Fantasy: Villain Investment Rebate, Little Brother 30 Million

Chapter 228 The Bustling Bai Yujing, Three High-Ranking Persons

Manifest the will of heaven and earth? !

Tianzu was startled immediately, gratefully said: "Thank you Xuanzhu for the reward!"

Although the will of heaven and earth has not yet transformed into Heavenly Dao, it is almost the same as Heavenly Dao.

And the Eternal Realm is the seventh-order world, far less domineering than Daqian Heavenly Dao.

Once manifested for him, his speed of comprehending Heavenly Dao will be further improved.

Zhou Qingyun's mind moved slightly, the space suddenly rippled, and a portal appeared, leading to the consciousness space of the Eternal Realm.

Vigorous fluctuations emanate from the consciousness space, and endless thoughts and feelings are intertwined, forming a sense of indifference and grandeur.

"This is the will space of heaven and earth in the Eternal Realm. I open the authority to you, and you can enter cultivation at any time!" Zhou Qingyun looked indifferent.

The authority of the eternal world is in his hands, and God's will also respects him.

Therefore, he is not afraid that the ancestor of heaven will replace the will of heaven and earth in the eternal world.

Even if he is replaced by Tianzu, he must be respected.

Tianzu cupped hands said, "Thank you Xuanzhu, the old man will leave first!"

Zhou Qingyun nodded slightly.

Immediately, Tianzu slowly withdrew from the main hall.

After Lu Hongyi asked Zhou Qingyun for instructions, she also returned to the own hall.

Among the Great Hall, only Zhou Qingyun remained.

Looking at the quaint Feng Shui compass just now, Zhou Qingyun became thoughtful.

"The decaying low-level Great Thousand World, the gap with the Ten Thousand Spirits Realm is quite large! Is it directly connected to the Ten Thousand Spirits Realm, or connected to the Eternal Realm..."

"If you penetrate the world of all spirits, it will definitely strengthen its foundation and embezzle its authority. If you use the eternal world to penetrate, the eternal world is currently still a middle thousand world, unable to suppress the Kunwu world, and has a certain backlash risk ..."

After thinking for a while, Zhou Qingyun decided to devour the world of all spirits before invading the world of Kunwu.

After the preparations for Da Zhou are completed and he is promoted to the Celestial Dynasty, he can completely devour the authority of the Ten Thousand Spirits Realm.

At this time, Xiaotian's voice suddenly sounded.

[Reporting to the master, a son of destiny, a villain of myth, and a son of era joined Bai Yujing today, do you want to check? 】


It is really rare to join three high-ranking people in one day!

Zhou Qingyun's eyes moved slightly.

Xiaotian has connected with Bai Yujing's luck and is responsible for monitoring the abnormalities of all the disciples.

After all, Bai Yujing's purpose is to recruit the son of destiny and destiny villain, if a certain destiny or villain makes trouble, and he happens to be in Closed Door Training, then it's too late for him to cry.

And the investment system will remind him only when the investment demand is triggered.

Therefore, he has been asking Xiaotian to maintain Bai Yujing's supervision and operation.

Immediately, Zhou Qingyun did not check the three of them for the time being, but asked Xiaotian: "Xiaotian, how many persons have joined Bai Yujing so far?"

【Master, as of now, there are fifty-three destiny villains joining Bai Yujing! 】

[Among them, there are eleven legendary villains and four mythical villains! 】

[There are twenty-nine sons of destiny, six legendary sons of destiny, and four mythical sons of destiny! 】

[Two sons of the era! 】

In Zhou Qingyun's eyes, there was a flash of light, and he muttered:

"List in detail the names of the mythical persons and above!"

【Mythical destiny villain: Qin Xifeng, Gui Yi, Quinn, Feng Xingtian】

【Mythical son of destiny: Chen Wudi (in Samsara), Dichen, Ji Miao, Ye Jin, Lin Xuan】

[Sons of the Era: Tianchen, Chu Qinghan]

Zhou Qingyun had a little impression of Feng Xingtian and Ye Jin. Both of them belonged to the original Tianzu Palace and possessed the True Immortal Cultivation Base.

As for Chu Qinghan, he also knew about it.

Immediately, he retrieved the information of Ji Miao and Lin Xuan, and turned his attention to the outside world.


Examination Square.

Although the first assessment was extremely difficult, it couldn't stand the large number of creatures participating in the assessment.

Under the accumulation of huge numbers, there are still many creatures who have completed the first assessment

Therefore, the assessment square is very lively, and the race is no longer limited to the human race.

Many monster races also came to participate in the assessment after they took shape.

After all, Sacred Land and Yunchao, the only monster races in the world of all spirits, both chose to submit to Bai Yujing, and they could only choose to participate in Bai Yujing's assessment.

Today's assessment is no longer presided over by Xu Ling and Feng Tianhuang, but replaced by two floor-level Elders.

At this time, the two lines of the Dragon Pillar flashed.

"Ji Miao, the Immortal challenge failed!"

"Lin Xuan, the Immortal challenge failed!"

Seeing the two lines of divine inscriptions, boos immediately erupted from the square.

"Yo, I thought it was so ruthless, how long did it take to enter, and it failed!"

"Dare to challenge the fairy master at the same rank, isn't that humiliating yourself?"

"My cousin is currently a third-class disciple. I heard from him that since Bai Yujing opened the door to recruit disciples, no one has passed the mythical challenge, let alone an Immortal-level challenge!"

"These two are really arrogant. They chose the highest difficulty right away!"

"Hey, Immortal-level challenge, there is a fairy master in it, if you want to succeed in the challenge, I guess I'm dead!"


There are countless creatures in the assessment square.

Some have completed the assessment, and some are waiting for the assessment.

They all gloated and looked at the space portal of the assessment.

At this time, the space portal flickered.

Two figures slowly emerged.

One is a young man, wearing a black gold python robe, his resolute face is bloodless, and with his solemn eyes, he looks extremely embarrassed.

And not far from him is the graceful Ji Miao.

At this time, her expression was sluggish, her pretty face was pale, she was completely out of her former style, and instead she was extremely embarrassed.

She complained to the strategy system in her mind: "System, this fairy master of Bai Yujing is not normal. My Taoist body is a mythical personality. With so many tricks, I was killed in seconds. Are you sure this fairy master?" Is it the power of the Red Dust Fairy?"

From coming to Immortal World till now, she has not been instantly killed by anyone of the same rank.

Therefore, she is extremely depressed now, and she doubts the power of the projection inside.

But the strategy system did not answer her, but instead prompted:

"Mythical destiny detected, do you want to view the information?"

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