Chapter 173

After the sword shadow dissipated, the faces of the two sword masters showed weird looks.

But fortunately, being forced down by Spiritual Qi, he didn’t immediately make a fool of himself.

“How could this be?” After seeing him, the big Elder not only didn’t work, but also let the earlier offensive collapse, with a look of confusion.

He forcibly suppressed the throbbing in his heart, and did not scream again.

Above the air, after Lu Chen broke through the two sword formations alone, he was still in the mood to stretch.

“I am getting older, not as good as before. I always want to finish the fight earlier and finish work earlier.” Lu Chen said.

“Junior sister, join sword.” Fanyang Jianzun ignored Lu Chen’s provocation and turned to look at Kunqing Jianzun.

Sword Sovereign Kunqing nodded, and pointed again.

The previous two long swords stood in front of the two again.

Lu Chen immediately felt that there were two sharp swords locked on his body.

“Sure enough, in the Saint Ruins Realm, none of them are fuel-efficient lamps.” Lu Chen secretly said in his heart.

Under his gaze, the two long swords unexpectedly merged into one at The next moment.

The sword’s edge, which was no more than a foot long, is now more than ten feet long.

Sword Master Fanyang raised his hand and shook it lightly, and he held the big sword in his 24th hand.

Sword Sovereign Kunqing pointed with the sword again and drew a sword talisman in the sky. The sword talisman fell on the big sword, and the big sword came back to life immediately.

“Sun, Moon, Universe!”

Sword Sovereign Fan Yang pushed the big sword forward, and the two sides of the big sword were divided into the universe.

In Lu Chen’s eyes, half of the big sword had the shining sun before, and the other half was a scene of the bright moon in the sky.

But no matter what, on the big sword, there was a strong killing intent at this time.

The big sword suddenly trembled, “Om, hum!”

Several swords sounded in succession, resounding throughout the world.

Brahma Sword Sovereign raised his arms high, and shouted to the sky: “Please fill up the Heavenly Dao sword and preach for me!”

This sound resounded through the mountains, and within the entire Lingyun Immortal Sect, bursts of swords rang!

The next moment, countless swords are unsheathed, standing upright around the body of the sword.

These swords were no longer sword shadows, but the Taoist swords of all the disciples of Lingyun Immortal Sect who were present.

Counting them down, there are more than ten thousand swords.

Even Lu Chen’s face is not very attractive now.

His brows frowned, and finally raised his hand, no longer sitting still waiting for death.

“You invite the sword to the sky, and I will invite the wind and rain.” Lu Chen said, spreading his five fingers and flicking it down.

Above the sky, there seems to be a big hand calling for the wind and rain.

In one breath, the sky and the earth changed color.

I don’t know where it is from, and it rains all over the sky.

Those raindrops are like glittering silk in the sky, dancing briskly with the big hands.

“Success!” Fanyang Sword Sovereign pointed at Lu Chen and shouted.

The big sword and the Heavenly Dao sword stabbed towards Lu Chen one after another.

At the right time, the rainy silks of the sky were intertwined, forming a big net.

Another wind rises and turns into wind blades.

The wind blade pierced the big net, but never tore it to pieces.

The next moment, at the height of the sky, you can see the glow of swords.

A sword with a handle, all of them were stopped by the wind blade.

Even if they were spared occasionally, they all fell on the sword net and couldn’t look back.

The big sword standing in the middle is still moving forward, breaking the big net formed by the rain.

But when Lu Chen was still a few steps away, Lu Chen raised his hand and lightly flicked on the blade.

“Om!” Dajian’s trembling this time seemed to be different from before.

Before, it was mostly upright or outrageous.

Now, like howling.

After one finger, the big sword spread out and turned into two long swords again.

Lu Chen raised his hand and waved lightly, and the two long swords seemed to move at his will.

“I watched two swords come out, and seemed to have feelings, so I borrowed them to use them.”

When the voice fell, Lu Chen raised his hand to stand on his chest, and slowly raised it.

“Sword up!”

The two long swords actually moved with his orders and stood in front of him.

Following this, the Heavenly Dao sword that was stopped before also cut off the connection with the Sword Sovereign Brahma Sun and Sword Kun Qing in an instant.

Those Dao Swords turned their heads and became sharper among the wind blade and rain.

When the wind comes, the sword Lu Chen’s hair flutters gently.

“Sword go.”

Lu Chen pushed gently with his sword fingers, and the two long swords stab at the two sword masters quickly.

The same is true for the Heavenly Dao sword!

Within a single thought, the situation changed rapidly.

The big Elder standing in the Lingyun Immortal Sect, his eyes widened, unbelievable.

The two swordsmen of Lingyun Xianzong were defeated by Lu Chen alone.

Today, there is still life worry!

“Sect Leader, you still don’t make a move?”

Elder turned his head and shouted at the Sect Leader Great Hall that was facing the mountain gate.

Inside the Great Hall, there seemed to be a sigh.

A hint of luster, lit up from the Great Hall.

The gloss flickered, and it was already swept away in the sky.

Lu Chen turned his gaze away from the Heavenly Dao sword and looked in the direction where the luster came.

At the same time, the Heavenly Dao sword had already approached the two Sword Sovereigns.

“Brother, go back!” Sword Sovereign Kunqing saw Fanyang Sword Sovereign stunned on the spot, immediately raised his hand, pulled him up, and fell towards the Lingyun Immortal Sect.

The Heavenly Dao sword did not chase after him, but cut through the sky and landed on the buildings in the Lingyun Immortal Sect at will.

“Hua Lingge?” Lu Chen knew the identity of the person who shot in the Great Hall with just a glance.

The next moment, that luster fell in front of Lu Chen.

Lu Chen raised his hand and squeezed it lightly, the luster finally dimmed, and his figure appeared in the meantime.

It turned out to be a dagger that reveals the coldness.

A figure seemed to slowly walk out from the depths of the Great Hall.

When the gloss fell, Hua Lingge also appeared in front of the Great Hall.

He looked into the sky and replied with a light smile: “Lu Elder250, I haven’t seen you for many days, it’s even more majestic!”

Lu Chen did not respond, but reached forward with one hand and returned the dagger.

On the side of the Sect Leader Great Hall of Lingyun Xianzong that no one had ever noticed, Yang Jian slowly poked his head out.

Old Immortal Nanhua pulled him back again: “Yang Elder, time is not up!”

“Why is the time not up?” Yang Jian still wanted to rush towards Hua Lingge, “The guy said last time that he would pinch me to death with two fingers. I want to see if he is qualified.”

Old Nanhua shook his head and continued to persuade: “Yang Elder has discovered that his injuries have been healed, and his strength is actually late stage in the Saint Ruins Realm.”

Yang Jian’s figure trembled, and immediately retreated into the darkness.

“Old Immortal, you are right. It’s not the time yet. Yang Jian, my shot, must be a lore, or I won’t be worthy of my identity.”

Old Immortal Nanhua breathed a sigh of relief, and echoed with a smile: “What Yang Elder said naturally makes sense.”

When they were talking, there was another dragon chant in the sky.

Everyone looked at the battlefield on the other side.

The Linglong who transformed into the body, relying on the powerful physique of the middle stage of the Holy Ruins, could not easily beat the two Elders of the early stage of the Holy Ruins.

On the contrary, it was temporarily suppressed.

Lu Chen just glanced at it and saw the weirdness.

He shook his head and smiled secretly: “This stupid dragon can only use brute force.”

“Fine, if she is smarter, how can she be of use to me?”.

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