Chapter 148

In the Forbidden Area of ​​Youluo, Lu Chen looked at the red dust in front of him, knew who he was right now, and walked up to here.

In one step forward, the heart is as unbearable as a knife.

“It’s more than ten steps forward than yesterday.” Lu Chen secretly calculated.

“In the past, you can walk through this forbidden land in three more days.”

He didn’t retreat immediately, but looked back at the Elders behind him.

Yang Jian, who was of average strength to him, was only a few steps behind him.

After that, Lu Qian and Ye Lianxing were two, but Shen Qingxian, relying on his own understanding of the killing formation, was one step ahead of Lu Chen.

At present, Shen Qingxian is about to enter the edge of the Youluo Forbidden Land.

At the latest tomorrow, Shen Qingxian will inevitably walk out of this forbidden area.

Once you stepped out and set foot in the forbidden ground again, there would be no significant gains.

Just when I wanted to remind Shen Qingxian not to be greedy for power, Lu Chen discovered that this Nizi had already taken a step forward.

He knew that he had not taken a step forward, and he had to endure tremendous pressure.

“Clear the string, don’t force it.” Lu Chen reminded.

When Shen Qingxian turned around, she didn’t see the slightest difference in her face.

She blinked and explained, “Master, don’t worry, I can’t feel the strangeness in this forbidden area.”

“Today, I will definitely be able to go out of the Forbidden Area of ​​Youluo.”

After these words, Shen Qingxian turned his head back and looked at the distance in front of him with a firm gaze.

“Master needs me, I can’t take a half step back, once back, all previous efforts will be abandoned!” Shen Qingxian secretly said in her heart.

Naturally, and as she said, she did find a trace of the forbidden area.

Coupled with her original understanding of the killing formation, the Youluo Forbidden Land in front of her was breached, it was only a matter of time.

“Hey.” Lu Chen sighed, and could only look at Shen Qingxian’s figure quietly.

Once she has an accident, Lu Chen will rescue her even if she is seriously injured.

The next moment, Shen Qingxian took another step forward.

Suddenly, a strong wind hit Shen Qingxian’s body.

Shen Qingxian’s body vacillated slightly.

But her gaze remained firm: “But so!”

She steadied her figure and stepped forward again.


Because the killing intent around him was too high, Shen Qingxian’s clothes appeared torn.

“Clear the strings.” Lu Chen’s voice sounded behind him.

Shen Qingxian didn’t dare to look back, for fear that after turning back, his will will not be as firm as it is now.

“Master, rest assured, I can.” Shen Qingxian said.

“She’s crazy!” Although Ye Lianxing usually quarreled with Shen Qingxian, but secretly, he admired Shen Qingxian’s personality very much.

Now exporting is also full of worries.

“She just wants to give Taishang Elder a proof. I believe she can.” Lu Qianrou said while looking at Shen Qingxian’s back.

“Mischief, if there is a loss, wouldn’t it add chaos to everyone.” Ye Lianxing said unhappy.

When the two were arguing, Shen Qingxian was only one step away from You Luo Killing Array.

It was just this step, but Shen Qingxian’s face showed an embarrassing smile.

Now she could feel that the killing intent she could bear had already converged to a culmination.

Continue to move forward, even one step, it may be overwhelming at any time.

But it is also possible that the achievement belongs to her Shen Qingxian’s avenue.

“It’s life or death, you will know when you go out.” Shen Qingxian muttered, and her killing array opened in an instant.

For a time, tigers roared everywhere in the Forbidden Area of ​​Youluo.

Lu Chen did not continue to remind Shen Qingxian this time, but was ready to save the field at all times.

He also knew that Shen Qingxian was betting.

If he stops now, not only Shen Qingxian’s previous efforts will be in vain, but in the short time since then, most of them will be afraid that it will be difficult to achieve today.

In the next moment, Shen Qingxian has lifted his foot and fell in one step!


The entire Youluo Forbidden Land has returned to silence again.

But everyone felt that just before a breath, an aura swept across the entire Youluo forbidden area.

“Broken!” Ye Lianxing looked at Shen Qingxian and said, “Is this the benefit that You Luo forbidden land gives?”

How did Lu Qianrou know that, naturally, there was no way to answer Ye Lianxing’s words.

Shen Qingxian, who had just walked out of the Youluo Killing Array, only felt the vitality in his own body, instantly energetic.

Not only that, but she also improved her understanding of the killing formation.

And it’s the one that can’t wait.

Therefore, at The next moment, she directly sat in the Lotus Position at the end of the Forbidden Land.

“Huh!” Lu Chen took a deep breath, seeing Shen Qingxian no problem, and then quietly wiped the sweat from his palms.

“If you have time, I still have to let her know more about what it means to retreat in the face of difficulty.”

At this point, Lu Chen flashed away and swept away from the abyss.

Three days later, Lu Chen and Yang Jian, one after another, walked out of the Forbidden Land.

It is a pity that Lu Chen and Yang Jian have little understanding of the killing array, and naturally they have not broken the mirror.

After returning to Taishang Cave, Lu Chen sat alone.

Earlier, there was a reminder that when Lu Chen arrived at the early stage of the Holy Ruins Realm, the Lingyun Immortal Sect could be subverted.

It’s just one step now, but it’s really hard to take it.

If you let others know, I am afraid that Lu Chen is greedy.

When he participated in the Xianmen assessment, he was only in the early stage of the Hedao realm. After the Xianmen assessment, he entered the late stage of the Hedao realm.

After that, he was promoted through the immortal gate and reached the pinnacle of He Dao realm.

All in all, it took less than three months.

How many people are there in the entire middle 237 state boundary, stopping at the peak of the He Dao Realm, more than hundreds of years?

“If you want to advance, I’m afraid that other methods are needed.” Lu Chen muttered, touching his chin.

At the same time, Yang Jian and Old Immortal Nanhua walked in succession outside of the Heavenly Cave.

Lu Chen sensed the arrival of the two, and then put away the previous appearance.

“Too Elder, when I entrusted it before, I had already decided to leave tomorrow.” Yang Jian said.

Old Immortal Nanhua also said: “The Forbidden Land is not very profitable for the elders. It is better to go out earlier and move your muscles and bones more frequently.”

Lu Chen nodded and took out a map of the Zhongzhou region from the wall behind him.

He pointed to the edge of Zhongzhou and said, “This is my Heavenly Secret Sect, and this is the Lingyun Immortal Sect.”

“The two left this time and lobbying other Sects to prepare for my Tianjizong’s counterattack.”

“The old man knows.” Nanhua old fairy nodded.

Lu Chen thought for a while, then exhorted: “Di Guo, don’t go.”

Yang Jian looked at the geographic map for a while and said, “Di country may not be unavailable, but Lingyun Xianzong is within Di country. If you want to avoid Lingyun Xianzong’s eyeliner, you need a lot of effort.”

Old Nanhua smiled and said, “Please don’t worry too much, Elder. I will try my best to protect myself and win the greatest benefit for my Heavenly Secret Sect.”.

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