Faraway Survivor

Chapter 172: The Plan Fail In The First Step ✔️

Farah's POV.

I'm currently having dinner with everyone in the dining hall.

-Nom~ The steak is really delicious today. (Farah)

Beleth sits on my left side also praises the steak.

-You are right, Farah. (Beleth)

Lecia sits opposite of me also comments about the steak.

-The chef made our steak today from the prey that the enormous mist wolf caught for us. (Lecia)

-Eh! (Farah)

-He seems to like you, Farah! (Lecia)

I shake my head and try to deny it.

-I think he merely does that because he appreciates I release him from the black mist curse. (Farah)

I peek down under the table and stare at the Kyu is having a delicious meal.

-Since he is Kyu's father, so I think he wants Kyu to eat something delicious. (Farah)


I reach out and pat Kyu's head. Kyu stops eating and leans her head against my hand.

-Is that right, Kyu? (Farah)

-Kyuuu! Kyuuu!

I can only smile when I see Kyu like this.

-Kyu is healing me~ Ehehe. (Farah)

Nina talks to Lecia who sits next to her.

-Farah is cute, isn't she? (Nina)

I am surprised by the sudden compliment that came from Nina and blush.

Ano, who is reading a book at the corner of the table, suddenly says.

-You should stop teasing our Farah, Nina. (Ano)

-You are no fun, Ano. Let me tease her a little more. (Nina)

Ano ignores Nina and continues to focus on the book she is reading.

-You are ignoring me again, Ano. (Nina)

Stolas sits on my right side speaks out her thought.

-You guys should focus on finishing the meal. (Stolas)

Because of Stolas' statement, the atmosphere becomes awkward. Beleth witnesses this situation can't help but laugh out loud.

-So serious as always, Stolas. (Beleth)

Stolas frown and stares at Beleth.

-What? (Stolas)

Beleth smiles and replies to Stolas.

-You are causing everyone trouble by doing that, Stolas. (Beleth)

Stolas has a troubled face when she heard Beleth told her that.

-Is that so? (Stolas)

I reach out and pat Stolas' head while replying to Beleth.

-Our Stolas is learning about the new emotion, you know. Don't bully her, Beleth. (Farah)

-I think you start to spoil her too much recently, Farah. (Beleth)

I continue to pat Stolas' head and deny it.

-Moh, I don't think so, Beleth. (Farah)

I suddenly hear a crash noise come from outside.

-Sister! (Amy)

When I turn to the owner of the voice, I can find Amy with a tired look. I stand up and run to her side.

-What's wrong, Amy? (Farah)

-Mia has gone missing, sister! (Amy)

Amy breathes heavily and tries to continue talking.

-Eh? Calm down first, Amy. (Farah)

-I'm sorry about that, sister. (Amy)

It takes a while for Amy to calm down.

-Can you tell me the entire story now, Amy? (Farah)

Amy nods and starts retelling the entire story.

Beleth is the first one to speak out.

-So you guys choose to separate in the middle of this mission. Why did you guys choose to do that? (Beleth)

-Because Mia proposes we can complete the work much faster if we separate from each other. (Amy)

-Anyway, we should prioritize finding Mia first. (Farah)

The others also seem to agree with my decision. We go out and start looking around the forest to find the trace of Mia.

-I can't feel the trace of Mia's mana. (Stolas)

-Farah, you go that way. We will try to find her trace this side. (Beleth)

-Okay. (Farah)

I separate from others and head to the opposite site. The only one who follows me is Kyu.


-Can you find her using your nose, Kyu? (Farah)

Kyu shakes her head.

-It's so hard to find Mia this way. (Farah)


-What's wrong, Kyu? (Farah)

Kyu seems to hold up her power and growls adorable noise echo through the entire forest.


After Kyu growls, the mist wolves surround us.

-Woah, there are a lot of them. (Farah)

Kyu stares at them and barks at them.

-Kyuuu! Kyuuu!

After hearing Kyu's barking, those mist wolves once again disperse and return to the forest.

-Did you ask them to help me find Mia? (Farah)


Another hour passes, and we still can't find any trace of Mia.


-It's not your fault that we can't find her, Kyu. (Farah)


-Human? (Mashiro)

I turn around and see Mashiro stands right next to me.

-What...Doing...Human? (Mashiro)

-Ah, we are trying to find a missing person.

-Human...Missing? (Mashiro)

-Yes. It's a little girl with short hair. (Farah)

Mashiro signals me to follow her.

-I...May...Find. (Mashiro)

-Eh? Please lead me to her place, Mashiro. (Farah)

Mashiro nods and guides me to the newly grown world tree in the middle of the forest.

-Intruder...Tree... Catch. (Mashiro)

Mashiro points at the small hole near the world tree.

-Kyu, let's dig it with me. (Farah)


What we found in the hole is Mia. The tree's root is tying her, and doesn't let her go. I can feel the tree's root continue sucking her mana out of the body. It doesn't suck much, but only enough to not let her mana leak out.

-Mia! (Farah)

Mia gradually uncovers her eyes and notices I'm currently in front of her.

-Sister! (Mia)

Mia starts crying and trying to hug me in the earnest.

-Don't worry, Mia. I'm here with you now. (Farah)

It takes a while for Mia to stop crying. I take this chance to ask her about the reason make she is stuck in this place.

-I can't answer that, sister. (Mia)

-You can tell me whenever you want then. (Farah)

-Uhm. (Mia)

Right at the moment when I try to go back with Mia, a piece of paper falls out of her body. I pick the paper up and read it.

-Recipe to make the "Love Potion", and the ingredient is the root of the world tree? (Farah)

-... (Mia)

-This is the reason you asked to be separated from Amy, right? Then you tried to get the tree root but got caught by it instead.

Mia tries to avoid my eyes of sight when I said that. I pick Mia up and lie her on my thighs.

-Sister? (Mia)

I start hitting Mia's butt with my hand.

-Hyaaaa~ I'm sorry. (Mia)

-You are a bad girl, Mia. (Farah)

-I'm sorry, sister. Please forgive me! (Mia)

I continue spanking Mia until she realizes her fault. After that, we are going back to the camp and reunite with everyone.


Thanks for reading OwO

There will be one more chapter tonight~

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