Chapter 159

Who could have imagined that there was a dragon locked in the Nanhua Pool of Nanshan Sect’s secret area.

If you know this, you won’t even kill Lu Chen, risk going deep into it.

According to rumors, the battle of the ancients, the dragon and the phoenix contended, the world collapsed several times…

Countless capable people and strangers gathered to barely maintain peace in the world.

And the strength of each dragon is unfathomable.

After the War of the Ancients, the dragon and phoenix were despised by the world, and gradually avoided, not reappearing in front of the world.

For nearly ten thousand years, I have seen all the ancient books and all the records about dragons, all in ancient times.

But today, Lu Chen really saw a dragon, and it was alive.

Who does this make sense?

After Lu Chen calmed down for a long time, he was slightly relieved to see that the dragon did not continue to attack.

After that, he quietly looked at where the dragon was.

Who ever thought, The next moment their eyes collided.

Lu Chen’s heartbeat accelerated again, and a bead of sweat was squeezed out of his palm.

“The forbidden deep-sea dragon, the ancient beast, the middle stage of the holy market.”

Fortunately, probably the strength is still banned, and can only barely maintain in the middle stage of the Saint Ruins realm.

The next moment, the dragon raised its head and asked Lu Chen again: “Hey, little thing, where did you come from and why did you appear here?”

Lu Chen swallowed his saliva before he tightened his clothes, and replied with a serious face: “Elder Lu Chen in the next heaven Jizong Taishang, just entered the Nanhuachi Insight inscription, and did not intend to disturb the senior.”

“How do I believe you?” There was something strange in the dragon’s eyes.

Lu Chen thought for a while before he said: “I am in front of senior, where can I be full of nonsense?”

“Yeah.” The giant dragon replied Shen Shen.

It seemed to want to move forward and carefully check Lu Chen’s appearance, but just as he moved, he was forcibly pulled back by the chain.

“Damn old Nanshan ghost.” The dragon cursed.

Lu Chen knew the dragon’s intentions, but did not dare to let him observe.

Just kidding, this thing is eating people, he took two steps forward, what if he was swallowed by this giant dragon?

“Want to hear my story, little thing?” the dragon asked again.

Lu Chen now knows that the dragon is banned by eight chains, unable to move.

The only thing that can pose a threat to Lu Chen is the breath of dragon just now.

But such an offensive cannot cause any substantial harm to Lu Chen.

Of course, the effect of scaring people is pretty good.

Lu Chen thought about the key, and then dared to smile and nodded: “If senior wants to say, I will naturally listen.”

The dragon was not hypocritical, and looked at a piece of Baize Lion above his head.

After that, he sighed: “I have been locked up here for nearly ten thousand years.”

Lu Chen thinks about it, it seems that the Nanshan Sect in the past was established ten thousand years ago.

Could it be said that before the establishment of Nanshan Sect, a giant dragon was locked in the Nanhua Pool in Midi?

Next, the dragon confirmed Lu Chen’s conjecture.

“At that time, this Nanhua Pond was my dragon’s nest. Inadvertently, it was discovered by the old Nanshan ghost of the Nanshan Sect, and he coveted it.”

“I treated him politely, but he murdered me.”

The dragon said, showing a spiteful appearance.

“That day, he said he wanted to take me to the depths of Nanhuachi. I didn’t take precautions, so I was conspired by him and imprisoned here.”

“The old Nanhua ghost also said that he wants to establish a Nanshan Sect outside this Nanhua Pool, and wants me to protect Nanshan Sect’s peace forever.”

“I didn’t agree to the old Nanshan ghost, he actually took my half of the Cultivation Base and forced me to respond.”

“If I see him again, I will kill him.” The dragon scolded.

“On the other hand, I also want to guard this Nanshan Sect’s luck and not let this luck remain in the world.”

Hearing this, Lu Chen’s heart moved. He quietly checked the dragon’s luck value, but it was as large as 50 million.

“Do you have any doubts?” the dragon asked.

Lu Chen dissipated his thoughts and said with a smile: “There is a question.”

He shook his sleeves lightly and said bluntly: “So, the senior seized Nanshan Sect’s Qi Luck in order to avenge Nanshan Sect?”

“Exactly.” The dragon nodded.

“Unfortunately, most of my Cultivation Base has been scrapped. In the past ten thousand years, only two or three out of ten have been stolen.”

Lu Chen heard the dragon talk about some trivial things, but he had another conjecture in his mind.

But now, obviously is not the time to ask questions.

He could only conjecture like this, deeply suppressed in the bottom of his heart.

“I say this, you can trust me?” The dragon looked at it and asked Lu Chen.

Lu Chen bowed his cupped hands and replied: “What the senior said, Lu Chen naturally believed.”

“Furthermore, why would senior coax me?”

“Wow, it’s polite.” The dragon showed a smile.

His golden eyes blinked slowly, and the atmosphere suddenly became a little embarrassing.

The dragon was full of nonsense because he had finished speaking, and he didn’t know how to talk about what he asked for next.

Lu Chen pretends on the surface that I listen to you all, and he has started to play his own abacus behind his back.

I don’t know how long it took before the dragon seemed to have caught the slightest point.

He continued to speak: “¨~ In that case, you are willing to make a transaction with me.”

Lu Chen hurriedly looked at the dragon and said with a smile: “Senior may wish to talk about what a deal is, but if I can do it, I will definitely not refuse.”

“Will you help me remove the shackles and save me from here?” the dragon asked.

Seeing Lu Chen frowned, he hurriedly added: “If you save me and leave, I will protect your Sect, and peace forever.”

Ten thousand years is naturally not too long for a giant dragon.

Under the gaze of the dragon’s hope, Lu Chen answered, “Senior said, how can I rescue you!”

“Have you taken the bait, these ignorant little things, thousands of years have passed, they are still so greedy!” The dragon said in his heart (have you gotten) secretly.

On the other hand, he looked back at the Baize Lion side cliff above his head.

“There, that’s a dragon chain. Only by removing that chain can I get rid of the shackles on my own.”

“If you want to save me, you can cut the dragon chain for me.”

Lu Chen’s gaze did not immediately follow the dragon, but took the lead in looking around for a week before looking at the thickest one, which was also locked by a chain on the dragon’s neck.

“Senior allows me to inquire, how about making a decision?” Lu Chen asked.

The dragon did not hesitate, and indeed agreed to the battle.

Lu Chen was secretly using the system to try to bind the dragon.

“Ding, reminder, the deep-sea dragon is lucky and cannot be bound.”

“This is difficult, do you really want to save him?” Lu Chen took a look at the dragon, and was constantly entangled in his heart.

At the same time, he looked at the dragon chain on the cliff again.

“It seems a bit weird.”

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