Chapter 206

The wind screamed, rolling up the fallen leaves in the woodland and drifting away with a rotten smell.

Lu Chen stood on the side of the peacock’s body, as if thinking about what to do next.

After making some investigations, Linglong determined that there were no other alien beasts hiding, and then slowly approached.

“Lu Chen, this peacock is now the meat on our cutting board, let us kill it.” Linglong said.

“If you don’t, just step away and let me swallow her in one bite.”

Lu Chen was really afraid of Linglong’s brain fever, so he did such a foolish thing.

He hurriedly waved his hand and said, “No!”

“Why not?” Linglong asked with his head held high.

Lu Chen took a closer look, and then slowly said: “This peacock is the late stage Cultivation Base of the Saint Ruins Realm anyway, if you swallow him like this, wouldn’t it be cheap to her~?”

“Then what do you say?” Linglong glanced at the peacock again, curled her lips and said, “You don’t see the beauty of other people, so you won’t go-do you?”

“Just what she is like now, can she have the strength of the Saint Ruins Realm-?”

Indeed, as Linglong said, the peacock has now been eroded by the poison.

Don’t say it is the Cultivation Base for the Holy Ruins Realm. I am afraid that it will be reluctant to save own life.

Lu Chen chuckled and looked down directly: “I have a way.”

After that, Lu Chen has once again crossed the Spiritual Qi into the Eight Treasure Glazed Pagoda.

“Do you want to return your luck to her?” Linglong immediately saw through Lu Chen’s intentions.

“Yes, but not all.” Lu Chen just allocated a little bit from his own tens of millions of luck, and introduced it into the peacock’s body.

Having luck and not having luck are two completely different encounters.

After seeing the air transported in, the peacock struggled.

Lu Chen was also at the same time, crossing into the Spiritual Qi and entering the peacock’s body.

Just in case, Lu Chen casually made a mark inside the peacock’s spiritual platform.

If it waits until the peacock wakes up and wants to do something to him, then Lu Chen will activate the mark.

After doing all this, Lu Chen clapped his hands and got up.

“Well, in no time, she will definitely be able to live and live, as for the future arrangements!”

“Talk about it,” Linglong said.

“I want to come to the extreme emperor sect has arrived nearby, when they arrive, let the peacock go to the extreme emperor sect as an enemy, we can also take the opportunity to get away, or…” Lu Chen explained.

Linglong thought for a while, and added: “The extremely imperial seal of the extremely emperor sect will also steal luck.”

Lu Chen just slapped his head: “I just said, I always feel that I have forgotten something.”

Later, Lu Chen made another mark on Peacock’s body.

“So, if the Emperor Emperor wants to steal luck, it needs my consent.” Lu Chen stood up again and said.

When all this was over, the peacock had slowly woke up.

She opened her eyes and saw Lu Chen in front of her for the first time.

I thought of the previous picture again in my mind, and the peacock’s face instantly became gloomy.

She was the king of the forbidden land in Mobai, and she was defeated in the hands of a human without even making a move today.

Lu Chen saw the peacock’s expression gradually becoming solemn, and quickly raised his hand and said: “Peacock Immortal, don’t be impulsive.”

“You are very toxic now, and it is thanks to us that we saved your life. It’s not grateful, why are you still in my heart…”

The peacock immediately interrupted: “I won’t be grateful to you!”

But on another thought, it should have been Lu Chen and Linglong who rescued her.

·· ····Find flowers······

Then she asked: “Let’s talk about it, what do you want me to do.”

Lu Chen knows that the peacock is in the way of Face, but this does not prevent it, and the peacock will still attack them.

Therefore, Lu Chen continued to remind: “Peacock Immortal, I would like to ask you to help me deal with a few people.”

“Also, don’t think about repenting, I’m already in your body and have made a mark, if it is…”

After hearing Lu Chen’s words, the peacock probed himself decisively.

The Peacock frowned and snorted after seeing a bondage in the Lingtai.

She wanted to get up, but found that her body was still weak and weak.

.. …… …….

Although she blocked the poison, it would obviously take some time to restore her previous strength.

“Who needs me to deal with?” Peacock asked.

Lu Chen looked at the woodland behind him and scanned it with Spiritual Sense.

“The people who entered the forest later are the fifth rank Sect people of the fairy gate in Zhongzhou. I just want to ask the senior to take action and stop them for me.”

Peacock’s familiarity with Mobai’s Forbidden Land is better than that of Lu Chen.

Therefore, after Lu Chen spoke, she also searched Mo Bai forbiddenly.

Sure enough, I really saw a few unusual auras appear.

Peacock did not refuse, nodded and said: “Yes, but what good can I have?”

Linglong smiled, and interrupted: “We have let you a way out and saved your life. Are these benefits not enough?”

When the peacock was startled, he was really embarrassed to speak again.

“Linglong, you help Daxian Peacock to get the toxins out of the body as soon as possible. I will first draw away the nearby people.” Lu Chen said.

At the next moment, Lu Chen turned around and swept away in the direction he came.


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