Chapter 202

After Lu Chen and Linglong left, they took advantage of the night to go all the way.

But I don’t know when, he broke into a dense forest.

At the same time, a system reminder appeared in front of Lu Chen’s eyes.

“Ding, the host broke into the forbidden area of ​​Mobai, the forbidden area is dangerous: severely dangerous!”

“Mobai Forbidden Land: Mobai Forest in the southeastern corner of Zhongzhou, where it is rumored that there is a fierce beast peacock inhabiting, and it is often regarded as a place of experience by the emperor of the fourth rank fairy gate.”

Lu Chen just glanced a few times before quickly closing the panel in front of him.

Lu Chen didn’t plan to stay in this Mobai forbidden area for a long time. He just used this to avoid the eyeliner of Extreme Emperor Sect.

But when Linglong appeared after this, there was already a slight movement in the surrounding woodland.

In the Mobai Forbidden Land, fierce beasts are rampant.

Ordinary people don’t catch a cold with Linglong’s breath, but those fierce beasts are not necessarily.

So the two of them walked along, although no beast dared to stop them, but there were countless eyes of beasts staring at them.

“Where is this place?” Linglong only realized something was wrong after walking out for a long time.

“Mo Bai Forbidden Land.” Lu Chen explained.

Linglong obviously hadn’t heard of this name, and after checking the surrounding atmosphere, she shook her head in disdain.

“If you don’t go deep, it shouldn’t cause the peacock’s idea?” Lu Chen thought in his heart.

The two walked out for a while, and the sky gradually began to recover, and a gleam of light appeared in the east.

Lu Chen and Linglong finally found an opportunity and began to rest on the edge of Mobai’s forbidden ground.

Seeing the fierce beasts still following her, Linglong simply got up and exuded a coercion against the fierce beasts.


After a dragon chant, most of the fierce beasts fled.

The rest were directly scared and lying on the ground, unable to move.

The coercion of the deep-sea dragon can make other beasts of the same level have no power to fight back. Where can there be any problems in dealing with these strange beasts in front of you?

But Lu Chen hurriedly stopped Linglong’s more excessive behavior: “Linglong, don’t say anything, so as not to attract people from the extremely emperor.”

Linglong squatted beside Lu Chen and asked, “Didn’t they scare them away before?”

When Lu Chen heard this, he smiled and said: “If you can scare away for a while, it may not scare you away.”

“If it is true as the supreme heaven said, I am afraid that soon, he will be able to react, and he can act on us unscrupulously.”

“Oh.” Linglong nodded, seemingly understanding.

Lu Chen did not continue to explain to Linglong, he stood up and looked at the edge of the Mobai Forbidden Land not far away.

“Leaving from the front, it is not far from the Nanshan Sect. If the Extreme Emperor Sect continues to chase, we will hide in the Nanshan Sect.”

“Old Ghost Nanshan?” Linglong thought of the name subconsciously.

Lu Chen slapped his head, how could he forget this.

However, now is not the time to struggle.

The only way to deal with the Emperor Sect was to borrow the Shoushan Great Formation.

Tianji Sect still needs a few days’ journey, and Nanshan Sect is right in front of him.

He kept saying that Lu Chen is Wang Chen, the great benefactor of Nanshan Sect, so he can’t slap his own face in front of all his disciples, right?

Moreover, it was just borrowing the Shoushan Great Formation, and when the crisis of the Spirit Sword Sect was lifted, the Supreme Emperor Sect would inevitably retreat.

If the Spirit Sword Sect could really be destroyed by Benlei Village so easily, then Lu Chen estimated that in the land of Zhongzhou, I am afraid that in the near future, the sky will change.

At that time, the Supreme Emperor was afraid that he would be overwhelmed, and he had no time to pay attention to him.

While Lu Chen was thinking about it, Linglong suddenly sniffed.

She reminded: “It seems, it’s the breath of that guy just now.”

“Who?” Lu Chen asked subconsciously.

“Supreme.” Linglong replied neatly.

Hearing this name, Lu Chen was choked by his own saliva.

He lowered his figure with Linglong, and began to expand Spiritual Sense to investigate carefully.

Soon after, Lu Chen reluctantly sat on the ground.

“It seems that the current situation of the Spirit Sword Sect is really bad.” Lu Chen said slowly.

“Now all around the Mobai Forbidden Land, there are disciples of Extreme Emperor Sect who want to leave here…”

Lu Chen said, turning his head and looking at the depths of Mo Bai’s forbidden ground.

“Linglong, do you want to hide in Nilin?” Lu Chen asked.

Linglong looked up and said with resisting eyes: “I don’t want it.”

Lu Chen had no choice but to pray for God to open his eyes, but don’t hit the fierce beast in this forbidden land.

The next moment, Lu Chen felt that the disciple of the Extreme Emperor Sect had already fumbled towards the forbidden area of ​​Mobai.

He quickly got up and said to Linglong: “Follow me, don’t go away.”

“There is a peacock in this Mobai Forbidden Land.”

But 2.4 never thought that Linglong said with a grin: “Peacock? Didn’t that happen to be swallowed by me?”

Swallowed one bite?

Lu Chen looked at Linglong suspiciously, and finally chose not to believe it.

In terms of bloodline, although the peacock is not as good as the deep-sea dragon, it is also a famous beast.

Besides, now, Linglong’s strength is only half, so where is the confidence to say such a thing?

“You don’t believe me?” Linglong felt Lu Chen’s weirdness and asked immediately.

Lu Chen hurriedly said: “Now is not the time to argue about this, it is better for us to avoid this place as soon as possible.”.

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