Faraway Survivor

Chapter 16 Interlude 8: Wish of Firefly-2

Arpetio takes me back to her house. She leads me to a room and tells me:

-My husband used to use this room a lot, but he is not here now. So freely use this room as you wish. I will help you clean this room tomorrow. (Arpetio)

I nod to her advice and come straightly to the bed inside the room.

-It's soft, isn't it? (Arpetio)

-Yes... (Hina)

-Well then, it's time to sleep. Good night, Hina. (Arpetio)

-Good night. (Hina)

I slowly sink my body into the bed. It's the first time I sleep on a bed, and it's so warm and soft. I wonder how long this "dream" will last?


-Wake up, Hina. (Arpetio)

Something tries touching my body. I immediately use my hand to form a defensive state for my body. However, it moves and pats my head instead?

-No one is going to hit you, Hina. (Arpetio)

I slowly open my eyes; it's Arpetio in front of me.

-Hina, it's safe here. (Arpetio)

I slowly relax my body, and I slowly notice that I am currently in Arpetio's house. Arpetio smile at me:

-It's time for breakfast. (Arpetio)

Arpetio makes breakfast for me. The breakfast consists of ham and cheese which noble usually eat. I immediately start eating right away, it tastes much better than the hard bread I usually eat since I was young.

-You can eat it slowly, here is your water for you. (Arpetio)

-Mghhh~ (Hina)

-You can talk after you finish eating. (Arpetio)

I never thought that one day I could be able to eat this kind of meal.

-Since you have become my handyman, we will have a lesson after breakfast. (Arpetio)

Arpetio takes me to the room with a blackboard in it; she starts teaching me how to spell words and write words. At the noon, she teaches me how to identify medicinal herbs and poison herbs.

After that, we have dinner, and she tells me that she would take us to someplace after we finished our dinner.

-Hina, you need to wear these before you go out. (Arpetio)

In front of me, there are new shoes and clothes. She smiles:

-It's just for you. (Arpetio)

It's the first time that someone gifted me something. I changed into new clothes and follow Arpetio. She takes me to the mountain.

-Since tomorrow, you will start going to the mountain with me. Your main job is helping me find medicinal herbs, Hina. (Arpetio)

-Yes... (Hina)

After a long walk, we finally reach the lake. No light around the lake makes it hard to see clearly.

-Hina, have you considered having a pet name? (Arpetio)

-Huh? (Hina)

-It's a name that you use with the people you trusted. (Arpetio)

-Trust? (Hina)

-How's the name Hotaru sound? (Arpetio)

I'm confused about Arpetio's statement. Is the name really important? So the name even has a different meaning?

-Hotaru means firefly. Since I want you to have your freedom and shine as much as you can in your life. (Arpetio)

-Hotaru... Freedom. (Hina)

-Look at there! (Arpetio)

I follow where Arpetio points. The lake begins lighting up, a thousand small lights start going around the lake. Just from a moment ago, the lake still dark, now it has become so beautiful.

-Pretty isn't it? Those are fireflies! (Arpetio)

I point at those lights then point back to me.

-Me... Hotaru... Light. (Hina)

-Yes, that's right. (Arpetio)

Arpetio pats my head:

-Do you like that name? (Arpetio)

I feel something inside me. It's different from anger or hatred when I am being hit and bullied. It just feels so warm inside me like yesterday, water starts flowing out of my eyes?

-This...? (Hina)

Arpetio hugs me.

-It is called crying. You cried when you sad or even happy. (Arpetio)

-Crying..? (Hina)

-Yes, you are crying. (Arpetio)

I can't stop the current emotion inside me. I just cried out loud:

-Aghhhh~ Wahhhhhh (Hina)

Arpetio keeps hug me and say nothing.

-Aghhhhhh~... (Hina)

That night, I kept crying until I was exhausted and lost consciousness. Arpetio piggyback me back to the house after I faint.

On the next day, we start class as usual from the morning until noon. And Arpetio takes me to the mountain to watch the firefly at night again. It has been seven years since I was born, but this time I'm not feeling lonely anymore. It's warm to have Arpetio by my side.


Three years have passed.

I slowly walk inside Arpetio's house and put the basket of herbs down:

-Hey Grandma, I got your herbs of yours for today. (Hina)

-It sounds so old. Can you stop calling me Grandma, Hotaru? (Arpetio)

-It's fit your appearance though, Grandma. (Hina)

-Heya, Hotaru you become more foul-mouth comparing to the first time you came here. I remembered a little girl who first came here is timid and listened to everything I said. (Arpetio)

-Pssh, past is the past, grandma. I act as the pet name you give me. Act freely as I wish. (Hina)

Grandma hits my head:

-Everything should come in moderate, Hotaru. How's the job I ask you to do? (Arpetio)

-I already sent the mail you gave me through the post office. (Hina)

-Well done, Hotaru. (Arpetio)

I pouted and say:

-The people at the office glare fiercely at me when they see the sign on my neck. (Hina)

-You already familiar with it, isn't it? (Arpetio)

I come and hug grandma:

-Meh, I don't care about them. What I need is just grandma. (Hina)

-Hah, now you act like a kid again. (Arpetio)

-Hey grandma, you sent to mail to grandpa again? You still aren't tell me his name and what is he doing? (Hina)

-He said he wanted to tell you by himself. However, I will give you a hint. (Arpetio)

-Hint? (Hina)

-Mine and his name come in pair. And he is very good at finding things. (Arpetio)

-Moo, it's still so hard to guess his name and occupation. (Hina)

Grandma slowly releases me from hug:

-Your workload increased a lot recently, Grandma? (Hina)

Grandma's face becomes serious for a moment:

-Some disease happens right now, so I can't be lazy. If I can find the cure sooner, I can save more people. (Arpetio)

-Grandma... (Hina)

-No worry, I will finish the cure soon, so we can go and play at the lake again. (Arpetio)

-Hooray! (Hina)


At the Acedian's barrack:

-Our people keep dying at this rate. Has our doctor found the cure yet? (Guard Captain)

-Captain, I just got a letter from the capital. (Guard A)

-Give it to me. (Guard Captain)

After reading for a moment, the captain's face becomes rough:

-What did it say, captain? (Guard B)

-They plan to blame this disease happen due to the doctor? They think the doctor has been influenced by the mage and create this disease. So the order is to purge the doctor along with the mage. (Guard Captain)

-What kind of nonsense is this? The doctor has saved us a lot. She even tries to stop the disease. (Guard C)

-If we don't settle this matter soon, the royalty will command the royal army to "purge" us. (Guard Captain)

The atmosphere of the guard becomes heavy.

-I have to do it even it's wrong. Let me do this alone; you guys can stay in the barrack. (Guard Captain)

-Captain..... (Guard A, B, C)

-My hand is already soaked in the blood. Do one more dirty thing won't change much. (Guard Captain)

The captain thinks of the slave girl. She has changed a lot recently year, she is not like the evil mage I often heard about. She is like an innocent chick who learns how to walk when she first came to Arpetio.

The guard captain looks at the sky and think:

-Sorry girl. If you want to blame, please blame this planet. (Guard Captain)


P/s: This chapter is even longer than normal chapter o(╥﹏╥)o.

The next chapter will be the conclusion of Hina's past.

Thanks for reading ≧◡≦.

Some of Hina's info in the Bio has been updated.

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