Chapter 106

Cheating is bound to happen in all assessments.

The immortal gate assessment conducted by the Spirit Sword Sect is naturally no exception.

It’s just that, frightened by the lust of the Spirit Sword Sect, most people don’t dare to go too far, they only dare to do some routine operations.

For example, ask for help from the previous sect you belong to, and engage in some Magic Treasures and Medicine Pills that the Seventh-Rank Immortal Door shouldn’t have.

Or something like the will of the strong.

The Spirit Sword Sect also closed one eye to this.

As long as the will of the Saint Ruins Stage does not come, there will be no intervention.

However, Lu Chen is no ordinary person.

This time he wants to let the Spirit Sword Sect know what Sao Cao is!

Let them know that the so-called rules will also be used-.

Fa Tuo Menda Elder received Shen Qingxian’s instructions and couldn’t help showing a helpless wry smile.

He didn’t want to be crazy with Tianjizong.

too crazy!

What Tianji Sect is going to do is to stroke the tiger’s whiskers!

Unfortunately, Tianjizong did not give him the room to refuse.

If you are obedient, you may be able to eat meat, and if you dare to disobey the order, you will die lightly.

Recalling the miserable experience of the head, Elder couldn’t help but shudder.

Not daring to delay any longer, a flash came to the vicinity of Tianxiao Pavilion.

“Fellow daoist, can you take a step to speak?”

When the pavilion master of Tianxiao Pavilion heard the sound transmission, he frowned and glanced at Elder, and ignored it.

Fa Tuo Sect was originally the seventh-rank immortal gate at the bottom, and this time it was destined to be disbanded, so he didn’t bother to talk to him.

“What the old man wants to say is related to the Tianji Sect, fellow daoist might as well listen to it, how about?”

After hearing the words, the pavilion master of Tianxiao Pavilion turned his head and stared at Elder for a moment, then his sight returned to the ring.

At this time, the red-haired boy was completely suppressing Lin Yuan, and winning was only a matter of moments.

After confirming that there will be no more accidents, the pavilion master of Tianxiao Pavilion turned around and walked towards the big Elder, and said: “Just say what you want to say, the pavilion master does not have much time to waste with you!”

Elder was not in a hurry to say anything, waiting for the other party to come in front of him, raising his hand to create a space for one party to isolate the world.

“So prudent?”

The pavilion master of Tianxiao Pavilion moved in his heart, and he had some expectations for what Elder was going to say.

On the seventh ring.

Lin Yuan was sweating profusely, panting, evading the attack of the red-haired boy in embarrassment.

I tried to use a trick several times, but was noticed by the red-haired boy in advance, so that he could not find a suitable mobile phone meeting.

This red-haired boy is indeed not very clever, and some bluffing tricks work every time.

However, the opponent’s beast-like fighting smell made Lin Yuan feel helpless.

His combination of ordinary proverbs can’t hurt the red-haired boy at all.

Only the killing formation composed of nine-character proverbs is possible to inflict heavy damage on the opponent!

But the nine-character proverb kills the formation, he has not been able to fully grasp it, it needs a process of display.

It is this less than a second that makes him unable to make a move for a long time!


Once again avoiding the red-haired young man’s claw attack, Lin Yuan gritted his teeth fiercely, and quickly pinched out the magic tricks with both hands.

If you continue, he will be consumed sooner or later, so it is better to give it a go.

“Pro, Bing…”

However, the nine-character proverb only uttered two words, and I heard the pavilion master of Tianxiao Pavilion shout: “Wait, this pavilion surrenders!”

Hearing this, the red-haired boy was taken aback, looked at his pavilion owner with a puzzled face, stumbling and asking: “I, I will soon, win, why, want, admit defeat?”

The pavilion owner ignored the red-haired boy, but stared at Lu Chen from a distance.

After seeing Lu Chen’s profound smile, he immediately clenched his fists, and handed a storage ring to Elder Fatuomen without a trace.

The big Elder Divine Sense swept away, and his breathing became a little short in an instant.

“Unexpectedly, the Tianxiao Pavilion, which ranks only in the middle and lower reaches of strength, would be so rich!”

“There are so many high-rank materials and Medicine Pill, which are more than all the belongings of my Fatuomen combined, and you can give it to you…”

Elder took a deep breath, quickly calmed down, and returned to his position calmly.

“What is Tianxiao Pavilion doing? It’s obviously a battle that must be won, why should we take the initiative to surrender?”

“Perhaps it was discovered that the disciple of the Tianji Sect had some powerful hole cards, and that was the only way to admit defeat, right?”

“It doesn’t make sense. Even if there is a trump card, it is impossible to beat the late stage of entering the saint. What’s more, the boy with red hair is very powerful!”

“Weird, what is Tianxiao Pavilion thinking? Is it possible that the goal of Loose Immortals cannot be solved?”

There was a lot of discussion in the stands, wondering why Tianxiao Pavilion had to admit defeat.

However, this is only the beginning.

·· ····Find flowers······

Next, the battle that took place in the seventh ring makes people more and more incomprehensible!

The Tianjizong disciple, who had been extremely ferocious from the beginning of the assessment, seemed to wither suddenly.

Twenty people in a row failed to defeat a Tongxuan pinnacle disciple in Tianxiao Pavilion!

Not only that, the disciples of the Tianjizong are like papers, and their opponents can kill them seriously with a random move.

Such a weird scene attracted the attention of everyone present.

Everyone became extremely interested in the disciple of Tianxiao Pavilion.

“Who is this son’s last name and name, why hasn’t he heard of it before?”

“Unfortunately, the ring is blocked by a magic circle, otherwise I really want to see, what kind of special spirit body this one is!”

“Those disciples of the Tianji Sect who lost the battle, in the same rank, should be extremely strong, they were easily defeated by the disciple of Tianxiao Pavilion, it is unbelievable!”

… 0

“I always feel that Tianjizong was deliberately defeated…”

The discussion became louder and louder, the Tianxiao Pavilion disciple on the ring heard in his ears, his forehead was full of cold sweat, and his legs could not stop shaking.

“Pavilion Master, let’s change, I can’t hold it anymore!”

Lu Chen glanced at the direction of Tianxiao Pavilion, frowning slightly.

Are the opponents in power all idiots?

Or treat the people of the Spirit Sword Sect as fools?

I can’t act in a play.

So stupid, it’s no wonder that I haven’t been promoted to the sixth rank for hundreds of years!

I thought that for such a simple matter, you don’t need to say it too clearly, and the other party can understand what he means.

Every disciple who comes on stage will suffer both defeats with his own disciples.

What left him speechless was that the people in Tianxiao Pavilion were all elm heads.

Actually let an ordinary disciple win 20 games in a row, and there is no intention to replace him!

It’s so obvious, anyone with a bit of a brain can still not tell that Tianji Sect is releasing water?

The loopholes in the assessment rules can be exploited, but they can’t be slapped in the face of the Spirit Sword Sect, right?

Originally, Tianxiao Pavilion only needed to pay a ‘protection fee’, which not only guaranteed that the pair would no longer have to worry about their lives.

It can also obtain a large number of head counts from the heavenly machine sect.

It is easy to pass this assessment.

I have to make a moth!

If this continues, it will be strange if the Spirit Sword Sect does not interfere. At.

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