Chapter 165

Outside Nanhua Pool, Lu Chen sits on the side of the river.

Not far behind him, she was also lying down on the riverside Linglong.

Lv Qianrou had gone deep under the Nanhua Pool, looking for the mechanism to untie the chain of the dragon.

Even if he has taken the Deep Sea Oath, Lu Chen cannot guarantee that Linglong will not harm Lu Qianrou.

Therefore, the heavy task of removing the organs can only fall on Lu Qianrou.

The warm wind blows up Lu Chen’s clothes.

A voice also sounded behind him: “What status is your Tianji Sect now in Zhongzhou?”

Lu Chen looked back at Linglong’s place, and said with a smile: “The sixth rank fairy gate is insignificant.”

“Huh.” Linglong seemed very dissatisfied with the status quo.

But after that, Lu Chen has once again said: “Half a year ago, Tianjizong was among the seventh-rank immortal gates, and two months ago, it became the sixth-rank immortal gate.”

“I believe that with your help from Linglong, promotion to the fifth rank fairy gate is just around the corner.”

“What?” Linglong was also shocked when she heard Lu Chen’s account.

How could it be possible, in just six months, from the Seventh Stage Immortal Gate to the sixth rank.

Even according to their Dragon Clan records, the promotion of the fastest immortal gate took a full 18 years.

Just as the two people were talking, the chain of the chain dragon that stretched out in the South China Pool seemed to be loose.


After a crisp sound, the chain dragon chain was actually removed.

Several other chains 243 also broke away quickly.

Linglong’s body trembled, and finally she could breathe comfortably again.

Then, she turned into the little Loli before.

“Congratulations on joining the Tianji Sect.” Lu Chen got up and smiled at Linglong.

“Huh, it’s cheaper for you.” Linglong gave him a white look and continued to look under Nanhua Pool.

She always felt that the feeling that made her heart palpitations hadn’t completely dissipated.

The thing that can make her heart palpitations, in the entire Nanhua Pool, is only a chain of dragons.

Sure enough, not long after, under the gaze of Lu Chen and Linglong, Lu Qianrou broke through the water.

Behind her, is the previous chain of dragons.

“Too much Elder, after I broke the mechanism, it seems to have nowhere to go, so it can only follow me.” Lu Qianrou explained in a low voice.

Lu Chen was also quite surprised, and hurriedly looked at the chain of the dragon.

“Suolong Chain, Lingbao.”

“Introduction: The treasures carefully refined by the ancestors of the Nanshan Sect can be used to block the powerful alien beasts. Because it was born in the Nanhua Pool and received numerous blessings from the alien beasts, it inspires spiritual wisdom.”

“Yeah.” After Lu Chen closed the panel, he nodded, “As long as it wants to, Sect Leader can naturally take it for its own use.”

“We have solved a big problem for Nanshan Sect in this way, how can we do without getting some benefits.”

“What’s the big trouble?” Lu Qianrou didn’t know Lu Chen’s previous entanglement with Linglong, so she asked like this.

Lu Chen couldn’t explain it in detail, so he could only coax the past with a few casual words.

Fortunately, Linglong didn’t tear down the stage either, but the look in Lu Qianrou’s eyes was very strange.

Lu Chen and Lu Qianrou will never know. In Linglong’s eyes, Lu Chen is just a tool man who wants to restore the Cultivation Base.

But Lu Qianrou was a big trouble.

“You must stay away from this woman in the future.” Linglong kept reminding herself in her heart.

It can be seen that over the past ten thousand years, the chain of dragons has caused much shadow on her young heart.

At this time, there was a tremor in the entire Nanhua Pool.

Lu Chen didn’t know so, and the system didn’t prompt.

Also surprisingly, there was Lu Qianrou.

But Linglong suddenly said: “I can’t wait long, Nanhua Lake will be closed forever.”

“If we don’t leave at this time, we will always be imprisoned in this South China Pool.”

“However, the passage that I left before has been closed.” Lu Qianrou said worriedly.

Lu Chen took another look at Linglong, and immediately understood the strangeness before.

This Nanhua Pond was originally the place Linglong first discovered. How to enter and leave must be clearer than the ancestors of the Nanshan Clan.

And the road that left before was blocked, mostly Linglong deliberately.

“Sect Leader, don’t worry about it.” Lu Chen comforted, then he looked at Linglong with his sword and made a please gesture.

Outside the Midi, within the Nanshan Sect.

Nowadays, the Nanshan Sect is full of elements.

Nanshan Sect’s supreme Elder personally ordered to mourn March for the old friend of the Tianji Sect.

Today is only the third day of the mourning.

The key to this matter was also passed on in Nanshan Sect.

“My Nanshan Sect ancestors rarely have such courtesy. Why can an outsider have such a courtesy?”

“I heard that it was because Elder, who was too good at Ji Zong that day, helped Sect solve a huge problem.”

“It’s impossible. Before they entered the secret land, the secret land was banned and the Wangxian Pavilion of Taishang Elder collapsed. I think it has caused a lot of trouble to our Nanshan Sect.”

“What do you know, I heard Sect Leader and Tai Shang Elder say in person…”

Sect Leader Hu Nanshan came to the outside of Taishang Elder Cave, and bowed and said: “Taishang Elder, today is the third day, it is the day of memorial service.”

“Okay.” After Wang Chen answered, he slowly walked towards Dongtian.

After the two met, Hu Nanshan asked, “Too much Elder, you are so sure, then Lu Elder is dead?”

“Yeah.” Wang Chen nodded firmly.

“It is recorded in my view books that in the depths of Nanhuachi, a giant dragon is being held in custody and is constantly consuming my Nanshan Sect’s luck.”

“A few days ago, Nanhuachi was turbulent, and Midi lost contact with my Nanshan Sect. Old friend Lu must have discovered the key.”

“He is just the Cultivation Base, the pinnacle of Hedao Realm. How can he be the opponent of that giant dragon.”

After speaking, he hurried forward and said: “You follow me and hurry over, don’t delay the time, let the old friend Lu who has passed away be confused.”

“Hey.” Hu Nanshan replied.

But he always felt that there was something wrong with it.

“It doesn’t matter, Nanhua Chi is gone now. If Lu Chen is still alive, then the sacrifice will be removed.”

Soon after, the group went to the secret area of ​​Nanhuachi.

Under the protection of the two disciples, Wang Chen personally came to the cliff.

The cliffside is filled with various sacrificial objects.

In the meantime, there is also a side card.

And the person who was sacrificed was Lu Chen.

Wang Chen looked at where the spirit card was, and on his face, old tears fell immediately.

“Old friend Lu, I knew you were going to be so dangerous. I definitely wouldn’t agree with you to enter the South China Pool.”

“Old friend Lu, don’t worry, the next day, Nanhuachi will reopen. I will definitely search for your corpse and return it to the Heavenly Secret Sect. Can’t you…”

Speaking of this, Wang Chen seemed to be in a trance.

He seemed to see that the passage of the forbidden area of ​​Nanhuachi appeared in front of him again.

And where he saw, there were already three figures walking slowly.

“Nanhua Pool is reopened!”.

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