Faraway Survivor

Chapter 114 Interlude 43: The Fall Of The World Tree-2 ✔️

-We have a lot of guests over here, Septem. (Yoso)

Many beasts have surrounded Yoso and Septem.

-Tchh, annoying beasts. (Septem)

Septem immediately constructs a massive barrier to protect her surrounding.

-They can never pass this kind of barrier. (Septem)

Those beasts seem to have lost its mind and keep slamming themselves into the barrier.

-Woah, they have become so crazy! (Yoso)

Yoso keeps her playful tone and returns to look at the burning world tree.

-I wonder when will the tree return to dust. (Yoso)

A large crack gradually appears on the barrier. The barrier seems not to endure the attack of those beasts.

-Tchh. (Septem)

At the moment Septem tries to cast another barrier, a big white wolf jumps and tries to bite her. She instantly commands the nanomachine to turn to the big shield to protect herself. However, thanks to the chance the wolf created, the other monsters now can bypass the barrier and start attacking.

-Let me lend you a hand then, Septem. (Yoso)

-I can deal with it by myself. Just stay there. (Septem)

-Don't be stubborn and allow me to help you, idiot. (Yoso)

When Septem tries to activate the goddess realm, nothing comes out, no matter how hard she tries.

-I can't use it? (Septem)

-What do you mean? (Yoso)

-I can't use the divine power. (Septem)

Yoso's face suddenly becomes serious.

-This kind of phenomenon only happens when a part of "Him" or "Her" has descended. Ready to take the fragment of... (Yoso)

Not to let Yoso finished the sentence, the wolf appears again right in front of her and is ready to bite her head off. Yoso instantly constructs a barrier to defend the attack. The attack this time is much fiercer comparing to the previous ambush.

-Kuu! (Yoso)

>Warning: The world tree has been burnt down.

> Dark Crimson Phase (Special Blood Moon Phase) is activated.

> ??? is released. ??? has controlled 99% of the monsters in the forest.

> Give all unique missions to all intelligent individuals in the forest.

Yoso flies back because of the impact of the wolf's attack. The wolf's fur is now changing into a dark crimson colour.

-Runaway, Septem. I will become a decoy for you to escape. (Yoso)

-Why? (Septem)

-I can no longer exercise the divine power. It will be a danger for us to fight those beasts in this state. Those beasts are already infused with her "Divine Power." You can't kill them even if you go all out now. (Yoso)

-... (Septem)

-Go, this body is only one of my avatars. I can always make a new one. (Yoso)

-Fine.. (Septem)

Septem turns around and disappears in the mist. Yoso turns around and stares at the horde of monsters that surround her. The divine power comes from the fragment of "Her" has transformed their fur and skins into dark crimson colours.

-You beast. (Yoso)

Yoso fires a spell at those beasts to attract their attention. She strengthens her body using mana and starts running through the mist.

-It seems extremely effective to attract their attention. (Yoso)

Not only the wolf but also the snake, eagle and many kinds of monsters have attacked Yoso.

-Ahaha. It seems this is the end. (Yoso)

The mana inside the current avatar seems to run out. Yoso can no longer run away.

-Come, kill me! (Yoso)

If this situation continues, those beasts will destroy this Yoso's avatar.

-This is the end. (Yoso)

The moment Yoso gives up on the resistance, a small shadow jumps in front of her and tries to protect her.

Yoso seems to be surprised because she recognizes the identity of the girl in front of her.

-Farah? (Yoso)


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