Faraway Survivor

Chapter 166: Interlude 62 The Heart Once Closed-2 ✔️

Before I step inside the summoning circle, I wonder what my new master will command me? Will she yearn for destruction or slaughter like that "Man."

-Am I afraid of myself? (Stolas)

Since I had become the servant under that "Man," I must follow unreasonable orders like slaughtering many people. I had killed millions of innocent people. Every time I killed an innocent person, I feel like I have lost a part of myself.

-But what can I do? (Stolas)

If I didn't follow his order, that "Man" would kill everyone. Only a few people could ignore his order and choose not to follow it. They can resist the order because they can easily overpower that man with their strength. One of those few people is my friend, Beleth.

-I envy Beleth, who has everything. She can protect her people with her strength. (Stolas)

Why did she make a contract with that "Man" even if she possesses that much power? Why can't I become strong like her? The inferiority complex was gradually born inside me.

I grasp my hand and think about the past. I thought about the moment Beleth confessed to me.


-I like you, Stolas. I know that behind the cold mask of yours is a kind heart. (Beleth)

What do you mean by that, Beleth? You know nothing about me!

Beleth tries reaching out to me.

-You know nothing about me, Beleth! Don't speak nonsense like that. (Stolas)

And what I can feel from her is the rivalry and the complexity between her and me. The girl in front of me had confessed to 98 women before she confessed to me.

-Ahaha, I guess I have failed again. (Beleth)

-Can you stop your joke, Beleth? (Stolas)

-What do you mean by that, Stolas? (Beleth)

-You don't really love me, do you? (Stolas)

-... (Beleth)

-Unlike you, my eyes can see through other people's souls. I know the real reason that you confess to me, Beleth. (Stolas)

-I only want... (Beleth)

-Shut up! (Stolas)

I glare at Beleth in front of me. I have asked myself how long since I can feel my emotion clearly like that. In her eyes, I can feel there is no love when she says the confession to me.

-Don't pity me! Because I'm weak! (Stolas)

She becomes surprised when I say that.

-I envy you, Beleth. I envy the power you have with no effort. (Stolas)

Beleth's face shows pain when she hears my statement. Deep inside me, I know I'm a bad girl. I'm hurting the friend that I treasure most. But I must show the reality to both of us.

-And I know the thing common thing between 98 other girls me you confessed to. (Stolas)

-You know... (Beleth)

-The thing we have in common is we can't solve a particular problem by ourselves. (Stolas)

I glare at her.

-I don't need that pity. Your way of helping is wrong, Beleth. (Stolas)

-... (Beleth)

-You will hurt the one you truly love with a half-hearted confession like that. (Stolas)

Beleth has a regret on her face. I know Beleth wants to help me, but she can't lend her help for no reason because both of us are rulers. But with her doing, it will end up hurting both of us.

-I'm sorry, Stolas. (Beleth)

-I'm unworthy of your apology, Beleth. (Stolas)

-Why...? (Beleth)

-As I said before, I envy the power you have. (Stolas)

I turn my back at Beleth and try to leave.

-When I become strong as you, we will stand by side as a genuine friend. (Stolas)

I leave Beleth behind and return to my kingdom. When I'm back in my room, I begin cursing myself.

-Why did I cry this time? (Stolas)

Is it because I feel Beleth didn't look at me properly as a friend? Or is it because I despise myself to reveal emotion to others?

-It may be both. (Stolas)

I make up my mind.

-Never! Never let your emotion come out again. (Stolas)

I unconsciously hug myself. Meeting Beleth helps me ease that lonely feeling.

-A perfect ruler can only rely on yourself. (Stolas)

I reach my hand toward the ceiling.

-Empty your heart. You will become a perfect ruler again. (Stolas)

Put your people above your being, Stolas. Only with that mindset, you can bring the smile to my people. And you can fulfil your promise with "Her."

Not long after that, I can finally find the peace that I wish to obtain.

-You don't have to think about anything when you are on the battlefield. It's the peace I wish to obtain. It's the most efficient method of casting aside the unnecessary call of emotion. (Stolas)

Beleth sometimes gives me a concerned look. I know she still feels apologetic after hurting me like that. But I chose to ignore her since I only have one goal in my mind right now.

-Become stronger. (Stolas)


I need to stop thinking about the past. I stare at the summoning circle in front of me and walk inside it.

I make a curtsy bow and pick the hem of the skirt to greet my new master. When I raise my head, I can find a cute girl with pink hair. Is it my new master?

-Greeting my master! Great Fairy Princess Stolas will be at your service. (Stolas)

I can only describe my new master with one word "cute."She possesses an innocent look, and more importantly, this girl's soul is unique. It's a mysterious feeling, but somehow I feel warm just by standing next to her.

From her face, I can feel she is pondering why she summons me, a fairy princess instead of other demonesses. I didn't even need to use my racial skill here to grasp her thoughts.

-I differ from the typical fairy, master. (Stolas)

That's how I meet my new master, Farah.


Thanks for reading OwO

Next chapter will also be about our Stolas

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