Chapter 177

Above the sky, the two eyes fell.

It was seen that the Tianjizong side and all the disciples of Lingyun Xianzong were still facing each other.

The only three people who took the shot were Yang Jian standing in the formation, and the two swordsmen of Lingyun Xianzong.

But when Lu Chen returned and Linglong swallowed the two extreme emperor Elders in one bite, where would the two sword masters dare to make any more moves?

After avoiding the might of Yang Jian’s shot, the Sword Sovereign Fanyang immediately pulled up Sword Sovereign Kunqing and retreated to the disciples of the Lingyun Immortal Sect.

Such a situation can be clearly seen by individuals.

Elder is not blind and deaf, so he can see clearly.

“Will it be like this?” Big Elder whispered, obviously unable to accept this way of ending.

Tianji Sect is only the sixth rank fairy gate, and the other Sects who came this time were all ants in front of the former Lingyun Immortal Sect.

But it was these mobs who forced the dignified Lingyun Xianzong to the present situation.

Even if it retreats to its peak combat power, there are still several fierce generals who can defeat more than one enemy on the side of the Tianji Sect.

Especially since I have seen Yang Jianzhiwei before, Big Elder now has no bottom in his heart.

His Adam’s apple was surging, he slowly turned his head back, and looked at the three Elders who had already greeted the Tianjizong with a smile.

Immediately he slapped it, and reprimanded: “How can I, Lingyun Immortal Sect, have shameless people like you!”

Three Elder avoided the big Elder’s offensive, rolled his eyes and said: “Big Elder, you have to make it clear.”

“I didn’t abandon the Lingyun Immortal Sect, nor did I cooperate with the Heavenly Ji Sect inside and outside, so what is the shameless saying?”

When the other disciples saw it, they also had a sad expression that was about to go away.

Today, the enemy is still fighting.

Is Elder confused?

Even the two sword masters standing on one side sighed when they saw the appearance of the big Elder and the three Elder.

Just when the three Elder still wanted to explain or ask for an answer, the big Elder had already appeared in front of the Lingyun Immortal Sect for a while.

He was straight and proudly shouted: “I, Lingyun Xianzong has no reason to be scared off by doing nothing.”

“So, please Lu Elder, wait for me a dignified way to die.”

Lu Chen above the sky raised his eyebrows slightly and never refused.

“Big Elder, as you wish, I will not intervene in the next thing.”

“Sect Leader, how to do it, you make your own arrangements.”

“Okay.” Lv Qianrou responded with a mouthful, took a few steps forward, and stood looking straight at Elder.

“Lv Qianrou, Sect Leader of Tianjizong, is willing to fight Lingyun Xianrou.”

After a word, several Elders of the Heavenly Machine Sect moved forward together.

Yang Jian personally went deep behind the enemy line and welcomed the old Nanhua immortal back.

All the disciples of Lingyun Immortal Sect, looking at Yang Jian’s burly body, it was a great fortunate not to be scared to pee.

Before besieging Tianjizong, Yang Jian was one of them who shocked Lingyun Xianzong’s more than ten thousand disciples.

Today before Lingyun Xianzong Mountain Gate, the same is true.

After Nanhua Lao Xian and Yang Jian were also standing beside the Elders of the Tianji Sect, Lu Qianrou made a gesture of please.

But before Elder did something, he saw Lu Chen above the sky with a smile: “If Lingyun Immortal Sect descends now, he will be exempt from punishment.”

“If after this, all of them will become criminals of the thirteen dynasties.”

Many disciples of Lingyun Immortal Sect heard this, their expressions were full of entanglement.

The many subsidiary Sects who were standing on the side of Lingyun Immortal Sect earlier now all want to pull away one by one.

Especially after hearing Lu Chen’s words, he bowed in front of the air.

“I’m willing to swear to follow the last sect!”

Lu Chen nodded in reply, and continued to look at the many disciples of Lingyun Immortal Sect.

Before, if the peak combat power were removed, Lingyun Immortal Sect could still beat the Heavenly Secret Sect.

So now, he has been drawn from the bottom of the pan.

Without the help of other Sects, how could Lingyun Immortal Sect be the Eleven Sect opponent headed by Tianji Sect.

Not to mention those guys who fought in battle, will inevitably take credit in front of the new master.

At that time, Lingyun Xianzong will inevitably suffer from the enemy.

That’s not a big deal. What everyone didn’t expect was that the two sword masters slowly walked out of the queue at this time.

Fanyang Sword Sovereign bowed to Elder and said, “Big Elder, I and Kunqing Sword Sovereign are Xianyun Yehe, and today’s battle is also due to Brother Changyang’s face.”

“Since the general situation is over, I still hope that Elder has made plans early. As for me, after waiting, there will be no family and no way to travel the world.”

After that, the two swordsmen flew into the sky together.

After another salute to Lu Chen, he really went away.

In the entire Lingyun Immortal Sect, there was no sound.

The big Elder gritted his teeth, a hazy look in his eyes.

That was the glorious moment of Lingyun Xianzong in the past.

Within the Thirteenth Dynasty of Zhongzhou, which Sect saw the disciple of Lingyun Xianzong was not respectful…

What is going on right now, Jiang Chao goes east, and glory goes east, never to return.

At this juncture, many Lingyun Immortal Sect disciples also shook their hearts vividly.

Then one of the disciples took the lead to get up and withdraw from the ranks of Lingyun Immortal Sect.

“You…” Big Elder looked back, and stopped talking.

The other Lingyun Immortal Sect disciples didn’t blame him when they saw the big Elder, and their minds became alive one by one.

After that, the elite disciples of Lingyun Xianzong stood on the opposite side of Lingyun Xianzong.

“It’s reversed this day.” Big Elder looked at the few dozen disciples left, and they turned out to be the people who had been kind to him when the Lingyun Immortal Sect was prosperous.

Even so, the expressions of those disciples are full of struggle.

Finally, the big Elder looked at the three Elders.

Three Elder’s head was raised instantly, and he moved a few steps forward, heading towards the Tianji Sect.

But the closer to the Tianjizong crowd, the more rickety his back.

She didn’t stop until she stood dozens of steps in front of Lu Qianrou.

“Puff!” A sound.

3. In front of all the disciples of Lingyun Immortal Sect, Elder bowed down in front of Lv Qianrou, Sect Leader of the Heavenly Jigsaw Sect.

“I am willing to take refuge in the Tianji Sect, and be a cow and a horse, and I hope that Sect Leader will succeed!”

It’s a pity that Elder made a mistake in his abacus.

Lv Qianrou did not answer, but Shen Qingxian came forward with a sword.

The cold blade pierced the weak body of San Elder.

Under the sluggish gaze of the three Elders, 2.4 spoke out and explained: “There is no one like you in the Heavenly Mystery Sect.”

“If you encounter it, you will definitely kill it!”

Shen Qingxian collects his sword, and black blood is flowing down from the height of the gate of Lingyun Xianzong.

Elder held the sword high, and after a sigh, he broke the blade with his own hands.

The remaining disciples of Lingyun Immortal Sect hurriedly approached.

The big Elder shook his body and sighed: “The Lingyun Immortal Sect is defeated by me, and I have no face to face many masters!”

The voice echoed, and the big Elder pierced half of the sword into own’s chest.

I saw another reverberating sound: “After the old man died, I still hope that Lu Elder can give the Tianjizong disciples a way of life!”


The Sect Leader Great Hall behind Lingyun Xianzong collapsed under a cool breeze.

The fifth rank fairy gate Lingyun Xianzong, after Zhongzhou, there will be no such name. .

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