Xuanyuan Continent.

Eastern Wilderness State.

In a small village.

At this moment, villagers are staying in the fields, planting the first wave of food of the year.

“What’s that?”


Inside farmland.

A dark-skinned man dressed in coarse linen raised his head.

Squinted his eyes slightly.

Gaze, after the little turquoise dots in the air.

I couldn’t help but wonder.

“You said that thing?”

“What kind of bird is that?”

“What are you doing so much, let’s just plant our own fields!!”

Among the farmland.

Another dark-skinned man looked up first.

Glancing at the small dots in the air.

Then, he lowered his head and concentrated on farming.

After all, as ordinary people, they want not to go hungry.

Or maybe it’s a better day.

Then farming can definitely not be delayed.


“Why are you doing so much?”

“Anyway, it’s none of our business.”

The man smiled and shook his head.

He stopped paying attention to the sparse turquoise dots in the void.

It’s just that……

What they don’t know is.

When he lowered his head and focused on farming.

In the void, the originally somewhat sparse turquoise dots.

It gradually became dense.

Even with the passage of time, the round of scorching sun hanging high in the air was obscured.


Over time.

In the blink of an eye, it was half an hour.



Screams rang out not far away.

“What’s wrong?”

Be curious.

Inside the farmland, many people raised their heads and looked towards the source of the screams.

It’s just that it’s okay not to look at it.

This look.

Everyone felt a little numb in their scalps.


Turquoise, like emerald, the body size varies, the smallest is about thirty centimeters long, the largest… Even covering the sky.

Appeared above everyone’s heads.

“Bats, bats…”

“Why, there are so many bats here??”

After swallowing spit.

Everyone’s faces turned a little pale.

“Squeaky …”

The call of the emerald bat continued to sound in all directions.

And the people in those villages.

At this moment, he was sitting on the ground with his eyes full of despair.


Bats everywhere.

They have no way to escape, they are finished!!!


The border between Donghuangzhou and Youzhou.

At this moment, countless bats shimmering with emerald light flew by.

And among the many villages on the border with Youzhou.

At this moment, wailing is everywhere.

The corpses of the people fell to the ground one after another.

And those bats with emerald light in their bodies stayed on the human corpses and ate on human flesh and blood.

In a split second.

Yin red blood flowed everywhere.

The smell of blood slowly permeated all around.


At this time, the human being, who was the controller of the Eastern Wilderness Continent, had become the most despicable existence.

“Is this human?”

“The controller of the Eastern Wilderness State?”

“It’s really weak enough…”

Among the emerald bats.

One of them is about a thousand meters in size.

On his body, there was an aura of the realm of the three heavens, which was located high in the sky.

Gaze at the incomparably low, incomparably humble below.

Humans who have no power to resist.

The scarlet eyes suddenly flashed a hint of sarcasm.


Over time.

In the blink of an eye, half a month passed.

In this half month.

The Eastern Wilderness Prefecture looks quite stable on the surface.

Luo family?

It also seems to be developing in a low-key manner.

Xu family?

Lingbao Temple?

And the Soul Leaving Sect?

These old top forces in the three Eastern Wilderness Prefectures also seem to be too high-profile for some reason.

They all disciplined the children of their respective forces.

Don’t let them go out easily.

It seems that the effort is to show a calm, peaceful atmosphere.


And what no one knows.

In this tranquility, there are already countless turbulences hidden in the secret.


Luo Family Land.

Somewhere in a room that seemed a little empty.

As the current head of the Luo family, Luo Heng was sitting quietly on the main throne at this moment.

The expression is calm.

Squint slightly.

In his hand, he held a special document and was slowly flipping through it.

“Bats of different sizes and emerald colors appeared in the land on the edge of the Eastern Wilderness State?”

“Countless villages in the Eastern Wilderness Prefecture have been washed with a large number of bats in blood??”

“A large number of people have fled to the central area of the Eastern Wilderness Prefecture???

After seeing this line of information.

Luo Heng couldn’t help frowning slightly.

The Eastern Wilderness Prefecture borders the land of Youzhou, and he knows it very well.


It is known as a paradise of monsters.

The number of demon beasts inside was dozens of times, or even hundreds of times, more than the entire Xuanyuan Continent.

This is Luo Heng, who is the current head of the Luo family.

The heart is also very clear.

Therefore, he would not be surprised that some demon beasts would pop up from time to time in the border land to attack humans.

But this time he was slightly surprised.

The number of monsters this time.

Isn’t it, some too much?

“Did I think too much?”

“Or is it really what I thought??”

After a moment of silence.

Luo Heng waved his hand and shouted lowly.

“Come man.”

And in this empty room.

Space, slightly distorted.

A monk dressed in black robes suddenly appeared.

“Master, what are your orders?”

After hearing the sound.

Luo Heng slowly raised his head and ordered.

“Next, through the channels of my Luo family, a large amount of grain on the market was looted.”

“The price doesn’t matter.”

“I only want grain, whether it is ordinary grain, or spirit root, or even food grown by immortal root, my Luo family wants it!!”

After speaking.

Luo Heng waved his hand.

He slowly lowered his head and began to deal with other cumbersome affairs of the Luo family and the Luo family dynasty today.

And the one in front of him was dressed in a black robe.

On his body, the Luo family cultivator who was filled with the aura of the Three Heavens Realm.

After arching his hand.

He disappeared into the room.

“Hopefully, it’s not what I expected…”

“Even if the situation does turn out to be what I expected.”

“My order should also have a little effect, right??”

After shaking his head.

Luo Heng stopped thinking about it.

The boat is naturally straight to the bridge, and there must be a road before the car reaches the mountain.

What he needs to pay attention to now is the various major events in the Eastern Wilderness State.


