Fantasy: The First Zombie of The Ages

Chapter 1846: space wandering

The calamity is over, Zuo Shisan needs time to make a breakthrough and enter the state of the dead. But the terrible power came from the sky, Zuo Shisan knew that he appeared now, and he was definitely courting death.

Zuo Shisan headed towards the depths of the Wangchuan River, and the ghost car's body would definitely be discovered. When he was discovered, Zuo Shisan hid in the Wangchuan River.

The Qi Zijue was fully activated, the source of water, allowing Zuo Shisan to enter the depths of the Wangchuan River.

Who would have thought that the depths of the Wangchuan River was a mirror.

When passing through this mirror, Zuo Thirteen fell.

This is a mysterious space with the Wangchuan River in the air.

In the middle of this space, there is a river, just below the left thirteen feet. Zuo Shisan looked at his feet, the surroundings were quiet, there was no one here, and there was no end.

Zuo Shisan stood in the air and wandered for a long time without finding anything.

"Someone is following."

Zuo Shisan raised his head again and felt that someone was coming here through the Wangchuan River.

"Go in!"

Zuo Thirteen entered the river below again, and just after entering the river, Zuo Thirteen was a shock. Zuo Shisan did not expect that the water in this river was so cold that he, a water zombie, could not bear it.

Gritting his teeth, he continued to persevere, heading towards the depths.

In order to avoid the above tracking, Zuo Shisan entered the depths of the second river, smashed the mirror, and fell again.


Zuo Shisan was dumbfounded again. The second river was in the sky, and he came to a purple space again. In this space, it is still empty and boundless.

There is also a river at the foot, but this river is braving white fog. These white mists floated up and surrounded Zuo Shisan.

"Xuan Huang?"

Zuo Shisan sucked in a breath of cold air. He never imagined that these white air had a mysterious yellow aura.

"Forgotten River? Santu River?"

Zuo Shisan suddenly thought of something, and his Xuanhuang body also came out, feeling the aura of Xuanhuang, and suddenly said something softly.

"Mother gas!"

"This is not Xuanhuang, this is Xuanhuang mother energy!"

"The most original place."

"The Wangchuan River is called the Santu River. It turns out that under the Wangchuan River, every path is a river."

"The Wangchuan River was created by Empress Houtu."

"This is the first Wangchuan River, built with the river of mother energy."

"It's down here, isn't it?"

"Can't get over it!"

Zuo Shisan looked at the split body and looked at the surrounding space again. In this space, there are no gods and five ghosts, and in the long years, who can enter here.

Zuo Shisan was right, those new ghost emperors could not penetrate the Second River. The Second River only recognizes people from the real Yellow Springs, and only people from the ancient Yellow Springs can enter the Santu River.

No matter how much power there is in the underworld, even if it is above the nine heavens, the immortals of the heavenly court cannot enter the Santu River.

Santu River was built by Houtu Niangniang according to Huangquan, and only people from Huangquan can enter.

When entering the third river, only the heirs of Huangquan can enter.

In the history of Huangquan, only Houtu Niangniang, Ksitigarbha, Yinggou, and the current Zuo Thirteen have entered it.

"Can I take it away?"

Zuo Shisan suddenly squatted down and stared at Mother Qihe.

"What are you thinking, you can't!" Xuan Huangti looked at Zuo Shisan helplessly, the real body was too daring, and even the mother Qihe was thinking about it. Now they can't enter the Mother Qi River at all.


"Can it only be absorbed?"

Zuo Shisan was still not reconciled and wanted to peel off the mother river. As soon as Jiuqu was excited, Zuo Shisan was crushed into flesh by an anti-shock force.

"Xuanhuang mother qi, but it's very heavy, you are really fierce." Xuanhuang body scorned.

"Despise me, but also despise yourself."

"Here, there is no catastrophe, let's break through together."

"If you step into the zombie realm, you can break through the earth immortal and enter the mysterious immortal, can we soar?"

"You can't fly now!"

Zuo Shisan gave a warning, then stayed in the Third River space, began to absorb, and began to break through.

Zuo Shisan broke through here, but did not know that the underworld was completely in chaos.

"what happened?"

"The ghost car appears here, without a soul?"

"Has it been absorbed by Sansheng Stone?"

"You think too much!"

"Is it that thing?"

The Eastern Ghost Emperor's eyes darkened, and then he looked at the Central Ghost Emperor Yan Wang again. Yan Wang's face was blue and purple, looking above the void, and said lightly: "No, there is nothing under the Wangchuan River."

"Heavenly Court sent the **** of sun tours!"

"It seems that our underworld is going to take action. The ghost car thing is too big."

"Son of Heavenly Emperor, want to enter Huangquan?"

"Unfortunately, he didn't find it!"

Behind Wufang Ghost Emperor, a mysterious voice suddenly came. This sound stopped time, and a river appeared above Fengdu Mountain.

In the river, there is a mysterious shadow, this shadow, has been staring at the end.

"Everything, failed?"

"The son of luck in the sky world is simply garbage."

"Huang Quan, where is he?"

The mysterious shadow continued to stare, and at this time, Yan Dynasty looked over here, and then slowly bowed down.

Who would have thought that the five ghost emperors are not single-minded, and the central ghost emperor has already surrendered to mysterious creatures. This mysterious creature is hidden in the river of time.

What a terrifying existence this is, capable of laying out the underworld.

Neither Lin Guyu nor Gan Si knew that they were all chess pieces, chess pieces under the power. Everything they do is to find Huangquan.

"Where is the problem?"

"The original breath, this deity is a little familiar."

Shadow continued to speak, that breath was the winning hook, and he looked at the river of time behind him.

"I want to go back, isn't he dead?"

"This life, have you returned?"

"If that's the case, that's for the best."

"Let the Lord of Yellow Springs look for Huangquan, and Huangquan will definitely be able to find it."

"Only finding Huangquan is the real immortality."

"In this world, even Tianzun cannot be immortal."

The shadow disappeared again and merged into the river of time.

Hades stood up, looking at everything that stopped around him, his eyes darkened. It quickly recovered, and no one knew what happened to the underworld.

Everyone has ghosts.

This is the underworld, the more contact with ghosts, the more people's hearts are gone.

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