Chapter 410: The Secret of the Primordial Beginning, Yu Zhenjun.

As the son of the holy dragon, Ao Yuan has been respected by everyone whether in the dragon world or traveling, so he has developed a proud character with eyes above the top.

Therefore, he looked down on the strength outside the Dragon Realm and thought that the Dragon Realm universe was the first.


When Yue Long King heard Ao Yuan’s words, he snorted coldly and said, “Ao Yuan, your courage is too big, do you think anyone can go to alarm the ancestor?” ”

“Don’t say you, it’s your father Ling Sheng, if you want to meet the ancestor, you have to apply in advance, and sometimes you can’t see the ancestor.”

“You still want the ancestor to take action to destroy the Tiangong Star and the Immortal Immortal Gate, is your face so big?”

Ao Yuan was scolded, and there was some anger in his heart, even if he faced a Tianlong of the Heavenly Man Secret Realm, he was fearless in his heart.

“Elder Yue, you look too highly at Tiangongxing and Immortal Immortal Gate, even if the ancestor doesn’t make a move, my father’s move alone can destroy Tiangongxing and Immortal Immortal Gate.”

Ao Yuan said stubbornly.

His father is a holy dragon, a Dao-level existence, proud of the universe, even if it is the strength of Tai Shang Jiuqing Mountain, Burning Heaven Immortal Palace, he will give three points when he sees his father.

In his opinion, his father’s actions to destroy the Tiangong Star and the Immortal Immortal Gate would not waste much effort.

“Ao Yuan, it seems that I want to explain to you clearly, so that you know what forces can be provoked and what forces cannot be provoked.”

Yue Long King looked at Ao Yuan, waved his hand, and formed a knot 963 realm to prevent someone from eavesdropping.

“Oh, Elder Yue, what are you going to say?”

Ao Yuan asked.

Yue Long King said lightly: “With your father’s strength, Tiangong Star is nothing and can be destroyed, but your father’s desire to destroy the Immortal Immortal Gate is simply ridiculous.” ”

“What? Is the Immortal Immortal Gate so powerful? ”

Ao Yuan said, “The strongest of the Immortal Immortal Gate is only a Heavenly and Human Secret Realm cultivator, and can there still be a Convergence Dao-level existence?” ”

“You underestimate the Immortal Immortal Gate, the Immortal Immortal Gate is the power created by the Immortal Daoist in the ancient era, although the Immortal Daoist was not born in the most glorious era of antiquity, but his talent is peerless, not only cultivating the Convergence Dao Secret Realm, comparable to the ancient saints, but also he later came to the top, and finally reached the realm of the Ancient Saint Emperor and the Great Emperor, soaring to the Immortal Realm, the forces created by such figures, even if millions of years have passed, still have a terrifying background, once sacrificed, the Ai-Dao-level figures will bleed.”

Yue Long King said lightly: “Moreover, the six holy lands of the Eastern Wilderness are in the same breath, and the attack of the Immortal Immortal Gate by the Dragon Realm will provoke forces such as the Tai Shang Dao Gate, and these forces join forces, even the Dragon World will feel a headache.” ”

“What’s more, although the Ancient Immortal Court collapsed, it still left the Immortal Order, this Immortal Order is effective for the entire Primordial Realm, as long as someone attacks the Taichu Realm, whether it is the righteous path forces or the strength of the Demon Dao, they need to help, those who violate the order, the Dao Guillotine will be cut down.”

“Attacking the Immortal Immortal Gate is equivalent to attacking the Primordial Realm, with the power of the innate god and demon race, you can’t attack the Primordial Realm now, do you think that with the power of the Dragon Realm, you can attack the Primordial Realm?”

“The most important thing is that although the ancient holy emperor and the great emperor disappeared, maybe some great emperors and the holy emperor slept in the mysterious place of the Primordial Realm, and perhaps the thirty-six divine generals under the ancient emperor’s throne were hidden in the Primordial Realm.”

When Ao Yuan heard this, he was scared into a cold sweat.

Although he is arrogant and arrogant, he is not a fool, but he is usually respected and does not like to think. But at this moment, he thought about it carefully, the water in the Primordial Realm was so deep that even the Dragon Realm did not dare to provoke it.

“Is the strength of the Primordial Realm so terrifying?”

Ao Yuan asked.

