Chapter 120

Lu Chen took out the Niyang Pill and handed it to Ye Lianxing.

“Too great Elder, is this what you said today…” Ye Lianxing took the Niyang Pill and looked over Lu Chen’s body.

Lu Chen nodded, then stood up and said: “You take it as soon as possible, I have something that needs to be dealt with.”

“Hey, do you want to leave others here alone?” Ye Lianxing suddenly moved his body close to him and asked with a smile.

“Hiss.” Lu Chen glanced back, and could only send Ye Lianxing away before doing other things.

The looting objects chosen by Lu Chen have been carefully selected.

He must have complete assurance to ensure that he will retreat.

Secondly, it must be a treasure that is of great benefit to the Tianji Sect at the moment.

The first target, Lu Chen’s choice is very elegant.

It started from the side of Taihuamen. Since you have tossed Taihuamen once today, don’t mind to do it again.

In the night, a figure can be seen faintly disappearing.

After a few breaths, there was a hustle and bustle in a Sect not far from Taihua Gate.

“Someone looted treasures!”

“Quickly, find the thief, grab it, take it down, and hand it over to the Spirit Sword Sect.”

Soon, several Sect bosses came one after another, among them was the sword master of the Spirit Sword Sect.

As for some 7-Rank Sects, at this time, 220 didn’t even have a chance to get out of the recuperation place, so they were guarded by a group of Spirit Sword Sect disciples.

“Oh, someone really ate the guts of the bear heart and leopard and dared to make trouble in my Spirit Sword Sect.” Luo Feng mumbled as he looked at the victim in front of him.

He looked at the man again, and continued to ask: “Can you see the person clearly?”

“This… Sword Master, that person is coming and going like the wind, I just woke up, the person is far away.” The person replied.

“Coming and going like wind?” Luo Feng was puzzled for a while, then turned his head and asked the disciple behind him, “Which Sect Movement Technique is so light?”

“Sword Master, maybe Nanshan Sect can do it, so can Taihuamen, go down…”

Luo Feng waved his hand and analyzed: “He is the early stage Cultivation Base of Hedao Realm. If you want to do it, you must need the lowest stage Cultivation Base of Hedao Realm. Even so, it is difficult to come and go like wind.”

“Further down, Sect can do it, but I don’t think they have the guts.”

“The sword master is wise.” Several Sect bosses flattered.

Luo Feng waved his hand and said with a smile: “These thieves don’t even inquire, I’m Luo Feng in the Spirit Sword Sect, but I am a well-known expert in criminal case.”

“Check it carefully and make sure, but there is something wrong.”

After turning around, Luo Feng touched his chin and said, “I beg you, put your Sect disciples together.”

Several Sects looked at each other a few times, and finally they could only bow their heads in response.

Just now that he had made a decision, some disciples of the Spirit Sword Sect came to report: “Sword Master, another Sect treasure was stolen.”

“These thieves are so bold, let me see.” Luo Feng turned angrily and left with his disciple.

After that, it happened four or five times in a row.

And that person’s methods are extremely clever, every time after looting the treasure, he can disappear without a trace in an instant.

Even if Luo Feng used Spiritual Sense to inquire, he couldn’t detect the trace.

After tossing hard for most of the night, Lu Chen returned to the Tianji Sect.

He doesn’t worry about being discovered by those people, nor is he going to act deliberately to avoid suspicion.

He is a newly promoted Seventh-Rank Sect, what treasures can he see?

Moreover, with such a toss, won’t you lose your advantage against other Sects?

After returning to the room, he did not see Ye Lianxing appearing, and Lu Chen lay down comfortably and fell asleep slowly.

For the next two days, the disciples of the Spirit Sword Sect were all rushing for the theft of the treasure.

Elder and disciples of the Tianji Sect, but always get some weird treasures.

However, when these treasures are handed over to Elder and his disciples, Lu Chen will add one more sentence: “You should take care of this thing, otherwise it will be discovered by others. It should be said that I am partial.”

As for what the situation is, only Lu Chen himself knows.

After a few days, the Xianmen assessment has also reached the final stage.

Tomorrow’s Fairy Gate will continue to be held by the Spirit Sword Sect Leader.

On the last day of the competition, there is no need to decide by drawing lots, but according to the current ranking, one-on-one fights against each other.

In fact, at the moment, Sect, which ranks at the bottom, has been unable to recover.

Sect, who ranks in front, barely has a chance.

According to the ranking, Nanshan School is naturally ranked first, and Tianji School is next.

After that, Jinli Mountain, Baoguang Temple…

Surprisingly, after a battle with Tianjizong, Taihuamen seemed to be in a slump. Now it is ranked twelfth.

After learning the rules of the competition, the disciples of the Tianjizong were nervous on the one hand, and a little excited on the other.

The nervousness is because there is really only one mountain in front of me.

The excitement is because before the Realm or the combat experience, it was not as good as the rich Tianji Sect. It can beat the Taihuamen. Now that the Tianji Sect has been tempered for some time, it should naturally be able to cross the Nanshan Sect and remove the leader. The bit.

“Tai Shang Elder, between us and the Nanshan Sect, there is only six heads left.” Ye Lianxing reported in due course.

Lu Chen nodded, taking this number to heart.

“Take a good rest tonight, and tomorrow morning, everyone is discussing how to deal with it.”

The players have gradually calmed down now.

But there are always one or two people who will be a step or two slower than others in the chat channel.

“Climbing this mountain, what they heard will be the legend of my Hirinumaru!” Ni Cangtian said in the chat channel.

Unexpectedly, he was hit immediately.

“After crossing this mountain, I didn’t expect that there would be another eighteen bends.”

“After crossing this mountain, I learned that there are so many legends as dogs.”


Ni Cangtian was very angry, so he could only look at the disciples of the Spirit Sword Sect.

The two disciples of the Spirit Sword Sect, who were waiting around, saw Ni Cangtian looking over, and immediately saluted and asked, “Senior brother, do you have orders?”

“Climbed this mountain, what they heard will be the legend of my Hirinumaru!” Ni Cangtian spoke on the local channel.

Under the idiot-like gazes of several players, the two disciples nodded unexpectedly.

“Brother, we believe you can do it.”

“Brother, we wait for the day you turn over, and then tell us your story.”

After a farce, Lu Chen slowly left with a group of Elder disciples of the Heavenly Jizong.

Unexpectedly, halfway through the journey, I happened to bump into the Nanshan Sect who was about to leave.

Nanshan Sect Leader Hu Nanshan and Lu Chen smiled and said, “Unexpectedly, we will be the one who will go to the end. Tomorrow, please leave us a face.”

“I beg you to be merciful to Nanshanzong’s men.” Lu Chen replied with a smile.

The disciple below, however, was not pleasing to the eye, and there was a faint smell of rattling swords. .

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