Chapter 193

Lu Chen’s voice fell, and then I saw that not only Xu Mengliang was here, but even Luo Feng didn’t know when he had arrived.

“Then what do you think?” Xu Mengliang continued to ask.

Luo Feng also cast his attention.

Lu Chen replied truthfully: “In another one or three moments, it will surely be able to build a great luck array.”

After speaking, Lu Chen took out the materials and arranged them one by one.

There is no big fog array, but the big array still exists.

Lu Chen just wants to use this fog array to build a new air luck array.

Seeing Lu Chen didn’t seem to be lying, Luo Feng’s expression suddenly became vivid.

But at this moment, Xu Mengliang looked back at where the mountain gate was.

“Are they here?” Luo Feng asked.

Xu Mengliang frowned slightly, thinking for a while before saying: “If I didn’t guess wrong, it should be Benlei Village.”

“Benlei Village?” A Dong was clever when he heard this.

The corners of Luo Feng’s mouth also trembled slightly, and then he said to Dongyan: “Let’s go and take a look first.”

A Dong immediately responded, turning his head and heading down the mountain.

Lu Chen naturally heard this, but his attention was not there.

He is now concentrating on arranging the large array of luck under his feet.

In a moment, Lu Chen clapped his hands and got up.

He cupped hands in the direction of Luo Feng and Xu Mengliang and said: “The Qiyun Array has been built, but after the Array is activated, the side peak needs to be cut off.”

Lu Chen looked at the double peaks high up and reminded again: “If you can’t cut it off, such luck will definitely become someone else’s wedding dress.”

Luo Feng had heard similar remarks before, but the Spirit Sword Sect at that time was not as desolate as it is today.

Therefore, Luo Feng at that time was just a joke.

Now, Lu Chen mentioned it again, but he had to choose to believe it.

Luo Feng took out the long sword behind him and said to Lu Chen: “Lu Elder, is there anything else that needs attention?”

Lu Chen shook his head and replied, “As long as it is cut off, there will be no more scruples.”

“Okay.” After Luo Feng responded, he jumped up.

Lu Chen was also at the same time, spurring a great array of luck.

Immediately, above the main peak of the Spirit Sword Sect, layers of dark clouds appeared on the dome.

Several purple-red thunder light runs through the sky and the earth.

As if the wind and rain were coming, Lu Chen stood in the midst of the great fortune, his clothes were blowing and hunting.

Above the sky, Luo Feng stood proudly with his sword, looking directly at the Spirit Sword Sect Shuangfeng.

A purple-red thunder fell, rushing towards Luo Feng’s figure.

The Qi Luck Array had already been activated, and the thunder that came this day was a test for Luo Feng.

Seeing this scene, Lu Chen immediately shouted in the direction of Luo Feng: “Sword Master, please take out the sword!”

Luo Feng raised his hand and pointed his sword at Lei Mang.

That Lei Mang fell on the sword’s edge and did not disperse.

It turned out that Luo Feng did not resist, but led a sword.

That sword then slashed down towards the high mountains.

Where the sword edge goes, and where Lei Mang goes, it is the side peak of the Sect Leader Peak of the Spirit Sword.

It is a pity that after that sword, there are still several thunder mans falling together.

The earlier Thunder Mang and Jian Feng fell on the side peak.

The side peak shook, and the huge boulders rolled down.

The entire Spirit Sword Sect shook the mountain, but the same was true. Not only was the side peak not cut off, on the contrary, it rose by a point.

Such a high rise is that Luo Feng’s luck has lost another point.

After a sword, Luo Feng was already like a withered old man, how could he still meet the thunder light before him.

Lu Chen saw this scene, knowing that if this continues, Luo Feng will definitely lose.

At that time, not only did this great fortune array set up for nothing, but the side peak would also swallow all this luck, gradually pressing the Spirit Sword Sect under its feet.

“Sword Master, if you can’t stop it, please retreat, I can make another big formation.” Lu Chen reminded.

But seeing the figure above the sky, not only did not step back, but also took a step forward toward the point of the thunder.

Lu Chen wanted to remind him that it was too late.

Several purple-red thunders crackled and fell on Luo Feng’s body.

Luo Feng was originally a broken body, how could he withstand such a collision.

In a moment, Luo Feng’s body fell towards the bottom of the mountain after thunder.

But in that moment, there was still a strong voice saying: “Little brother, brother today, go one step ahead.”

“But before the senior brother leaves, hand over the sword of my Spirit Sword Sect to you!”

“From now on, you can be born with a sword, no more scruples!”

“Little Junior Brother, take the sword!”

Lu Chen raised his eyes and saw that a sword was still standing in the sky among the thunder.

It was Luo Feng who was smashed by the Thunder Light, not the Spirit Sword Sect.

Seeing this, Xu Mengliang jumped up and down.

Luo Feng’s vitality had slowly dissipated after that Thunder Mang.

The man was already dead, and died for the sword of the Spirit Sword Sect.

The little uncle of the Spirit Sword Sect received the sword, not for the purpose of thinking about the many years of friendship between the brothers at this time.

When he held the sword, he held the entire Spirit Sword Sect.

Xu Mengliang raised his eyes to look at the thunder billowing in the sky, and said with a smile: “My brother has a good spirit, a great spirit.”

“While he was alive, he warned me that he should not show up in the world if he has not held a sword.”

“Today, Xu Mengliang took the sword and no longer had any scruples. Then, for the Spirit Sword Sect, for the sake of my senior, I will make a public announcement.”

After speaking, Xu Mengliang greeted the thunderous sky and went away.

Within a few breaths, several thunders haunted Xu Mengliang’s body.

Xu Mengliang slashed through with a sword, and every sword’s edge collided with Lei Mang.

In an instant, Xu Mengliang stood in front of Side Peak 260.

He held up the long sword, and swiped it down.

Half of the mountain was cut off by a sword across the waist.

Within the Spirit Sword Sect, the changes gradually calmed down.

But at this moment, the thunderstorms above the Sect Leader Peak of the Spirit Sword still did not dissipate.

Xu Mengliang held up the sword and asked, “The Spirit Sword Sect stands above Zhongzhou, who has any objections?”

The thunder struck, but even Xu Mengliang couldn’t get close in front of him.

Outside the mountain gate of Spirit Sword Sect, two people raised their eyes and looked towards the sky.

One of them asked, “Brother, that’s Luo Feng? It’s not that he is already seriously injured. I’m afraid he will be there soon?”

The other person turned his head and said sternly: “Keep your dog’s eyes wide open and see clearly, that’s Xu Mengliang.”

“I just didn’t expect that this kid is only one step away from the peak of Existence Realm today.”

Wang Mingyang blinked, swallowed, and continued to ask: “Then brother, shall we stay here?”

That was a proper late stage of Existing Realm. Luo Feng back then was just a middle stage of Existing Realm.

Even if you leave Zhongzhou, how many people have such strength?

“Fart,” the other person replied, “Since it’s here and bumped into such things, I can’t get out of it.”

“But I didn’t expect that in the Spirit Sword Sovereign, such a hand was hidden.”

“The second rank fairy gate, just around the corner.”.

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