Chapter 257

“This is the Blood Demon curse?”

“Han Yugong! Wanhua Ningshuang!”

Tianshan Sect Leader’s powerful Han Yugong directly sealed all the disciples in front of her, and she also hurriedly retreated to the main seat of own Sect Leader.

The power of Wanhua Ningshuang should not be underestimated. A disciple who was so hot that he was about to explode just now has been sealed by ice.

But gradually, a trace of steam appeared in Wanhua Ningshuang’s frozen world.

“how come?”

Tianshan Sect Leader looked at Own Cultivation Technique in disbelief, and there was no way to freeze them.

What is the origin of these disciples?

Why is there a Blood Demon curse on their foreheads?

Just as she was thinking about why own Wanhua Ningshuang had no effect at this moment.

All the disciples who were frozen by Tianshan Sect Leader burst in front of her one after another.

Countless ice dregs, mixed with hot and unpleasant blood, splashed around.

“This! You! Lu Chen!”

Tianshan Sect Leader roared!

The Jade Double Divine Bird heard the roar of the Tianshan Sect Leader, and kept wandering outside the Tianshan Temple, howling.

After returning to Tianjizong, Lu Qianrou asked quickly.

“How is it? You guys came back so early.”

Linglong pouted and shook her head.

It didn’t go well, the old witch was too good at talking.

“We have no way at all.”

Lu Qianrou didn’t say anything when she heard this answer, because she thought that if there was even a problem that could not be solved even by the presence of Elder, then there might be really no way.

While she was thinking this way, Lu Chen called all the Elders, including the big disciples of Jiufeng, to the main hall to give lectures.

After reminding everyone that at such an important moment in the Heavenly Machine Sect, everyone should be cautious, all the Elders stayed.

“Too Elder, Linglong, what have you experienced in the Tianshan Sect? Is it Tianshan Sect Leader? She is a dead duck with a hard mouth.”

Thinking of Tongma’s previous words, she was more than a stubborn mouth, she was slapped with sharp teeth.

“I am looking for everyone to come here only for one thing, that is, to be optimistic about the disciples of Jiufeng. I always feel that this thing is not so easy to end.”

Just as Lu Chen’s voice fell, a biting cold wind blew from outside the main hall.

Chiyan Wolf King barked frantically at the sky.

“Here is someone!”

Lu Chen listened to the barking voice of the Chiyan Wolf King, and hurried out of the main hall.

I saw Tianshan Sect Leader riding on a white divine bird.

After seeing him come out, she growled angrily.

“Blood Demon curse! Such an insidious spell, you use it at a loss!”

This is already Lu Chen hearing the name Blood Demon curse again during this period of time.

“Blood Demon curse? What are you talking about!”

“Lu Chen, don’t lie to me here! So many disciples! There are Blood Demon curses all over your body. It turns out that your Heavenly Secret Sect is such a powerful evil sect! Look at how I deal with you today!”

Although Lu Chen can imagine the scene faced by the Tianshan Sect Leader, aren’t these disciples the Tianshan Sect’s own people? How did the truth of this begin to become more and more complicated.

Had I wronged the wrong person from the beginning?

Just as Lu Chen thought about it, huge ice crystals floated down in the sky.

This is the ability of the Jade Double Divine Bird.

When a huge ice crystal was about to hit Lu Chen, the Chiyan Wolf King flew over and blocked this strike.. ….

The divine bird uttered a loud cry in the sky, and the Chiyan Wolf King roared directly at the sky and burst into flames.

Seeing the momentum, Tianshan Sect Leader jumped directly from the body of the god bird, and a crystal clear ice sword pierced Lu Chen straight.

The Chiyan Wolf King also wanted to protect his owner, but the Jade Double Divine Bird would not give it this opportunity.

The two Zhenzong divine beasts fought together.

Everyone looked at this scene and wanted to help, but they couldn’t intervene.

“Too much Elder! Be careful!” Lu Qianrou wanted to help Lu Chen, but Lu Chen berated.

“do not come!”

Lu Chen has to rely on his own power to compete with Tianshan Sect Leader!

“You evil sect, it’s no wonder that you can grow so quickly in a period of time.”

“It turned out to rely on these evil side sects! I will fight you for all the immortal sects today!”

The Eight Treasure Glazed Pagoda and the Ice Soul Sword wanted to collide, and a huge shock wave shook everything in the entire Tianji Sect.

The affected Sect Leader and several Elders all wanted to help, but they knew that this was a contest that was only 2.4 between Elder and Tianshan Sect Leader, and they couldn’t intervene at all.

“Tianshan Sect Leader, the Blood Demon curse was not what I did! On the contrary, in just a few days, we have also suffered a lot of Blood Demon curses!”

“Come less!” Tianshan Sect Leader roared.

“Do you think I will believe your nonsense?”

When the transparent body of the Ice Soul Sword burst into an ice blue cold light.

Tianshan Sect Leader has made up his mind now to want Lu Chen’s life!

“Bing Ning Shuanghua? Grandma Tong! Are you sure you want to do this?” Lu Chen asked.

“Oh, why do you want to beg for mercy, I tell you, there is no way! You just die for me!”.

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