Yue Dragon King glanced at him and said, “Otherwise, why do you think that why the Heavenly Dragon Treasure is opened, and the Dragon Realm does not send the Dragon King of the Heavenly Human Realm, or even the Cave Heaven Realm, to take the Heavenly Dragon Treasure away, is it not to be afraid of the power within the Primordial Realm.” ”

“And there are five treasure houses in the Taichu Realm, and each treasure house has a huge creation inside, if it weren’t for the hidden power of the Taichu Realm that made people fearful, the Taishang Jiuqing Mountain, the Burning Heavenly Immortal Palace and other Daoists would have long been ready to fight the idea of the five treasures of the Primordial Realm.”

“So Ao Yuan, there is no problem for you to have a conflict with the Immortal Saint Son, the elders of the Immortal Immortal Gate, the Dragon King of the Dragon Realm, and the elders will not care, but if we do it, it will be a provocation, which means going to war.”

“Elder Yue, can you let Su Changjun master the inheritance of the Dragon Taming God General and use it to restrain our Dragon Realm?”

Ao Yuan was still a little unwilling.

“The divine power of the Dragon Taming God General is indeed a trouble, but you don’t have to worry, the Divine Power of the Dragon Taming God General can only restrain the Heavenly Dragon below the Holy Dragon, and the higher the cultivation of the Heavenly Dragon, the weaker the effect of being restrained.”

Yue Long Wang said lightly.


While King Yue Long was talking to Ao Yuan, in another giant city.

A large hall has a jade throne on which sits a young man. This young man was handsome in appearance, elegant in temperament, dressed in a feather coat, and exuded a faint mist on his body.

“It’s a pity that the Dragon World didn’t tear its face with the Immortal Immortal Gate, otherwise it would have taken the opportunity to win over the Dragon World.”

The young man on the throne played with a jade cup carved from chalcedony in his hand and said with regret.

This young man was none other than the Jade True Monarch within the Primordial Realm God Alliance.

“It’s a pity, but it doesn’t matter, no matter how the first dragon and the ancestral dragon of the dragon world change, they can’t change that they are innate gods and demons, I heard that the Great Black Heavenly Saint Monarch has gone to the dragon world and invited the first dragon and the ancestral dragon to talk.”

Under the throne, there were several people sitting, all descendants of innate gods and demons. One of the women in blue clothes spoke.

“Huh? Has the Great Black Heavenly Saint Monarch awakened? ”

Yu Zhenjun’s body shook when he heard this, and said, “It seems that the horn to attack the Primordial Realm has been sounded, and we have to hurry up.” ”

“The Great Black Heaven Saint Monarch has indeed awakened from the deepest part of the Innate God Realm, but his strength has not fully recovered, and he was injured too deeply by the Ancient Saint Emperor and the Great Emperor of the Primordial Realm.”

The woman in Tsing Yi said.

“The Great Black Heaven Saint Monarch has awakened, which proves that his injury is almost good, as long as the Holy Monarch persuades the First Dragon and the Ancestral Dragon, with the power of the First Dragon and the Ancestral Dragon, plus the Innate God and Demon Array of my clan, it is enough to break through the Immortal Array arranged by the Ancient Saint Emperor and the Great Emperor of the Primordial Realm, completely enter the Primordial Realm, and occupy the closest place to the Immortal Realm in this universe.”

Yu Zhenjun said with a smile.

“Still can’t be careless, Tai Shang Jiuqing Mountain, Burning Heaven Immortal Palace and other forces, I’m afraid they are also waiting for us to break through the great array of the Taichu Realm, take the opportunity to enter the Taichu Realm, and master this big world.”

The woman in Tsing Yi said.

“Don’t worry, whether it is the Tai Shang Jiuqing Mountain, the Burning Heavenly Immortal Palace, or the Five Elements Great World, the Great World of Mother-in-law, and other forces, they can’t compare with the power of my clan, and when my clan shows its strength, the heavens will shake.”

Yu Zhenjun said confidently.

“Let’s not talk about this, have you already investigated what kind of divine stone Tiangongxing obtained?”

The woman in Tsing Yi asked.

“Not yet, the Tiangong Star’s Tiangong Creation is too powerful, and it is impossible to sneak in, and I can only wait for the day when the supreme treasure is refined.”

Yu Zhenjun shook his head.

“Generally speaking, refining the supreme treasure needs to be careful to prevent being interfered with, and Tiangongxing unexpectedly invited the major forces of the universe to come to watch the ceremony, and I don’t know what calculations are in it.”

The Qingyi woman said suspiciously.

“No matter what calculations he has, I will decide on refining the divine stone of the supreme treasure.”

Yu Jinjun said.

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