Faraway Survivor

Chapter 163: Gift Time-1 ✔️

It has been a day since the date with Beleth. Others become surprised when they noticed Beleth took me on a date. And as a punishment for go on a date with Beleth alone, I promised them to make the food they like most on the next day.

-Hyaaa~Silly sister. (Mia)

Currently, the twins are sleeping while hugging both of my arms. They insisted on sleeping with me since I came back from the date last night.

-Moh, I can't move at all. (Farah)

The twins are holding me tight and make me unable to move at all.

-Ehehe, sister. Leave it to me, Sister. I will be the one who leads you to the door of the adult. (Mia)

I can't help but reach out to Mia and pinch her cheeks.

-Moh, What's this girl talking about? (Farah)

The twins are currently wearing the pyjamas that I purchased on the date with Beleth. Amy is wearing the one that makes her look like an angel, while Mia is wearing the devil pyjamas.

-These two are so adorable in these clothes. (Farah)


Kyu, the one who was sleeping right beside me, woke up because I was talking too loud. I reach out to caress her head.

-Sorry for waking you up, Kyu. Let's sleep together again. (Farah)

Kyu seems to grasp what I said. She rises and walks toward my chest and chooses it as the sleeping spot.

-This time, I can no longer move at all. (Farah)

I have no choice but to close my eyes and start sleeping.


After having an adorable night with the twins and Kyu, we return to our usual routine the next day. Stolas insists on guarding me as natural.

-You can take a break today, Stolas. (Farah)

-Guarding you is taking a break already, master. (Stolas)

-You are stubborn as always, Stolas. (Farah)

Stolas merely nods without answering me.

-Moh~ (Farah)


Kyu is currently using my head as her exclusive seat.

-I feel you are considerably heavier lately, Kyu. (Farah)


-Have you gained weight, Kyu? (Farah)

Stolas stands beside me to answer instead of Kyu.

-Master, as my observation Kyu has gained 2 kg lately. (Stolas)


-Kyu, It's really bad for your health if you gain weight like this. (Farah)


-From this moment, I will limit your pudding serving to once every three days. (Farah)

-Kyuuuuu! Kyuuuuu!

Kyu seems not to like my suggestion at all. I try stroking her to appease her angry.

-It's for your own good, Kyu. (Farah)


-Anyway, I have to gift the other souvenirs that I bought for them. (Farah)

The first target of mine is Lecia. I have asked others about when Lecia usually takes a break. It doesn't take long for me to arrive at Lecia's tent.

-Lecia~ (Farah)

I peek my head inside the tent and notice Lecia is enjoying her tea time.

-Oh, Farah, Kyu and Stolas. Please come in. It's currently my break time. (Lecia)

-Please don't mind me~ (Farah)

I look around and notice there are a lot of papers inside the room. Lecia seems to catch my stare and answers me.

-Sorry for the messy room, Farah. (Lecia)

-No worry. Can I help you sorting out all these papers? (Farah)

-Eh? (Lecia)

I smile and tell Lecia.

-I'm free after all. Let me help you, Lecia. (Farah)

-I will be in your help then, Farah. (Lecia)

After helping Lecia ordering all of her paperwork, Lecia offers me to stay with her for a while.

-Hehe, the tea is so delicious. (Farah)

-I'm glad that you like the tea that I brew. (Lecia)

While I'm enjoying the tea, Lecia reaches out to pat my head.

-Uhm~ (Farah)

-Please don't mind, Farah. You can continue enjoying your tea. (Lecia)

I smile and lean against Lecia's hand. I can feel her warmth through her rough hand that has experienced many battles. When I stare at Lecia, she becomes shy and tries to avoid my line of sight.

-Anyway, Farah. It's rare for you to come to my place so suddenly like this. (Lecia)

-Ahh! (Farah)

I almost forget my original purpose of coming here. I take out the gift from the dimension pocket. It's a box that has been wrapped nicely with a blue ribbon.

-Can I open it now? (Lecia)

-Uhm. (Farah)

Lecia opens the wrap slowly and finds out a pen inside the box.

-A pen? (Lecia)

I smile and tell her.

-I saw that your pen is quite old. Therefore, I want to buy you the new one. (Farah)

-Is that so? (Lecia)

Lecia replies to me.

-You are full of mystery as always, Farah. You can find a pen out of nowhere. (Lecia)

-Eh! (Farah)

Lecia puts the index finger on my lips.

-You don't have to tell me, Farah. (Lecia)

A faint smile can see on Lecia's face.

-I will treasure it, Farah. (Lecia)


Kyu suddenly pops up between us. She puts two hands on each of our faces.

-I didn't forget about you, Kyu. (Farah)

-Kyuuu! Kyuuu!

-Anyway, I need to resume my work. I will see you at lunch, Farah. (Lecia)

-See you then, Lecia. (Farah)

I walk out of the tent with Stolas and Kyu.

-Oh, Farah! (Beleth)

-You are here, Beleth. (Farah)

Right after I went outside of the tent, I found Beleth. When our eyes meet, our faces instantly become red when we remembered about yesterday. Stolas, the one who has been silent so far, speaks out loud.

-It's inappropriate for you to address your master by name like that, Beleth. (Stolas)

-Heh. (Beleth)

Is it only I notice, or today mood between these two is unusual?

-You must follow the code of demoness to respect your master by avoiding calling her name. (Stolas)

-But you know, there are a few demonesses who don't follow those codes at all. (Beleth)

-They are different. Since you are my friend, I bear the responsibility to fix your habit. (Stolas)

Beleth smirks and asks Stolas.

-Are you perhaps jealous, Stolas? (Beleth)

Stolas suddenly flinches at the Beleth's statement. Beleth bends down and whispers something in Stolas' ear.

-Anyway, I need to help Lecia with paperwork. I will see you guys later. (Beleth)

-See you, Beleth. (Farah)

Beleth went inside of the tent. I turn around and find Stolas is still frowning. I reach out and hug one of Stolas' arms.

-Let's go, Stolas. We still have other places to visit. (Farah)


Thanks for reading OwO

There will be one more chappy tonight.

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