigh of relief, and in an instant, the breath turned into ice and shattered on the ground. Stiffness, turned into black ice crystals, slowly wrapped again.

"Secluded ice layer, sand glacier, source glacier, ice flame layer!"

Yinggou looked up again, there were different layers of ice along the way, and it was too difficult for Zuo Shisan to get through. Once there is no strength in the body, they will be frozen here.

Of course, they may not die, but they cannot move and stay here forever.


Zuo Shisan raised his legs again, his body eased up, and Zuo Shisan moved towards Ice God Mountain again.

Looking down from the mountain sky, at the foot of the Bingshen Mountain, the dead place of Guixu, a small black spot slowly moved, the darkness gradually turned into light, and the small black spot did not move again.

The light came again, and Zuo Shisan's movement speed was too slow.

After walking like this, it has been nearly a month, and Zuo Shisan has reached the middle of the mountain. At this time, the back of Zuo Thirteen, in the light and shadow, condensed the sunflower imprint.

Zuo Shisan has become accustomed to the cold around him, even the supernatural power of water, and clearly understands the law of ice.

The thirteen fingers on the left flicked slightly, and one by one ice scorpions came out of the void and roared towards the top of the mountain.

Who would have thought that there are still beings in the Ice God Mountain.

"It's been a month!"

"It's getting slower and slower. At this rate, there's still a month left."

"Hold on!" Yinggou's voice became vague, it was too cold here, and the cold Yinggou wanted to be silent.

"Yes, hold on, there is nothing here."

Zuo Thirteen wore shields on his eyes and looked around. The light reflected by the ice here made Zuo Thirteen hallucinations all the time. The ice layer here is too dangerous. If Zuo Shisan doesn't chat with Yinggou and summon Bingqi, Zuo Shisan will not be able to hold on.

"Let's go!"

The difficult journey begins again, Zuo Shisan can no longer turn back, he must reach the peak, and he must find the hidden secrets of Ice God Mountain.

The closer to the peak, the more concentrated the light and shadow on Zuo Shisan's back.

Zuo Shisan originally thought that he would be able to arrive in more than a month, but a ravine appeared in front of him. Zuo Shisan had to go down the ice ditch and climb up again.

"How can it still be like this?"

Zuo Shisan summoned Bing Yu and let Bing Yu carry him out of the ice ditch. But just after entering the ice ditch, the coldness in the ice ditch turned the ice into pieces.

Zuo Shisan screamed and his **** almost froze.

There was one more sunflower petal on the back, which saved Zuo Shisan.

Three months, three full months, Zuo Shisan finally saw the peak.

Only a hundred zhang, this hundred zhang distance, can climb up.

"I'm exhausted!"

"Still nothing but ice!"

"No, there is something!"

Yinggou said in a low voice, he seemed to have found something, but he couldn't say it.

"What's there?"

Zuo Shisan felt it, his soldiers were excited, and he didn't see anything on the top of the mountain.

"There's something in this ice!"

Yinggou reminded Zuo Thirteen again, Zuo Thirteen looked at the rock wall next to it, it was white ice, and there were ice flowers inside, Zuo Thirteen looked again, these blooming ice flowers seemed to point in one direction.

"Point to the top!"

"These look like fingers!"

"It's not just like, I can't tell!" Yinggou said through gritted teeth.

Zuo Shisan has already accelerated his pace, and when Zuo Shisan stepped into a hundred feet, the ground seemed to vibrate.

"what happened?"

Zuo Shisan didn't dare to move, he stayed here, and started to move around again nervously.

"Something happened, don't move!"

Zuo Shisan followed the reminder of the winning hook, among those ice layers, those ice flowers pointed towards Zuo Shisan.


Zuo Shisan watched in shock. Those ice flowers were moving in the ice layer, locking Zuo Shisan all the time. There are even ice flowers, who want to penetrate the ice layer and attack Zuo Thirteen.

However, the speed of Binghua was very slow, Zuo Shisan did not dare to move now, and in the ice layer in all directions, Binghua pointed to Zuo Shisan.

"Run, there is also underground!"

Yinggou roared, and the ice layer under Zuo Shisan's feet really had ice flowers, and pointed towards Zuo Shisan's butt.

"Are these ice flowers alive?"

Zuo Shisan turned around and ran, just as he took a step, the ground shattered, the ice flower turned into a finger, and he chased towards Zuo Shisan.

The fingers fell from the air, apparently not touching Zuo Shisan.

With this, the fingers turned into ice and condensed in the ice layer.

An even more terrifying cold spread to Zuo Thirteen in an instant. At this moment, the winning hook was frozen.


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