Chapter 103

“what is this?”

The young man with a knife lowered his head and looked at the ice flower on his chest, his eyes filled with blankness.

This little ice flower that didn’t seem to have much power, in an instant, exhausted his Cultivation Base and froze his Meridians!

Even the vitality is turned into nourishment for the blooming of ice flowers.

Endless fear enveloped the youth, and he wanted to pull out this deadly ice flower.

However, no matter how he urged, his body did not react at all.

Even Divine Sense cannot be used.

Before his thinking was completely frozen, the young man blinked frantically at the referee.

However… the referee of the Spirit Sword Sect did not respond!

What’s even more hateful is that the other party actually looked away and looked at the sky with admiration.


The youth exhausted the last bit of strength and uttered a word with difficulty.

But immediately, the ice blossoms bloomed, taking away all his vitality!


The body that lost its vitality fell to the ground and was directly broken into ice slag on the ground.

“Brother Cangtian is mighty!”

After a brief silence, there was a sudden burst of cheers from the stands.

It abruptly overwhelmed the applause of the Tianji Sect.

“Fuck, young man, this is really heaven-defying!”

“This is Shaman, my God, he has even mastered Shaman for 24…”

“I have to admit, this guy is really good, if he is not so second, he will definitely become the dream of thousands of Fairy!”

“Awesome, I think I can’t handle this trick!”

“Young Tian, ​​Young Tian, ​​it’s almost done, don’t pose anymore.”

It doesn’t matter if the cheers are suppressed, the players still have chat channels to communicate.

When everyone saw Ni Cangtian, they had maintained the handsome posture of closing the sword, and suddenly began to booze with some discomfort.

13 has been pretended for you, so how can we mix?

“Mu Yun Elder, go and bring back your precious apprentice.”

Lu Chen told something Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

Ni Cangtian wanted to change his posture, he had to be able to do it.

Lu Chen could see clearly, the kid fainted directly after one move.

If it weren’t for the quick response, he would fix his body with the chill of the Zanpakudao in time.

At this moment, I fell a dog to eat shit!

Mu Yun’s Elder Cultivation Base is too low to see the details.

However, since it was Lu Chen who spoke, even if he didn’t know anything, he would follow suit.

The moment he jumped onto the ring and touched Nicangtian’s body, Mu Yun’s face suddenly changed, and his eyes were full of worry.

“Don’t worry, he just went into a coma after exhaustion, and he will wake up in a moment.”

The referee on the side whispered a whisper.

Mu Yun Elder nodded in gratitude, but because of such a delay, the coldness that was not enough had collapsed in an instant.


Ni Cangtian fell to the ground, his entire face was in close contact with the ring made of special materials.

A blood stain suddenly appeared on the ground!

The original cool posture of closing the sword suddenly became a bit funny at the moment when the sky was against the sky.

The legs are slightly tilted, the buttocks are upside-down, and the head is resting on the ground…!


Mu Yun Elder: “…”

Everyone who was cheering was silent for a moment, and they all watched this scene silently.

“Hahaha! It’s the formula, the taste, and the funny thing!”

“Hey, this kid, why is he always handsome for less than three seconds?”

“It’s probably because of some special physique!”

“Haha, no more, let me laugh for a while, you guys will stand up first in the second battle.”

“Gan, I’m a little embarrassed to be in the ring by him doing this!”

The players were making noise, and the Elders were covering their faces with their hands, and couldn’t help laughing.

Regarding the power of Cangtian, Tianji Sect is obvious to all.

The true first disciple!

Especially after using Shamian, Lu Mantian and Luan Jinhu were not confident that they could defeat him.

Unfortunately, no one is perfect.

He often gets embarrassed, which is really helpless.

If the Tianjizong chooses the chief senior brother, it is absolutely not against the heavens!

The referee of the Spirit Sword Sect realized that he had made a big mistake.

He shouldn’t talk too much, causing Ni Cangtian to make a fool of himself under the eyes of everyone.

After a moment of silence, he personally sent Ni Cangtian off the ring.

And quietly put a precious Medicine Pill into Ni Cangtian’s arms.

There are hundreds of people in the Hedao Realm present. How can the small actions of the referees conceal the Divine Sense of everyone?

Many people frowned because of this.

This Medicine Pill is not simple, it is an elixir that the Spirit Sword Sect has not spread, and it is enough to send a person to the peak of the holy, into the He Dao realm!

The Medicine Pill not only has abundant Spirit Power, but also a hundred times more precious insights!

There are many peaks of the Heavenly Secret Sect, if you serve it on the spot, there will be an additional Hedao realm immediately.

This is undoubtedly a great injustice for those Seven-Rank Immortals participating in the assessment.

Unfortunately, this is the Spirit Sword Sect.

Even the fairest sword master chose to turn a blind eye, what else could they say?

The strength is not as good as that of people, no matter how much you are not angry, you can only hold it in the bottom of my heart!

“Green sky, play!”

The assessment is still going on and will not be terminated because of the “accident” against Cangtian.

Xiang Yu and the three of them carefully considered for a moment, and decided to let the most stable green sky come on stage.

Lu Mantian bowed to take his command, leaped lightly, and landed firmly on the ring.

Until this moment, the other party sent someone to the stage.

Not too stupid, knowing to use small loopholes, but unfortunately there is not enough courage.

After the loss of a disciple who entered the holy early stage, the other party was obviously a little timid and did not dare to go directly to the holy stage disciple, but first sent 207 students from the peak of the sage to test the water.

After the two sides settled, the referee immediately announced the start.

This time the opponent didn’t talk any more nonsense, and directly used all his skills to attack Lu Mantian.

“Asshole, what are you doing?”

However, the teacher behind him shouted angrily!

This disciple of Tongxuan Pinnacle heard that the doubts in his heart just arose.

In the next moment, he fell to the ground, unconscious.

“Assault the referee, there will be another time, no matter what the killing!”

The referee said coldly.

Sen Ran’s gaze swept across the opponent’s door.

Immediately, he turned his head to look at Lu Mantian, his eyes softened suddenly, and he praised: “Illusion Art has a good accomplishment. If you can play all of it, you can fight for the top of the holy!”

Lu Mantian gestured slightly with cupped hands calmly, and couldn’t help cursing inwardly.

Obviously, what this person said was to mention his opponent!

“Boy, don’t be suspicious, only because the Medicine Pill that the old man previously presented was unfair, this will make some compensation.”

“Don’t worry, Tianxiao Pavilion does not have a disciple who has entered the holy peak. After listening to the old man’s words, they will only continue to send people to consume you!”

The referee secretly explained with a voice transmission.

The fact is just as he said, Lu Mantian defeated seven opponents of Tongxuan peak in a row, and finally ushered in a powerful enemy who entered the middle stage! .

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