If it really breaks out, then pay a little attention!!


Luo Heng, who is the current head of the Luo family.

That’s the idea.

And Luo Jiuge, who is the ancestor of the Luo family.

It seems that this is not the case.

“Bats shining with emerald colors all over their bodies attacked the border of the Eastern Wilderness State?”

“A large number of people are fleeing towards the central land of the Eastern Wilderness Prefecture??”


“The land of Youzhou, is the demon beast about to break out????”

Luo Family Land.

Somewhere in the courtyard with a quaint atmosphere.

Luo Jiuge was sitting quietly under a stone pavilion.

In front of him was a wooden teapot.

It is suspended in the void.

In the teapot, there is a fairy liquid made from melting the finest fairy stone, and there are several pieces of dark green Wudao tea floating in the fairy liquid.

And under the teapot.

At this moment, it was burning with a strange aura of [White Bone Demon Fire].




Gokudo tea boiled.

The aroma of tea also overflowed.



Luo Jiuge stretched out his hand and took out the wooden teacup that had been prepared long ago.

Then he poured himself a cup of Godo tea.

Take a final sip.


This kind of life is just two words.


As for the outbreak of demon beasts in the land of Youzhou?

Attack on the Eastern Wilderness Prefecture ??

Hundreds of people fled towards the central land of the Eastern Wilderness State???

To be honest, he would at most watch Ichiraku.



He is not some virgin, overflowing with mercy.

Nor is he a natural saint.

What does the life or death of those people have to do with him?

Moreover, since we live in this mysterious world, we need to be selfish and discard the meaningless benevolence in our hearts.

Leave the only softness in your heart to your family.

Isn’t that bad??


In the courtyard.

Under the stone pavilion.

Luo Jiuge, holding the wooden teacup in his hand, shook his head with a smile.

Drink the enlightenment tea in your hand.

Then he waved his hand.


In front of him, a translucent system page appeared.

This is the on-hook purchase function of the one-dollar flash sale system.

When the host does not have time to purchase goods, the system will automatically deduct a lower grade spirit stone to help the host purchase goods.

As for the purchased goods?

It is stored in the warehouse of the system.

Of course, the warehouse is infinitely large.

And it can only be taken and not saved.

“I don’t know, in the past thousand years, has this broken system refreshed anything good?”

With this in mind.

Luo Jiuge slowly narrowed his eyes.

Constantly scanning the translucent page of the system in front of him.

“Lower grade immortal level?”

“Middle-grade immortal level?”

“Shangpin Immortal Level?”

“Extreme Immortal Level?”

“Huh?? It’s all a pile of garbage??? ”

About three minutes later.

Luo Jiuge’s brows frowned slightly.

He suddenly felt that his mood was not very good.

This broken system, it seems that the more times you draw yourself, the smaller the chance of god-level goods appearing.

That’s it.

Over time.

Until, 10 minutes later.

Luo Jiuge’s slightly squinted eyes froze slightly.


“Medium-grade god-level goods??”

“The name is […] [Failed Miniature World No. 999] ???”

See the grade of the product.

And after that name.

Luo Jiuge, the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but slowly raise a little.

This thing seems to be a good thing.

After extracting it.

In front of Luo Jiuge, a light that was slightly flashing with pure white color appeared.

After the light dissipated, what appeared in front of Luo Jiuge’s eyes was a globe about the size of a fist just like in his previous life.

“This is the [failed Miniature World 999]?”

Squint your eyes.

Slowly release divine consciousness.

After entering this so-called miniature world, Luo Jiuge was stunned.

This thing seems to be a little beyond his imagination.

Images seen by divine sense.

It seems like this is really a real world.


The world is incomparably barren.

In the air, the content of Reiki is terrifyingly low.

Even because of the lack of water, this world is full of rolling wind and sand, and no life can survive in this world.

As for the size of this world?


It’s just that big as the earth in the past life, right?

Anyway, compared with the Xuanyuan Continent or the Eastern Wilderness Prefecture, even if it is compared with the Wuji Dao Domain, the area seems to be incomparable.

“No wonder the name of this thing is [Failed Miniature World No. 999].”

“However, it seems useless for this thing to fall into the hands of others.”

“But in my case…”

“It seems that it can be brought back to life.”

If Luo Jiuge remembered correctly.

Just now, in the system warehouse interface, he saw a half-step divine root named [Water Banyan Tree].

This water banyan tree has no special function.

The only use is to make water.

A steady stream of water.

Before, Luo Jiuge was still thinking about what kind of [Water Banyan Tree] should be useless.

Unexpectedly, it is used now.

It was a bit of a surprise.


Extract the seeds of the half-step divine root [Water Ficus Tree].

And, after planting it in the heart of this [Failed Miniature World No. 999].

What can be seen is.

That azure color, and the seed with the mysterious pattern of the Dao.

Suddenly, a few root whiskers were drilled.

Rooting towards the barren soil.

About half a time had passed, and only then did a few azure shoots emerge from that seed.

The pace of growth is not very fast.


It’s okay too.

If Luo Jiuge arranges the next hundredfold time acceleration formation.

That should be the possibility of mentioning speed.

It’s just that this will cost a lot of spirit stones and fairy stones.

A little distressed.

However, if the world can really be upgraded again.

Then he is not a loss.

Of course, in that half-step Shengen [Water Banyan Tree] grew to a certain stage.

Water can be produced continuously.

After revamping the surrounding environment.

Luo Jiuge was able to sprinkle the [Immortal Spirit Grass] seeds accumulated over nearly a thousand years into that [Failed No. 999 Miniature World].

In this way.

This barren and barren world.

Yes, there is hope for rejuvenation.

It’s just how far it can be in the end.

He is not very clear.

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