Chapter 227

The Eighteen Souls, who had been sucked out of all their luck, made their heads down and returned to the Supreme Emperor Sect.

At the gate of the Taichen Hall of the Supreme Emperor Sect, a group of people in red priest uniforms looked at these defunct little gangsters in front of them, Yin & Yang asked strangely: “How are you investigating the news this time?”

The Eighteen Soul Envoy knelt in front of these priests, begging: “My lord, we already know the abilities of several important figures in the Tianji Sect.”

“And Yan Elder has died here.”


The priest did not express a very satisfied look, and questioned with disdain.

“The body of Elder, can you bring it back?”

The Eighteen Soul Envoy only replied: “We have all brought it back.”

One of the priests gently waved his right hand, and Yan Elder’s body floated into the Taichen Hall.

Just as these priests were about to return to the Taichen Hall, the Eighteen Soul Envoy reluctantly persuaded: “My lord priest, please restore our luck. How do we say we are doing our lives for you…”

When the priest was about to close the door of the temple, they discovered that they actually dared to ask them for luck.

“How did you tell Lu Chen them before?”

“Begging for mercy from them, saying that you are nothing more than disciples from outside the territories, and now I still count on us to restore your luck! It’s just a dream!”

As soon as the priest’s voice fell, violent winds suddenly rose in front of the Taichen Hall. All the doors in the Taichen Hall were blown open by this gust of evil wind. The huge crimson crystal in the center of the hall burst into dazzling red light, followed by ten. The body of the Eight Soul Envoy seemed to be sucked in by a huge force.

“Become a sacrifice to His Royal Highness, you trash!”

“Do not!”

“Master priest, please spare your life.”

As the red light faded away, the body of the Eighteen Soul Envoy merged into this huge crimson crystal.

At this time, the priests closed the gate of Taichen Hall one after another, and each of them sat in their corresponding position.

When all the spells read resounded through the entire Taichen Hall, something like a human gradually appeared in the crimson crystal.

After a while of spells.

Situ Jun, the head of the eighteen priests, gradually walked towards the crystal, stroked the huge crystal, and looked at the people in the crystal with reverence.

“Fortune and sacrifices are far from enough.”

“But think about the Tianjizong people also got a lot, presumably, during this time, they have been fed enough.”

Situ Jun’s words are full of calculations and disdain. In fact, from the very beginning, the Supreme Emperor Sect did not use real power to deal with the Tianji Sect. It was nothing more than some foreign disciples and people who were given false names.

And between the lines in his words, he was actually saying that the people sent by the Supreme Emperor Sect before were just people from the Tianji Sect?

The Supreme Emperor had been hidden in the mountains and forests a hundred years ago. If it hadn’t been for accidentally found the remains of the Supreme Emperor, they desperately needed luck and sacrifices, I am afraid they would not be so easy to swagger through the market.

“Now as long as we take a shot and take everything in the Heavenly Secret Sect as our own, then the return of His Royal Highness to the world is just around the corner!”

“At that time, the Extreme Emperor Sect will become the strongest Sect in the Cangxuan Continent!”

The Tianjizong’s affairs on Yunhe Xianshan gradually became known to other immortals.

The fact that people from the Seven Great Immortals came to surrender before was also talked about with gusto by other immortal disciples.

You who were meditating in Taishang Cave were interrupted by Lu Qianrou who suddenly broke in…

“Too much Elder, a lot of Sect Leaders and Elders from Sect came outside, saying that they would surrender to us.”

You raised your eyes slightly, and said displeased: “You have to come and ask me about such a small thing? You are a Sect Leader.”

“I still want to hear your opinion.”

“Neither agree!”

Lu Qianrou was stunned by your decisive answer.

“But… some of them are…”


“But I…”

Lu Qianrou was stared at by one of your eyes.

“I see.”

Lu Qianrou’s ideas on the future development of Sect are still too good. Tianji Sect is originally the Sect with the strongest momentum on the Cangxuan Continent.

Now, if you still want to engage in the act of forming cliques, isn’t it just trying to attract the wind.

It’s better to cultivate yourself so that you can calmly face all the waves of the future.

The Tianji Sect, which is very popular with trees, has now been pushed to the forefront by people.

“Have you heard of it? Now this Tianji Sect is really defiant in 2.4. How many Xianmen sects want to surrender to them, but just make friends and say hello, but guess what! He refused all of them.”

“There is still such a thing? The Tianji Sect is not the Xianmen Sect. Why is it so difficult to talk, is it possible that he deliberately considers himself so high-minded, and then for some unspeakable secret?”

“It’s very possible, maybe, this day, Ji Zong will embark on the old road of Kunlun Shrine.”

“Shhh, these four words can’t be said!”

The two immortal disciples looked around nervously, and found that they hadn’t been discovered, so they were relieved. .

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