Chapter 250

“Huh! I don’t know what it is!” Tianshan Sect Leader roared.

Immediately, the own fairy disciple was preparing to leave with great vigor.

“Heavenly Mystery Sect, just wait for it to fall! The Evil Sect is already watching you, so you can do it yourself!”

After talking about the Tianshan Sect, all the people disappeared outside the Tianji Sect.

As they left, a large area of ​​cold air and snowflakes remained.

The Chiyan Wolf King hated snow the most, and a mouthful of fire directly melted all these snowflakes.

“Too Elder, why do you want to talk to her so accommodating? She is just…”

Lu Chen raised his hand and interrupted what Lu Qianrou was about to say.

“Lv Qianrou, the Sect Leader in Tianshan, she is at least a child grandmother who has been alive for thousands of years, and now whether it is the Sect Leader from the fairy door, she has to call her grandmother senior when she sees her.”

“In terms of seniority, what I said before is indeed a bit disrespectful.”

“Fortunately, you don’t know who she is, and she doesn’t seem to care too much. Otherwise, if her cold jade skills are really displayed here, I am afraid our Great Hall will become a Crystal Palace.”

Lu Qianrou didn’t expect that the 290 women who looked only in their twenties were actually a ‘thousand-year old monster’.

No wonder.

While Lu Qianrou was thinking this way, Lu Chen was worried.

“Too Elder, what are you thinking?”

“I was thinking, she said we were targeted by the evil sect before, and I was thinking about that evil sect.”

“Could it be the one in Ten Thousand Demon Valley?” Lu Qianrou asked.

At this time, Old Fairy Nanhua brought a group of Elders to the Great Hall.

“Da Luo Universe formation is not a Cultivation Technique.” Nanhua Old Immortal said.

“Sect Leader, too Elder, how was the situation just now?”

Lu Qianrou didn’t take the words of Tianshan Sect Leader to heart.

It’s just that Lu Chen’s heart muttered a little.

“Not optimistic.”

“Yesterday when the roar of the Red Flame Wolf King resounded through the world, we had already become the target of public criticism.”

“Now Tianshan Sect Leader actually tells us directly about the evil sect’s warning, and we say that we have to guard against it now.”

Several other Elders all began to help analyze the situation.

“That being the case, should we postpone our preparations for the fourth rank fairy gate?” Linglong asked.

“No!” Old Immortal Nanhua said.

“This will only give other people a way of being bullied.”

“It’s like being suppressed into a mentality that doesn’t dare to rise to the fourth rank. You can’t do this kind of thing.”

Everyone insists on their own words and has no results, and the only solution they can be convinced of is Lu Chen’s conclusion.

“Immediately finish the matter of raising the fourth rank fairy gate, fifty million luck, I will find a way, four thousand disciples, you come to select!”

After speaking, Lu Chen left the Great Hall and returned to Taishang Cave.

Lu Chen meditated in Taishang Cave, he was wondering where he would go to get so much luck.

With the passage of time, Tianjizong’s acceptance of disciples began to slowly be known by other immortals.

Within the Tianshan Sect.

“What? They want to speed up the promotion to the fourth rank fairy gate? Let’s dream!” Tianshan Sect Leader exclaimed.

“Too Elder, you dare to ignore my kindness, I now want you to know what it means to ask for trouble!”

“Send a few disciples to sneak into the Heavenly Secret Sect!”

Inside the Nirvana clan.

“People from the Tianji Sect are really courageous, aren’t they afraid of tearing their hips when stepping on such a big step?”

“In this case, I will leave you with this task, okay? General Shenwu?” Feng Ling said delicately.

A man in armor stood aside nervously.

“Yes… I know.”

“Seeing that our Shenwu general is scared, sweat is coming out. I ask you, do you want us to send a few sacred beasts to help you?”

“After all, our most real purpose is to get the Chiyan Wolf King.”

“Can you solve the entire Tianji Sect alone?”

General Shenwu looked at his broken hand.

“Daluo Universe formation, I can use it again, just to take this opportunity to get the Chiyan Wolf King back!”

Seeing that he was so confident, Feng Ling said in a charming voice behind his ear: “Come back early, I’ll wait for you.”

The Sect Leader of the Nirvana Sect looked at the affectionate appearance of the two with cold eyes.

“This Shenwu general will soon be wiped out, why are you wasting time on this kind of person?”

When Feng Ling saw him walking away, her face suddenly collapsed.

“What do you know, the hero is sad about Beauty, without my encouragement, do you think he can do these things willingly?”

“Your little man’s thoughts are pure, huh.”

When the people of the Tianji Sect were still recruiting disciples that day, countless golden lights burned from the nineteen peaks of the Tianji Sect.

Elder of Tianjizong didn’t know what he was doing for a while.

But just at this very moment, Old Immortal Nanhua looked at this familiar and somewhat unrememberable name formation and suddenly shouted.

“This is the Da Luo Universe array! Everyone! Flee into the air!”

For a time, all the disciples of the Tianji Sect flew into the air and looked at the huge formation under the Nineteen Peaks!

“Sure enough, we were targeted.”

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