Great Yan Dynasty.

Its imperial palace is located in the most prosperous and wealthy center of the Great Yan Dynasty.

And what can be felt at this moment is.

Illuminated by the rays of the rising sun.

In the royal palace shining with brilliant golden light.

Countless members of the royal Ge family had expectant expressions on their faces.

An army of 300,000 practitioners.

Three top families.

These forces joined forces, and it was not enough to destroy the Luo family?

Then, after destroying the Luo family.

That superb spirit stone vein.

Doesn’t it belong to their Ge family?

Almost everyone thinks so.


What the Ge family in the royal family did not know was.

Death is coming quietly.

Because, at this moment, the Luo family had already sent almost all the forces that could be controlled.

Heading towards the Royal Palace.



“How sleepy!!”

At the entrance to the Royal Palace.

There is one wearing iron armor.

Strong body.

In his hand, the forbidden army holding the spear tightly.

Zheng squinted his eyes slightly.



“Why don’t you have any spirit?”

“Isn’t it the woman who played on her belly last night?”

Entrance to the Royal Palace.

Another was a strong soldier in iron armor and armed with a long gun.

Laughing and quipping.


“Don’t say it.”

“Yesterday, those little ladies in the Spring Breeze Pavilion were really like wolves.”

“It’s like crazy.”

“Almost squeezed me dry.”

Talking and talking.

Suddenly, the forbidden army was stunned.

Originally, the sleepiness on his face disappeared at this moment.

Left the only shock left.


“Groove ?!!”


“Enemy attack, enemy attack!!”

The forbidden army shouted.

However, it is clear.

His words did not have much effect.

Because, just about 100 meters away.

The Luo family raised tens of thousands of elite family soldiers composed of cultivators.

At this moment, it is rushing towards the palace.

“Kill Lao Tzu!”

“Capture the palace and destroy the Ge family, my Luo family will be rewarded!!”

That figure is huge.

The Luo family, whose arms were as thick as ordinary people’s thighs, led the team of three elders, Luo Hong.

At this moment, he was wielding the two giant axes in his hand.

Shouting at the top of his voice.

“Take the palace! Destroy the Ge family! ”

“Take the palace! Destroy the Ge family! ”

“Take the palace! Destroy the Ge family! ”

Tens of thousands of elite family soldiers raised by the Luo family.

At this moment, they also raised the fine iron combat knife that flashed with cold light in their hands.

Head up and shout.



The Luo family’s tens of thousands of family soldiers composed of cultivators approached.


The entrance to the palace was occupied by the Luo family.


Tens of thousands of elite Luo family soldiers.

At this moment, they rushed into this golden palace that stored countless treasures.

The same.

Endless killing.

It was also after these tens of thousands of elite soldiers of the Luo family broke into the palace.

Slowly unfolded.


This is the sound of steel colliding with flesh and blood.



In the Royal Palace.

There were many eunuchs and palace maidens.

At this moment, with a look of fear in his face, he sat on the ground paralyzed.

The eyes were full of fear.

“You can’t kill me, you can’t kill me, I’m the royal Ge family.”

“If you kill me, none of you will survive.”

There were verbal threats from the Ge family in the royal family.


“Let me go!!”

There are also people from the royal Ge family.

Kneeling and begging for mercy.

In order to beg for that glimmer of life.

What they don’t know, however, is.

This time the attack.

Supreme Commander.

It is Luo Jiuge, the ancestor of the Luo family.

And Luo Jiuge’s original words are that in the palace, everyone has to die.



Of course you have to die.

In this cold, cruel and extremely realistic fantasy world.

Kill, then you have to remove the roots.

All potential crises must be erased.


Sooner or later, one day.

You will be because of the kindness in your heart.

Thus burying his own life, or burying his entire family or power.


Time passes.

The massacre lasted five hours.

Until five hours later.

The carnage was slowly over.

“Third Elder, the mission has been completed.”

Great Yan Dynasty.

In the original golden palace.

At this moment, it has been dyed blood red.

Rich smell of blood.

Constantly diffuse.

“Is it done?”

“Good, leave some people stationed in the palace.”

“By the way, loot the treasures stored in the palace.”

“The rest come with me.”

“Next, it’s time to destroy the Li family, the Sun family, and the Wang family, the three top families.”


Luo Hong, the third elder of the Luo family.

Jump straight from the high wall that guards the palace.



The earth shakes, the land cracks, and puffs of dust rise with the wind.


Destroyed the Great Yan Dynasty, the queen of the royal Ge family.

Next, destroy the Sun family, the Li family, and the Wang family.

It’s a lot easier.

Even, the Luo family also divided the army into three ways.

Hardly enough.

Sun family.

Lee family.

Wang family.

This Great Yan Dynasty’s original three top families.

It was completely erased by the Luo family.

Disappeared into this world.

“Today, something big seems to have happened!!”

With the elite family soldiers raised by the Luo family, the task was completed.

Destroyed the Ge family, the Wang family, the Li family, and the Sun family.

After slowly disappearing.

The people of the Great Yan Dynasty.

Only then did he quietly walk out of his home.


“The Luo family has always been low-key in the Great Yan Dynasty.”

“And yet…”

“Today it’s such a high-profile act.”

“I’m afraid that the pattern in the Great Yan Dynasty is about to start changing.”

On the street.

Sit at the threshold.

The old man dressed in coarse linen and holding an old cigarette stick.

He was squinting and smoking a cigarette in his hand.

Slowly said.


Of course.

Relative to the people of the Great Yan Dynasty.

They didn’t pay much attention to the turmoil.

Anyway, these people have a hard life after all.

However, this time the turmoil was within the Great Yan Dynasty.

Those first-rate families, second-rate families, or third-rate families.

It doesn’t seem like a good thing.

Great Yan Dynasty.

The most prosperous imperial capital is located.

As a top family, it is recognized as the strongest family, and the ancient family is in the land.

The current head of the Gu family, Gu Yue.

He was holding an invitation.

The expression was extremely solemn.

“Luo family, what does this mean?”

“Someone actually sent me an invitation?”

“And this morning, the tens of thousands of elite family soldiers raised by the Luo family all went out, what are they doing?”

Gu Yue.

Frowning tightly.

In his heart, he constantly speculated about what the Luo family did this morning.

It’s just a pity.

He couldn’t guess.

After all, the disappearance of the Li family, the Sun family, the Wang family, and the fall of the royal Ge family.

Not yet.

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