Chapter 134

It is estimated that no one at the scene would have thought that the two early stages of the Combination Realm, plus the two and a half steps of the Combination, would even meet each other and kill the elders of the Five Poison Cult in seconds.

Especially those disciples of the Five Poisons, their current expressions are almost the same as the giant pythons summoned by the old man.

The rickety old man who was able to show off his power before, just turned his head and died under the hands of the Tianjizong!

Shen Qingxian raised his sword again, and the killing formation at his feet expanded another circle: “I won’t say the second time. If I don’t retreat now, I will let you, go with your Elder together!”

Xiang Yu and Bai Qi also took the long spears in their hands, two steps forward, one sweep, and several poisons in front of them were repelled.

The disciples of the Five Poison Cult who came to kill the Heavenly Jizong were all capable of entering the Holy Realm.

Now facing Shen Qingxian, he has no courage to continue fighting.

Lu Chen and Lu Qianrou standing behind are also quietly staring at the changes in the forest.

At The next moment, there was a burst of laughter deep in the forest.

“Hahaha, girl doll, I took the life of my Five Poison Cult Elder, do you know what the price will be?”

Shen Qingxian followed the laughter and looked over.

A middle-aged man who looked like a merchant, touching his swollen belly, appeared in the place where the old man was.

“Then you know, what price will be paid if you intend to seize the treasures of my Heavenly Secret Sect?” Shen Qingxian asked rhetorically.

“It’s not enough to destroy the sect!” the person slowly replied, “I am not talented, it is the leader of the Five Poison Sect.”

Before Shen Qingxian could answer, Lu Chen’s figure appeared in front of Shen Qingxian.

Together, the four of them can barely kill the ordinary Hedao realm late stage.

If you encounter a real powerful enemy, you still have to pay an extremely painful price.

The leader of the Five Poisons in front of him is obviously not an enemy that the four of them can match.

Lu Chen smiled in that direction and said, “You planned what happened today?”

“Yes, I’m the one!” the leader of the Five Poisons replied.

Lu Chen’s Spiritual Sense glanced past and murmured: “It’s just a half-step Saint Ruins Realm ¨~.”

“Master, be careful.” Shen Qingxian whispered to the side.

“Too great when Elder fought an uncertain battle, why should Shen Elder bother.” Ye Lianxing covered his mouth and smiled.

Shen Qingxian frowned, then looked back at Ye Lianxing.

At the same time, Lu Chen has volleyed into the air, standing on the woodland: “I want to ask the lord to come up and tell me, I don’t know if you can!”

“Okay!” The leader of the Five Poison Sect happily responded, jumped up, and appeared opposite Lu Chen.

Many disciples of the Five Poisons sect, seeing the leader in person, the retreat that had just sprouted before, vanished in a flash.

Those huge poisons also surrounded Shen Qingxian and others in the woodland.

Outside the woodland, Lu Qianrou, who was waiting in front of a group of disciples, looked at the forest with a little anxiety.

Xiongba stepped forward and said to Lu Qianjuu: “If Sect Leader is not at ease, you can go to help, just leave it to me here.”

“Well, Elder, please take care of it.” Lu Qianrou turned her head and confessed, her figure flickering, and she rushed into the forest.

Above the sky, Lu Chen and the leader of the Five Poisons are separated on two sides.

“Is the treasure in the hands of Lu Elder?” the leader of the Five Poisons asked.

Lu Chen nodded: “Leave it to them, I’m not at ease for the time being.”

“Well, that’s good.” The Five Poison Leader smiled, “I felt that Lu Elder was not an ordinary person when I was in the Xianmen exam.”

“It’s a pity, from beginning to end, I haven’t seen Lu Elder take action, but I was lucky enough to see him today. I don’t know if Lu Elder can give a face!”

“As you wish.” Lu Chen replied.

The next moment, the leader of the Five Poisons had raised his arms, and a large black thick mist appeared over the woodland.

In the mist, is the leader of the Five Poisons with a smile on his face.

“The sky is full of Yama!”

Those mists gathered, and finally turned into a ghost face.

The leader of the Five Poison Sect raised his hand and grabbed, the ghost face went straight to Lu Chen’s figure.

Lu Chen did not rush, and quietly found a dilapidated pagoda from the storage ring.

It is the Eight Treasure Glazed Pagoda from the Lingwu Treasury.

“It’s a good time to see your skills today.” Lu Chen crossed the Spiritual Qi into the pagoda, and the pagoda immediately lit up with a touch of luster.

The luster started from the bottom layer, and finally spread to the highest point of the glazed tower.

On the sky without the nebula, as if in the far east, there was a star gleaming slightly.

At the same time, Lu Chen’s ears sounded a reminder that his luck was paid.

“It saves a lot of worry.” Lu Chen commented slowly.

If he was asked to take away the luck of the leader of the Five Poisons, he would take two or three out of ten at most.

Now relying on the Eight Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, he instantly gathered all his luck on himself.

“Next, it’s time for me to shoot.” Lu Chen raised his other hand, but volleyed away.


However, above the sky, a waist-thick purple thunder light shot straight towards the leader of the Five Poisons.

“What can you do with me?” The leader of the Five Poisons raised his head and asked.

Unexpectedly, the whereabouts of the thunder light directly split the ghost faces gathered by the poisonous mist.

The leader of the Five Poison Sect had just shown a trace of astonishment on his expression, that Lei Mang turned his head and ran straight to his chest.

“¨~Crack, crackle!”

The sound of a series of thunder and lightning echoed in the sky.

The body of the leader of the Five Poison Sect also fell from the sky at The next moment.

Lu Chen let out a suffocating breath, no longer need to look at it.

Fortune and strength have always been proportional.

If there is no luck, Sora has the strength, will…be struck by lightning!

To put it simply, today’s leader of the Five Poison Sect, although he is a half-step Saint Ruins realm, now he has no luck to add himself. Before Huanghuang Heavenly Dao, even a niche who had just practiced the Tao could not be compared.

“No, the leader was struck by lightning!” Several Five Poison Sect disciples shouted.

When the other disciples heard this, they all looked up, just in time to see Lu Chen turning around and looking at them.

“Quit!” someone reminded.

The disciples of the Five Poisons Cult, each used their ability as a housekeeper, and instantly disappeared (without Zhao) and lost in the woodland.

Naturally, when they left, they did not forget to try to take away the leader of the Five Poisons.

Unfortunately, without exception, as long as there is a disciple approaching within ten steps in front of the leader of the Five Poisons, all of them will be swallowed by the poison that they have raised.

After several people tried to no avail, the other disciples were forced to give up.

Seeing a group of Five Poison Sect disciples fled, Lu Chen waved his sleeves and hid in the clouds above the height of the Tianjizong disciples.

At the same time, several other Sect disciples who were hiding in the dark retreated one after another.

The general situation of this battle also quickly spread in Zhongzhou.

“Elder Lu Chen, the Supreme Supreme Being of the Heavenly Journey Sect, is already in the late stage of Hedao Realm, and can easily win the half-step Saint Ruins Realm powerhouse.”

“The two Elders of the Tianjizong combined Dao realm, and the two half-step combined Elders joined forces, and the four of them killed a Saint Ruins realm late stage Elder in seconds.”

“The Seventh-Rank Immortal Gate Tianji Sect easily killed the two strongest members of the Sixth Rank Xianmen Five Poison Sect!”.

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