Chapter 282

“Damn it! This Lu Chen!”

Shicheng held the Demon Sealing Sword in his hand in disbelief and waved it frantically around.

The huge Sword Qi chopped around.

For a while, crackling bombing sounds were heard in the training pavilion.

The disciple who heard the sound watched the own Sect Leader getting angry in the practice pavilion, and didn’t know what to do for a while.

“Go! Get out of here!”

The disciples all fled in fear, only a man with a long slender sword came in.

“Sect Leader, why do you need such a big temper?”

When Shicheng heard the profound voice of the Sword God, his tone suddenly slowed down a lot.

“Profound, you are here.”

“Sect Leader, what I have heard of today, you just need to tell me what to do?”

Shicheng said coldly: “Kill him! Lu Chen! He must die.”

In the Tianji Sect, the peaceful life of the days has given them a lot of leisurely time.

Lu Qianrou’s injury was almost healed under Lu Chen’s supervision.

When Nanhua was fishing, he suddenly saw countless red koi fishes appearing in the pond.

Old Immortal Nanhua looked at the way the blood-colored koi fish gathered in the pool, and couldn’t help but think of the scene of the blood pool before.

“Thinking about that day, it was really thrilling.”

But at this time, Old Nanhua seemed to realize something.

As the Nanhua Old Immortal rushed into the Sect Leader Pavilion and saw Sect Leader and Lu Chen, he quickly said: “Extreme emperor! Extreme emperor!”

The reminder of the old fairy Nanhua reminded Lu Chen of the blood pool world at that time.

“Old Immortal Nanhua, speak slowly.”

“Blood Demon curse is a move of the Supreme Emperor!”

Lu Chen thought about it that day, a man in fancy clothes took out a mirror, and the old Nanhua immortal immediately recognized that it was the extremely emperor black mirror.

“Old Immortal Nanhua, thank you for your reminder, but at present, the Extreme Emperor Sect has been massacred, and some foreign disciples of the Extreme Emperor Sect are just mobs.”

But Old Immortal Nanhua didn’t think so.

“No, since he can get the Extreme Emperor Black Mirror, it means that the Extreme Emperor Sect has not been destroyed, and there are still people in the true Extreme Emperor Sect.”

“Because the extremely emperor black mirror and the extremely emperor seal are not an artifact of the order of magnitude.”

“It’s a magical item that can contend with your Qianyuan magical spell! The person who can control this kind of Magical Item is not what Sect Leader Elder can imagine before!”

Lu Chen believes in the words of Nanhua Old Immortal, but there is no clue about the affairs of the Supreme Emperor. Where do they go to find these people?

“Old Immortal, the clues of the Supreme Emperor Sect have undoubtedly been broken since before. Now we have no other way to find them. Otherwise, I will leave this task to you. Anyway, you can know I can tell these things.”

“But Old Immortal, you have to remember that everything is safe first!”

Old Immortal Nanhua nodded.

“Don’t worry too much about Elder, I will be careful.”

A few days later, in the Nirvana clan.

In the sand room.

Feng Ling was kneeling down in front of a piece of sand.

Some strange words were painted on her face.

When she dipped her hands in a basin of black water.

The sand in front of her began to automatically assume the appearance of a magic circle.

There was a word in Feng Ling’s mouth, and the disciple next to her took out two people who were wrapped like rice dumplings from the box.

“Sacrifice, already attached!”

Immediately when the two sacrifices were placed on the magic circle.

Countless sand gathered around these people.

And four puppets emerged at this moment…

He looked like the previous Shenwu general.

Feng Ling took out her hand from the basin and wiped it in front of these people.

Immediately, people wearing the robes of Tianjizong appeared in front of them.

“Finally succeeded!”

“These disciples of the Tianji Sect are finally more alike.”

The Sect Leader behind Feng Ling asked, “What if you let these puppets hurt people?”

“First of all, the Great Immortal Sect will kill them directly.”

“And the fourth rank fairy gate, which is smaller than the Tianjizong, doesn’t exist at all!”

“It’s useless if you kill some fifth rank fairy gates.”

Feng Ling said disdainfully: “I said Sect Leader, do you really think I would be so stupid?”

“The Cultivation Technique attached to their bodies is not the Cultivation Technique of the Heavenly Machine Sect!”

“It’s Wu Shengzong’s Cultivation Technique!”

Nirvana Sect Leader asked in surprise: “What? Wu Shengzong’s Sword Technique? You really know how to learn and sell now. Now Wu Shengzong will not be able to destroy the Heavenly Secret Sect?”

In the Heavenly Machine Sect, Lu Chen in the Heavenly Cave of Supreme Beings is recovering deep breath. For the challenges of other fourth rank fairy gates in the future, 2.4 he has to ask for his own Qian Yuan Huan Ling to cultivate to the extreme.

But during this time it seemed to have encountered the bottleneck, no matter how he practiced, he failed to release the spirit body that had absorbed the blood pool.

At this time, a third-rank immortal door came to the front of the Tianji Sect.

The fierce lion roar resounded through the sky!

“People of the Tianji Sect! Get out of the labor and management!”

After a roar, the whole Tianji Sect was shocked.

Lu Qianrou came to him first.

But when Lu Qianrou saw the other person, she actually knelt down on one knee.

“Lion King senior!”


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