Chapter 199

“Boom!” Just as everyone was talking like this, among the peaks of the Heavenly Mystery Sect, another bell rang.

Together with this voice, the faces of several people were gloomy.

“Let’s take a look.” Lu Qianrou said to everyone.

After everyone responded, they hurried towards the peak.

When I entered the peak, I saw that there were already disciples hurrying down the mountain to report.

“Sect Leader, several Elders, and another junior, weird death.”

“I know, wait until I wait to find out.” Lu Qianrou raised her hand and said.

But just as she said this, she heard an old voice behind her saying: “Sect Leader, wait a step.”

Several people walking forward with Lu Qianrou hurriedly looked back after hearing this voice.

Sure enough, Old Immortal Nanhua and Yang Jian went up towards the peak together.

It wasn’t until Lu Qianrou’s body was approached that Nanhua Old Immortal explained, “Sect Leader will trigger a big formation again when he takes a step forward.”

“Once the big formation is triggered, another disciple will die soon.”

Upon hearing the words of Old Immortal Nanhua, Lu Qianrou hurriedly lowered her head and looked at her feet.

Unfortunately, she couldn’t see the slightest weirdness anyway.

Ye Lianxing also looked around and asked, “If the old immortal can see anything, you can just say it, why cover it up.”

Old Immortal Nanhua took a few steps forward and had reached the place where Lu Qianrou had stood before.

He watched for a long time before moving forward with the crutches in his hand.


A piece of bluestone was flew out from the dark.

Old Immortal Nanhua then continued: “What the hell is going to be known only when you look in the mountains ¨~.”

“As for the big formation at your feet, it has been broken by the old, you can rest assured to move forward.”

When a few people saw Old Immortal Nanhua, they actually broke through a formation and naturally believed the words of Old Immortal.

As she moved forward, Lu Qianrou asked, “Is it the same before, every time we go to investigate, we will touch a similar formation?”

Old Immortal Nanhua didn’t respond at once, but frowned and said, “The old man can’t be sure.”

“But thinking about it, even if it’s not this method, it’s not much different.”

When several other people heard this, they all wondered in secret, could it be that they killed the disciples who died in the past two days?

“This formation requires someone to do it personally. Isn’t that culprit still in the sect?” Ye Lianxing thought.

Before the old fairy Nanhua could speak, Yang Jian had already retorted: “It may not be so.”

“The magic of formation is that it can be linked together.”

“It could also be that person, who had arranged the previous formation long ago, and after doing evil for the first time, he left the Tianji Sect.”

After speaking, he chuckled again: “Naturally, according to Ye Elder, it is also possible.”

The others were all puzzled, and they obviously didn’t understand the ingenuity of this.

Although Shen Qingxian is good at killing arrays, there is nothing in common between the two before.

A group of people quickly appeared at the place where the disciple was dead, and the old Nanhua’s face became more serious after investigating.

After returning to Lu Qianrou’s body, Old Immortal Nanhua asked, “I don’t know, can I still see the disciple who died a few days ago?”

Shen Qingxian replied: “It can be seen at the main peak. In order to trace this matter, we did not immediately deal with those disciples.”

After answering, Old Immortal Nanhua didn’t say much, and hurriedly pulled up Yang Jian and headed towards the heavenly secret Sect Leader peak.

In a courtyard near the main peak, Nanhua Old Immortal checked out the dead disciples one by one.

After that, he came to Lu Qianrou and the others and said, “Sect Leader, just as the old man guessed, the death of these disciples has long been secretly manipulated.”

Lu Qianrou hurriedly asked, “After that, will there be other disciples who will die?”

Old Immortal Nanhua shook his head lightly, and replied: “¨~No, but in my Heavenly Ji Sect, I have lost luck.”

“What’s the solution?” Lu Qianrou asked.

Old Immortal Nanhua pointed to the location of Taishang Cave and explained: “Someone took advantage of our precautions and set up a large array in the Taishang Cave to plunder luck.”

“And the death of those disciples is the mechanism that triggered the great formation.”

“Now, there are exactly eleven disciples, and the big formation has already started to the second step.”

“Is there a way to crack it?” Lu Qianrou also looked at the place of the heaven.

Shen Qingxian has already drawn his sword out of its sheath: “Will the teacher have a dangerous winter?”

The old man Nanhua first explained to Shen Qingxian: “Elder should not be a big problem.”

Then, he continued to look in Lu Qianrou’s direction.

“If you want to break this battle, you also need (Wang Hao) Tai Shang Elder to take the shot himself.”

“This formation is placed in the Holy Ruins Realm. It is not the Holy Ruins Realm and cannot be broken.”

When this person heard it, he understood the meaning of Old Immortal Nanhua.

“Then my Heavenly Jigsaw Sect will fall back to the sixth rank immortal gate because of a loss of luck?” Ye Lianxing looked at Taishang Cave.

“In a few years, it won’t be so.” Nanhua Old Immortal explained.

“A few years later, when the Qi Luck of the Heavenly Ji Sect is exhausted, it will swallow your own luck. At that time, the Heavenly Machine Sect will no longer exist.”

“A few years?” Yang Jian smiled contemptuously, “In a few months, I will be able to set foot in the Holy Ruins, if too high Elder can’t return by then, I will break through the battle and protect my Heavenly Mystery Sect in peace!”.

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