Faraway Survivor

Chapter 144: The Mastermind-1 ✔️

After I defeated the girl called Septem and went through the door, I arrived in the hallway. The hallway is very spacious, and it has two more stairs connect to it.

-So this is the next floor! (Farah)

I walk to the stair and realize that I can't enter these stairs in the normal way.

-Huhm, I can't enter these stairs. (Farah)

Some kind of barrier seems to block me from entering these stairs. I look around to find another way out of this hallway.

-Master! (Beleth)

A shadow jumps out of the stair that I am looking at and hugs me. I can instantly see who it is.

-Beleth! (Farah)

-I miss you so much, master! (Beleth)

-Moh, we were separated only for a short time. (Farah)

-Ehehe, I miss your smell so much, master. (Beleth)

Beleth laughs while trying to touch all over the place on my body.

-Ehehehe. (Beleth)

-Hyaaa~ It's tickle Beleth. (Farah)

From the other stairs, I can hear a familiar voice.

-Pervert. (Mashiro)

-Eh! (Beleth)

Beleth instantly retracts her hands and looks toward the one come from that stairs.

-Mashiro? (Beleth)

The shadow only nods and walks toward Beleth. Behind Mashiro is a group of people that follow her side.

-Farah! (Lecia)

I instantly realize the person inside the group is Lecia. Lecia runs out of the group and goes right in front of me.

-Farah! You are safe. (Lecia)

I become anxious since Lecia is way different from her normal self. Her face has become pale, and I can recognize her eyes have become red because of crying. It seems like Lecia must have undergone something really unpleasant to turn her into this state. The other people in the group also have the same expression as her.

-Farah? (Lecia)

Even in this situation, she still tries asking about my situation first. I can't help but take the initiative to hug Lecia.

-Eh? (Farah)

I hug Lecia tight and pat her on the back.

-I'm sorry that I was not there when you were in danger. (Farah)

-...It's not your fault, Farah. (Lecia)

I can feel her shaking in my embrace. Lecia starts crying.

-I'm glad everyone includes you are still alive, Farah. (Lecia)

-Eh? (Farah)

I stroke her head and appease Lecia.

-You are safe now, Lecia. (Farah)

Lecia answer me while sobbing.

-Yes... (Lecia)

I don't know how much she had to endure when she was imprisoned by those black trees. It takes a while for Lecia to calm down.

-I'm sorry, Farah. (Lecia)

Lecia says with her bright red face.

-I'm sorry to let you see this ugly state of mine. (Lecia)

I reply to her.

-You aren't ugly at all. I find you quite cute on top of that. (Farah)

-Ah! (Lecia)

-If you find something bothering you again, please inform me so I can share a bit of your burden. (Farah)

Lecia slightly lowers her head and averts my gaze.

-Uhm. (Lecia)

-Mashiro, did you see that? (Beleth)

I turn around and notice Beleth is talking with Mashiro.

-Master is so professional in sweet talking with the girl, don't you think so? (Beleth)

-... (Mashiro)

Beleth leaves Mashiro alone then comes to my side to whispers into my ear.

-How many girls have fallen for you in that way, master? (Beleth)

-Eh! What are you talking about, Beleth? (Farah)

Beleth tickles me, despite everyone looking at us.

-You are playing innocent again, master? (Beleth)

-Nyaaa~ Stop it, Beleth. (Farah)

-I won't stop until the master tells me about it? (Beleth)

-Hyaa~ I don't understand what are you talking about, Beleth? (Farah)

Beleth won't stop until Mashiro tells her to. After that, Beleth and I went around and explained to the survivors about the current situation outside. Some of them started crying the moment they heard their camp was destroyed. Others people only stare blankly at the air and accept the truth.

-Thanks to the master, they have calmed down. (Beleth)

-Not really, I can merely calm them down is due to you, Beleth. You have gone around and talked with every single of them to appease their heart. (Farah)

Beleth scratches her head and answers.

-You don't have to thank me for that. I only did it on wimps, master. (Beleth)

Beleth scratches her head and continues.

-It's not the first time I have witnessed a situation like this. (Beleth)

-... (Farah)

I won't ask further since it's better to let Beleth tells voluntary.

-And master. (Beleth)

Beleth points at the Mashiro, who is currently standing alone in the corner.

-I think that girl needs some encouragement from you, master. (Beleth)

-Eh? (Farah)

-Some people in the group have witnessed Mashiro hand turned into the tree while she tried protecting them. (Beleth)

-Have they become afraid of her? (Farah)

-Yup. (Beleth)

I understand the situation and walk to Mashiro's side.

-Mashiro? (Farah)

-Away...Other...Scare...Me...Communicate...You. (Mashiro)

The girl seems to notice that people in the group fear her. I instinctively place my hand on her head.

-Ah, I'm sorry. (Farah)

When I try to retreat my hand, Mashiro instantly holds it and doesn't let it go.

-Pat...Warm. (Mashiro)

I smile and continue patting her. While I'm in patting sessions with Mashiro, some people approach our side.

-Uhm, I want to say thanks for saving us. 

After saying that, that person returns to their group. But it's just the start since many more people approach us and say thank you to Mashiro.

-People seem to be thankful to you, Mashiro. (Farah)

Mashiro only nods without replying to me. I can see a faint smile forms on her face.

-Thank to master the other people have become less wary of Mashiro. (Beleth)

-How is that possible? (Farah)

-What is better than looking at two cute girls patting each other? (Beleth)

-Pervert! (Mashiro)

-Hey, I have done nothing pervert yet. Don't mock me like that, Mashiro! (Beleth)

When I'm laughing at the interaction between Beleth and Mashiro, a notice suddenly appears right in front of us.

>Please select the three people who come from your group to proceed to the next floor.


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